HomePersonal FinanceNew Single Composite Claim Form - EPF Withdrawal Simplified

New Single Composite Claim Form – EPF Withdrawal Simplified

EPF withdrawal process is simplified now. New one pager composite claim form is introduced to withdraw EPF. Now EPF subscriber can withdraw EPF using single composite claim form. No other documents or attestation of employer required. This is as per new rule formulated by EPFO.

Last year three different forms Form 19, Form 10C and Form 31 (Aadhar based and Non Aadhar based) were introduced for UAN based system. The old forms are discarded now and new one pager form will be used now EPF withdrawal. This will simplify withdrawal process and also reduce paperwork. Let’s understand simplified EPF withdrawal process and New Single Composite Claim Form.

Also Read – E-Nomination Facility EPFO Portal

EPF Withdrawal Simplified Process

EPF withdrawal process Before

Non UAN Based subscriber –

An old process used for EPF subscriber with Non UAN based account is described below.

  • The employee needs to select and fill up the form based on withdrawal purpose.
  • Three different forms were in use Form 19 for EPF Final settlement, Form 10C for EPC benefits and Form 31 for EPF Partial withdrawal.
  • The form along with additional documents such as 68B,68H,68K or 68L were submitted to EPFO.
  • EPFO was sending these forms and documents to the employer for verification.
  • After verification employer again submit the form to EPFO for settlement.

The entire process is cumbersome and time-consuming. Employer cooperation is mandatory in above process.

UAN Based KYC complied subscriber –

An old process used for UAN based KYC complied EPF Subscriber is described below.

  • The Employee needs to select Form 19, Form 10C or Form 31 based on withdrawal purpose.
  • Duly filled form along with documents needs to be submitted to EFPO by subscriber.
  • EPFO settles the claim.

Also Read – How to Update EPF KYC Online?

The process was faster. However, selection of form and submitting additional documents were concerns.

EPF withdrawal process Now

composite claim form

Non UAN Based subscriber –

A New process based on the composite claim form is described below.

  • The Employee needs to fill up and submit composite claim form irrespective of withdrawal purpose to EPFO.
  • EPFO will send a form to the employer for verification.
  • After verification employer again submit the form to EPFO for settlement.

No additional documents are required. A single form will be used for the settlement.

 UAN Based KYC complied subscriber –

New process used for UAN based KYC complied EPF Subscriber using composite claim is described below.

  • The Employee needs to fill up and submit composite claim form irrespective of withdrawal purpose to EPFO.
  • EPFO settles the claim.

The new composite claim from can be downloaded from EPFO website.

Composite Claim Form for EPF Withdrawal

The claim form has two variant Aadhar based and Non Aadhar based.

Aadhar based form –

The screenshot of Aadhar based composite claim form is given below.

composite claim form aadhar

  • This Aadhar based claim form can be used only for UAN Based KYC complied subscriber.
  • The simplified form asks for nine basic information which includes UAN number, Aadhar Number, Purpose of withdrawal, PAN card number and postal address.
  • You need to specify the amount and authorize the form by signing.

Non Aadhar based form –

The screenshot of Non Aadhar based composite claim form is given below.

Composite Claim Form Non Aadhar

  • Non Aadhar based composite claim form can be used for Non UAN based account.
  • In this form, you need to provide additional information such as PF Account number, Saving Bank account number, IFS code and address of bank.
  • It is mandatory to take authorization of employer along with subscriber authorization on the form.

Download Claim Form – Aadhaar

Download Claim Form – Non Aadhaar

Benefits of New Composite Claim Form

  • No Revenue stamp is required while submitting the form.
  • No additional documentation required while submitting a form.
  • Single form is used irrespective of purpose of withdrawal.
  • Self-Certification no signature of the employer is required.
  • Single pager form and easy to fill.

Please share your views about this new claim form in the comment section below.

Shitanshu Kapadia
Shitanshu Kapadia
Hi, I am Shitanshu founder of moneyexcel.com. I am engaged in blogging & Digital Marketing for 10 years. The purpose of this blog is to share my experience, knowledge and help people in managing money. Please note that the views expressed on this Blog are clarifications meant for reference and guidance of the readers to explore further on the topics. These should not be construed as investment , tax, financial advice or legal opinion. Please consult a qualified financial planner and do your own due diligence before making any investment decision.