HomePersonal FinanceHow to update KYC EPF UAN Online?

How to update KYC EPF UAN Online?

It is mandatory to update your KYC information for EPF. You can update your KYC online via UAN EPFO portal. To update or change your KYC (Know your customer) detail on UAN EPFO portal, you require UAN (Universal Account Number) credential. You need to login to EPFO UAN portal and update your KYC information by inputting required information.


The KYC information includes PAN card number, Aadhaar card, and bank account details. If you have not yet updated these details on the EPFO portal you must do it now. KYC update in EPF offers following benefits.

  • If your KYC EPF UAN is completed you will not face any delay during transfer or withdrawal of EPF money.
  • Online EPF withdrawal is not allowed if KYC information are not seeded with UAN.
  • If bank account details are not updated your claim may get rejected.
  • The EPF member without updated information will not get any SMS alert.
  • If PAN card detail is not updated TDS will be charged at higher rate on withdrawal.

Under KYC section on UAN portal you can update following information –

  • Bank Account Number
  • PAN
  • Passport
  • Driving License
  • Election Card
  • Ration Card
  • National Population Register

Note – Updating all information is not mandatory. You should update bank account number, PAN and Aadhaar on UAN Portal.

How to update KYC for EPF UAN Online?

Updating KYC on UAN portal is very simple. Follow the steps given below to update the details.

#Step 1

Login to EPFO UAN portal – https://unifiedportal-mem.epfindia.gov.in/memberinterface/ using UAN credential. In the Manage tab, you will find menu ‘KYC’ and Contact details.

#Step 2

Select the KYC information you wish to update from the list.

#Step 3

Once you select system will allow you to enter the document number and name as per Document. If you are updating your bank account you need to also provide the IFSC code. For a Driving license and Passport entering an expiry date is mandatory. You will be able to update your Bank Account Number, PAN, Aadhaar, Passport, Driving License number, etc. PAN, Bank Details, and Aadhaar are mandatory for KYC.

#Step 4

Once you complete entering data press the save button. You will be able to see the message KYC Data Update completed successfully.

If there is no error you will be able to see “KYC Pending for Approval” with details of modification in the “Pending KYC Section”. The status of KYC will be shown as pending until details are approved by the employer.

EPF KYC Pending Approval

In case your KYC details are not correctly entered you can press button given below the “Delete” column. This will delete submitted KYC information.

#Step 5

Once your employer approves the changes status will be changed as “Approved by employer”. You will also receive an SMS for the change.

The details will be shown as verified in front of the document.

Apart from KYC, you can also modify your contact details on the portal. In order to do so, please go to “Manage>>Contact Details” from the menu. You will be able to change your registered mobile number and e-mail address.

For the verification, OTP will be sent of the registered mobile number. The details will not get changed immediately.

How to check EPF KYC Compliance Status?

There are three different ways to check EPF KYC compliance status.

#1 KYC Status on UAN Card

You can get KYC compliance status by looking at your UAN card. You can download your UAN card from the e-Sewa Portal.

Your UAN card contains information about KYC. If KYC in your EPF account is completed, you will see ‘Yes’ in front of the KYC information on your UAN card.

#2 Document Approval under the KYC tab

You can check the KYC status of your documents and get compliance details of your KYC. You need to go to the KYC option under the manage tab in the e-Sewa Portal.

You will see all documents that are approved and verified. You need to check Aadhaar and bank details and KYC status to submit an online claim submission.

#3 EKYC Portal EPFO

EKYC portal EPFO was another way to get your KYC compliance status. However, it is closed temporarily due to security reasons.  The steps for checking are given below.

You need to click on the button Track EKYC. On clicking this button, you need to enter your UAN number and captcha code. After entering this information click on the TRACK EKYC button. You will be redirected to the page where you can see KYC status. The message would be “Dear Member, Your Aadhaar Details XXXX XXXX against UAN XXXX XXXX has successfully been verified. Online EPFO services linked with Aadhaar can be availed.”


Frequently asked questions – KYC EPF UAN

Is it mandatory to update these KYC details?

No, it is not mandatory to update these KYC details. However, these details can help you in processing your claim faster. Not only that you can get a regular update on SMS if KYC details are updated.

Can I upload the document directly online?

Yes, you can upload a document by going to the ‘Profile menu’ and selecting ‘Update KYC Information’. The uploaded KYC document will be sent to the employer for verification and Approval. Till the time it is not approved by the employer status of KYC will be shown as “Pending”.

You need to scan the KYC document first and save it as .jpg/.gif/.png/.pdf. These documents can be uploaded online. The size of the scanned document should not exceed 300kb. You can upload multiple documents at the same time.

Also Read – How to Check EPF Balance via SMS EPFOHO

How much time will it take to change approval status?

After uploading your employer has to approve the KYC. Your employer needs a digital signature in order to authorize your KYC. It will take approximately 48-72 hours to change the approval status in the system. The information shall be verified by the appropriate authorities in the system.

Which Documents are considered for KYC?

The following documents are considered for KYC.

  • National Population Register
  • Permanent Account Number
  • Bank Account Number
  • Passport
  • Driving License
  • Election Card
  • Ration Card

What to do if my employer is not approving KYC?

Usually, the employer will approve KYC details on the portal. In case your employer is not doing so you can directly approach the administration or HR department with the request. If it is taking more time you can escalate it to higher authority in the organization.

If no one is responding to your request you can approach EPF Grievance via http://epfigms.gov.in

How do I know that the KYC updated by me is approved by the employer?

The status will be shown against the updated KYC document on the same page. The system will also trigger SMS on your registered mobile number.

For more information, you can contact –
Helpdesk Number: 1800 118 005
Helpdesk Email Id: uanepf@epfindia.gov.in

Conclusion –

The facility provided to update KYC on the EPF UAN portal will bring multiple benefits to EPFO subscribers.

Shitanshu Kapadia
Shitanshu Kapadia
Hi, I am Shitanshu founder of moneyexcel.com. I am engaged in blogging & Digital Marketing for 12 years. The purpose of this blog is to share my experience, knowledge and help people in managing money. Please note that the views expressed on this Blog are clarifications meant for reference and guidance of the readers to explore further on the topics. These should not be construed as investment , tax, financial advice or legal opinion. Please consult a qualified financial planner and do your own due diligence before making any investment decision.