HomeCareerTop Jobs 2025 - 10 Higher Salary Jobs

Top Jobs 2025 – 10 Higher Salary Jobs

Which are Top Jobs for 2025? Which career option I should select for getting high salary jobs? Let’s try to get answers to these questions.

The job landscape is changing radically and expected to change further in 2025. It is because of technological advancement. All jobs are becoming technology-centric. The report predicts that few occupations are likely to remain at the top of the list and expected to earn better income. So, if you are worried about job security and planning to expand your wings by selecting better career options. Here is a list of jobs that would fetch a fat salary in 2025-26.

High Salary Jobs

Top Jobs 2025 – 10 Higher Salary Jobs

#1 Project Manager

A project manager is a person responsible for the entire project starting from planning, execution, procurment, and delivery of the project. The project manager uses various tools such as Work breakdown structure, critical path analysis etc throughout the project journey.

The project manager is generally appointed for big projects such as construction, engineering, Information technology etc. There are multiple professional degrees and tools for learning project management. It is one of the highest salary jobs. One can expect roughly 2-3 Lakh pay per month as a project manager.

#2 Data Scientist

Data Scientist is a person employed to analyze and interpret data and extract meaningful information that will help business in decision making. Data scientists also predict future events based on historical data. It is an upcoming field with a lot of potentials.

Data Scientist is Information technology related job. This job require lot of expertise and knowledge. In order to become data scientist first you need to get a bachelor’s degree in IT, computer science, math or physics. After getting a bachelor’s degree you need to get master’s degree in data or related field.  You can get Rs.90000 to 1 Lakh per month as a data scientist.

#3 AI Expert

Artificial Intelligence or AI Expert is the topmost career option all over. AI refers to the process that a machine or robot can imitate or copy. To achieve that you need to do computer programming and device automation. It is like making the device work and respond like a human brain.

AI Courses are rare in India. Usually AI course is offered in foreign universities. Due to scarcity, AI Experts are likely to remain demand. AI can be used in various field such as manufacturing, aerospace, defense etc. AI expert can earn roughly 1.25 Lakh per month.

#4 IoT Specialist

IoT is Internet of Things which is next big career option. Internet of things is a system of integrated devices connected with internet for exchanging meaningful information. IoT includes connected security system, car, electronic appliances, lights in household environment etc.

There are multiple IoT courses available online. But, before engaging yourself in IoT course, you should get bachelor degree in IT or computer science. The average salary of IoT specialist is 1 Lakh per month.

#5 Big Data Analyst

Big Data Analyst is unique career option. As a big data analyst you need to analyze huge data both structured and unstructured. The data should be reported in meaningful format using analytics.

You require specialized skill such as programming, data warehousing, computational method, statics and business knowledge to become big data analyst. Big Data Analyst get salary of approximately 1.5 Lakh per month.

#6 Chartered Accountant

A Chartered Accountant is ever green job option. A Chartered Accountant is expert in accounting and taxation and perform various tasks such as tax returns, audit, finance statement etc.

You need to get professional degree regulated by country. The degree earned in one country is not valid in other country. This is due to different standards of accounting practice. You can earn around 2 Lakh per month as a chartered accountant.

#7 Nutritionist

A nutritionist is an expert in field of food and nutrition. They advise people on eating habits based on the lifestyle. The main objective is to achieve health-related goal and to live healthy life.

To become nutritionist you need to undergo with special course it is three year course about bachelor degree in food science & nutrition. Nutritionist operates from doctor’s place, clinic, or from home. It is one of the higher salary jobs in India.

#8 Social media brand Manager

Social Media Brand Manager manages social media marketing campaign and day-to-day activities including developing content, curate and manage all publish content such as audio, video, images, podcast etc.

You require bachelor’s degree preferably in marketing, public relation or similar filed to become social media brand manager. Overall social media brand manager get reasonably high pay.

#9 IT Security Expert

IT Security Expert or cyber security specialist is expert that protects organization data from leakage, breaches and hacking attempts. They establish monitoring and control system at various levels to facilitate protection.

In order to become IT security expert, you need to get bachelor degree in IT/computer. In addition to that you need to undergo specialize security related certification. IT Security Expert earns more than 1 Lakh per month.

#10 Fitness Expert

Fitness Expert is next in the list of higher salary jobs in India. Fitness expert work with smaller or larger group to improve their fitness. They work dedicatedly to achieve client’s goal by helping them in performing various exercises.

To become fitness expert you need to undergo specialized course. You can earn close to Rs.50000 per month as a fitness expert.

Final Words

Most of the jobs given above requires special qualifications. However, only qualification won’t get you highest paying jobs sufficient experience and skills are also important for getting these jobs. So, start working towards your goals of getting these highest paying jobs.

Shitanshu Kapadia
Shitanshu Kapadia
Hi, I am Shitanshu founder of moneyexcel.com. I am engaged in blogging & Digital Marketing for 10 years. The purpose of this blog is to share my experience, knowledge and help people in managing money. Please note that the views expressed on this Blog are clarifications meant for reference and guidance of the readers to explore further on the topics. These should not be construed as investment , tax, financial advice or legal opinion. Please consult a qualified financial planner and do your own due diligence before making any investment decision.