HomeSkills & ProductivityTop 5 Words to Avoid in Sales

Top 5 Words to Avoid in Sales

Sales play an important role in any business. You can not grow your business without sales. 

However, it is often observed that when it comes to sales and closing, we end up using words that do not allow us to sell. These words generate different types of emotions in the brain of the buyers.

So, which are those words that you need to avoid while selling? 

Well, today I am going to share 5 words that I avoid in sales. Here it is.

avoid sales

Top 5 Words to Avoid in Sales

#1 To be honest with you

To be honest with you is the word you should avoid while selling products or services. Have you ever heard of that one before from a salesperson?

Just to be honest with you. Right, this is the best price that we could give you. To be honest with you or we never give this deal to anybody else.

Now, what happens is right after usually, to be honest with you, what you are telling the prospect is, well, all the conversation you’ve had up to this point, it’s a lie, right?

‘Cause to be honest with you, it means what?

You have not been honest with me this whole time, right?

You’ve been lying to me, is this what it is?

#2 Trust Me  

Have you ever heard of that one? Just trust me on this.

Yeah, this is a great deal, just trust me, man. Trust me.

Usually, when people have to say, oh, trust me, do you trust them?

No, right? 

No, because your action speaks louder than your words.

Your action would show through.

Your action would demonstrate if a prospect or someone should trust you or not.

So don’t use those words, don’t use trust me.

#3 Sorry to Bother You

Sorry to bother you. Then why the hell are you bothering me?

If you feel so sorry about it then just don’t bother me in the first place.

Sometimes I get these phone calls. Oh, you know, sir, sorry to bother you.

Then don’t call me, don’t bother me. Like, you hang up.

  • Why are you calling me in the first place?
  • Why are you bothering me in the first place?
  • Why are you wasting my time?

Before you do anything when it comes to closing in sales, usually the prospect has the power.

#4 Buy

Here’s another word, buy. Buy.

See, people love to buy, they hate to be sold. Even though they love to buy, they don’t like the idea of buying because the word buy means that oh, it’s gonna cost me money, right?

Like, I have to spend money, right? So we do love the action, the act of buying, but the word itself triggers oh when you have to buy something I’m gonna spend money on it.

So don’t use the word buy. Do you wanna buy this now? No.

So instead what should you say? Own. Or take this home with you.

So imagine if I’m selling you this, hey, do you wanna buy this?

I don’t know. Would you like to take this home with you?

Sure, right? I wanna take this home with me.

  • Would you like to own this? Oh, sure.
  • Would you like to take advantage of this? Oh, sure.
  • Would you like to move forward? Sure.

Who doesn’t like to move forward, right?

You’re moving forward in life. Oh, would you like to buy this?

I don’t know, let me think about it. It triggers a lot of resistance. It triggers fear.

#5 Individual

Another word that you wanna avoid and that is individual. Individual.

Is it individual is a very cold, institutional word. It’s very, very cold.

Oh, I know you are a busy individual.

I know you’re a very successful individual.

Do you talk to your friends that way?

Hey, do you, individual, do you wanna to watch this movie together?

Do you talk to your wife this way, individually, right?

You don’t do that. So that’s not how you talk to your friends.

That’s not how you talk to the people that you care about, right?

It’s an institutional word, it’s a very cold phrase. Don’t use it.

Use more casual, more conversational words. So eliminate an individual from your vocabulary.

Over to You

Which sales word do you use when it comes to sales? Do you want to expand this list? Pls share it with me on

Shitanshu Kapadia
Shitanshu Kapadia
Hi, I am Shitanshu founder of I am engaged in blogging & Digital Marketing for 10 years. The purpose of this blog is to share my experience, knowledge and help people in managing money. Please note that the views expressed on this Blog are clarifications meant for reference and guidance of the readers to explore further on the topics. These should not be construed as investment , tax, financial advice or legal opinion. Please consult a qualified financial planner and do your own due diligence before making any investment decision.