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Health Insurance Policies for Coronavirus (COVID-19) in India

Coronavirus has created havoc in India as well as all over world. This virus is spreading at lighting speed. Multiple people across country is reported with Corona Positive.Only few people is cured. The government is trying level best to contain this virus. It seems staying at home in lock down and maintaining social distancing is only option to fight against this virus. The situation is unpredictable as no fix drugs and vaccine available to treat this virus. Doctor and scientist are working day and night to combat this virus.

Many health insurance companies have come up with new product that covers coronavirus disease (COVID-19). Here is list of health insurance products that provides coverage for Coronavirus (COVID-19). You may plan to buy health insurance policy covering COVID-19 after proper evaluation.


Health Insurance Policies for Coronavirus (COVID-19) in India

Go Digit Health Care Plus 

Digit Health Care Plus Insurance plan covers newly discovered Covid 19. This policy covers treatment cost in India for COVID-19 dieses/infection. It is fixed insurance policy that can be purchased online. It is need based insurance policy available up to July, 2020. Key features of Health Care Plus plan are given below.

  • Sum assured from Rs.25000 to 2 lakh.
  • Anyone up to 75 years of age can purchase this policy.
  • It is flat benefit policy that pays 50% of sum assured in case of quarantine and 100% of sum assured incase corona test is positive.
  • The 50% of sum assured is pay to manage treatment cost and other incase of quarantine.
  • The premium of this plan is Rs.250 + GST for Rs.25000 cover.
  • This plan can be purchased as individual health plan or family floater plan.
  • This plan has waiting period of 15 days & it does not cover any pre-existing disease.

You can purchase this policy only if you are not suffering from any respiratory related symptoms. This policy is issued only for one year and it cannot be renewed next year.

Also Read – Top 5 Best Health Insurance in India 2020

Star Health – Star Novel Coronavirus (nCov) Insurance Policy 

Star Health has launched new policy called as Star Novel Coronavirus (nCov) Insurance Policy. This product provides lumsum benefit to the person who is hospitalized and diagnosed positive with Novel Coronavirus (nCov). Key Features and benefits of this policy are given below.

  • Sum assured option is Rs.2100 or Rs.42000. on individual basis.
  • A person aged between 18 years to 65 years can purchase this policy.
  • On detection of Covid 19 positive at government authorized center hospitalization cost up to sum assured shall be paid by insurer.
  • Premium amount is Rs.459+GST and Rs.918+GST respectively.
  • No pre-acceptance medical screening required for this policy.
  • The waiting period of this plan is 16 days.

ICICI Lombard –  COVID-19 Protection Cover 

COVID-19 Protection Cover is new health insurance policy launched by ICICI Lombard. This plan give cover for the Coronavirus patients. Details of this health insurance plan is given below.

  • Sum assured under this plan is Rs.25000.
  • The minimum age for plan is 18 years and maximum age is 75 years.
  • Premium amount is Rs.149 only.
  • This insurance provides add-on benefits such as health assistance, virtual assistance and teleconsultation.
  • Sum assured will be paid in lump sum in case of diagnosis of this disease.
  • The waiting period for this plan is 14 days.
  • This plan will not provide coverage to people with travel history of foreign country up to Dec, 2019.

Should you Purchase Health Insurance Policy for Coronavirus? 

The cases of Coronavirus are increasing day by day. The situation is unpredictable. You can go for health insurance policy covering COVID-19 under following condition.

  • If you have not build emergency fund for health care
  • If you are paranoid about COVID-19 and believe that you are prone to risk.
  • If you are in essential service and unable to maintain social distancing due to your profession.
  • If you have not purchased any health insurance policy for yourself and your family.

IRDAI has issued directive to health insurance companies to cover hospitalization claim for COVID-19. However, it is based on discretion of health insurance company.

Over to you

I would like to end this article by sharing few important information and health advisory on COVID 19.

Tips to fight against Coronavirus.

  • Lock Down is announced for 21 days in India. Follow the lock down rigorously.
  • Maintain Social Distancing. Stay alone and avoid proximity of people.
  • Wash your hand frequently. Make sure to wash time for hand is at least 20 second.
  • Covid-19 stays on the different surfaces. As per study this virus stays on metal body up to 9 hours, on cardboard up to 24 hours, 2-3 days on plastic, 72 hours on glass and mobile surface. So, follow the principal – If you touch it clean it.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces in the quarantined person’s room (e.g. bed frames, tables etc.)
  • Clean and disinfect toilet surfaces daily with regular household bleach solution/phenolic disinfectants.
  • Avoid going out from your house. In case it is mandatory to go out for purchasing daily need items take following precautions.
    • Only one identified person should go out. Make sure to use one identified dress of full length. Don’t mix this dress with other dresses.
    • Use single wallet and make sure currency, coin and card used by you is kept separately and not mixed with other.
    • Use only one and same shopping bag every time.
    • Finish your work on single go. Avoid taking mobile phone with you when you go out. If you take mobile phone with you clean it with sanitizer.
    • Use your non – dominant hand or elbow to open the door or push the buttons. Once you come back: Keep your dress, wallet, bags, keys in a separate bag. Don’t mix with others. Wash your hands and face thoroughly before touching anything and anyone.

Remember – “Prevention is better than cure.”

In case of health emergency – 1075 or +91-11-23978046 is the Nationwide toll-free number 24 X 7. Alternatively, you may contact the government help line number in your state. For more information visit MyGov COVID-19 website

Shitanshu Kapadia
Shitanshu Kapadia
Hi, I am Shitanshu founder of moneyexcel.com. I am engaged in blogging & Digital Marketing for 10 years. The purpose of this blog is to share my experience, knowledge and help people in managing money. Please note that the views expressed on this Blog are clarifications meant for reference and guidance of the readers to explore further on the topics. These should not be construed as investment , tax, financial advice or legal opinion. Please consult a qualified financial planner and do your own due diligence before making any investment decision.