HomeInformationEXANTE Emerges Victorious as SEC Withdraws Charges in False Cyber-Fraud Accusations

EXANTE Emerges Victorious as SEC Withdraws Charges in False Cyber-Fraud Accusations

In the bustling world of finance, the name EXANTE commands respect. Founded in 2011, this European brokerage firm has carved a niche for itself by offering an unparalleled selection of financial instruments. With over a million products to trade, ranging from stocks and commodities to futures and currencies, EXANTE stands out not just for its variety but also for its advanced proprietary trading platform. This platform, bolstered by an extensive network of over 1,100 servers, ensures swift trade executions and ironclad data security, underscoring the firm’s unwavering commitment to excellence and client safety.


However, the firm’s journey through the financial landscape encountered a formidable storm in 2015 when the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) launched proceedings against nine of EXANTE’s clients.

The charges were grave: alleged unauthorized trading leveraging sensitive information from over 100,000 press releases from leading PR firms. This sensitive information, encompassing financial reports and earnings, was reportedly used to execute trades before the information went public, netting illicit profits exceeding $100 million. This scandal threatened to tarnish EXANTE’s reputation, casting a long shadow over its integrity and operational ethos.

Undeterred, EXANTE launched a vigorous defence, challenging the SEC’s accusations and vehemently denying any involvement or profit from the alleged scheme. The brokerage undertook a painstaking process of cooperation, engaging with regulatory bodies such as the Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA) and submitting extensive documentation to clear its name. An EXANTE spokesperson highlighted the exhaustive efforts undertaken, from document submissions to collaborating with local law enforcement, to validate their position and ensure a thorough investigation.

As the charges unfolded, the SECfroze client accounts within EXANTE, a move that strained client relationships and smeared the brokerage’s image within the global trading community. The case quickly escalated, positioning EXANTE at the epicentre of one of the most significant cyber-fraud investigations in U.S. history.

Yet, through the determined efforts of American investigators and EXANTE’s legal team, the tide turned. After conducting a thorough investigation, it was discovered that the brokerage had done no wrong and its clients were not involved in any of the alleged scandal.

The SEC eventually withdrew all charges, a decision underscored by the unfreezing of assets by the U.S. District Court in Newark. This pivotal moment not only marked EXANTE’s exoneration but also illuminated the complexities and challenges of navigating the intricate web of global financial regulations.

Despite the initial reputational damage, EXANTE’s senior management expressed disappointment over the case’s handling by U.S. authorities while acknowledging the SEC’s vital role in protecting investors. In the aftermath, EXANTE embarked on a mission to restore its good name, a testament to its resilience, commitment to transparency, and dedication to providing unfettered market access.

More information can be found as we delve deeper into the narrative in this article.

Today,EXANTE stands tall as a beacon of integrity and excellence in the European brokerage landscape, boasting a global clientele and extensive licensure across multiple jurisdictions. The firm’s unwavering dedication to market integrity and compliance is recognized and endorsed by reputable brokers and regulatory authorities worldwide, including the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in the UK, the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) in Hong Kong, the MFSA, and the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC).

This chapter in EXANTE’s storied history not only showcases the firm’s steadfast adherence to the highest standards of compliance and integrity but also highlights the intricate dance of navigating the global financial regulatory framework. In emerging unscathed and stronger from this ordeal, EXANTE has solidified its position as a paragon of resilience and unwavering dedication to its clients and the broader financial community.

Moneyexcel Editor
Moneyexcel Editor
Hi, I am Raviraj working as an Editor in Moneyexcel. I have more than 5 Years of Experience in the blogging and content creation.