HomeBusiness Ideas8 New Business Opportunities as a Career Option in India

8 New Business Opportunities as a Career Option in India

Business Opportunities

Business Opportunities – Today we see many young and dynamic people are looking for new business opportunities in India. They want to start own business, but a majority of them are running out of good business opportunities. In order to help them, I am here with 8 new business opportunities as a career option in India.

New Business Opportunities as a Career Option in India

Online Grocery Shopping Store

The latest trend in India is online shopping. Everyone today talks about Credit cards, Internet banking, and online shopping.  So, opening online grocery shopping store is indeed very good business idea. Online shopping provides convenience to the customer. It is helpful to working people as they don’t need to visit a store and waste their time.

There are a number of online grocery shopping store available like LocalBanya, BigBasket, ZopNow etc.

Online grocery shopping trend in India is about to grow at 26% rate.

Organic Food Supply

The demand of organic food is increasing in India. People are becoming more health-conscious and ready to spend money for good food. So, opening organic food supply business is a very good business opportunity.

You could rope in a number of farmers and explain them an advantage of growing organic food or you can help a buyer to meet seller for organic food supply.

Also Read – 150 Small Business Ideas in India with Low Investment


Bookmobile is nothing but mobile book library. The concept of mobile book library is old but still it is a very good business option.  There are many people who love to read a book rather than watching TV. They prefer not to buy a book but to take it from a library.

In order to start bookmobile, you need to make an investment on books and a mobile van. You can have subscription base client in the metro area for more business gain.

Solar Energy Consultant

Usage of Solar Energy is growing in India. Smart city concept and another saving initiative are indirectly suggesting us to use solar energy. Thus starting solar energy equipment business or becoming solar energy consultant is a very good career option.

In order to become solar energy consultant, you need to develop a skill or basic knowledge about how a system works.


Next business idea or career option is blogging. Blogging is not considered as a serious career option in India. However, you might be surprised to note that Indian bloggers are earning a lot of money just by blogging. You can start blogging part time and earn a lot of money. You can get more information about blogging as a career option from here.


You can start your own business of clothes. Either you can open a boutique or associate yourself in the manufacturing of cloth.  It is evergreen business, however, you need to be prepared to face a lot of competition from existing business owners.

Also Read – 10 Online Career You can Start Today without Money

Fast Food Center

Another evergreen business idea is to start own fast food center. People love to eat fast food today. Pizza, Burger, and sandwich are an integral part of our diet. You can straight away take benefits of this by opening the own fast food center. You need to make a lot of investment to start your own fast food center.

Property Consultant

Next career option in the list is property consultant. If you are smart with good communication skill you can become good property consultant. You can start this business with low investment. Real estate market is expected to boom with smart city project and you can get the advantage of the same.

Apart from above there are many other 40 business ideas that you can look to make your career. However, you need the courage to start a business.

What is your thought on these business opportunities?

Shitanshu Kapadia
Shitanshu Kapadia
Hi, I am Shitanshu founder of moneyexcel.com. I am engaged in blogging & Digital Marketing for 10 years. The purpose of this blog is to share my experience, knowledge and help people in managing money. Please note that the views expressed on this Blog are clarifications meant for reference and guidance of the readers to explore further on the topics. These should not be construed as investment , tax, financial advice or legal opinion. Please consult a qualified financial planner and do your own due diligence before making any investment decision.