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Investing in stock market is not Gambling


Investing in any financial product is not easy task and especially if we talk about stock market it requires special knowledge and expertise to earn good return in market.

But if we talk to investors most of investors believe that stock market is nothing but casino and investing in stock market is gambling. According to me this is the biggest myth of investor.

Due to this reason only investors of India, and abroad, do not opt for equity as an asset class as they believe that stock market is for gamblers.

This is not true. Gambling is one way game in which gain of one is loss of other. In gambling result depends on the outcome of throwing a dice. Only one participant will win in gambling. While in stock market, if five investors hold the shares of the same company, and if prices go up, all of them will gain profit.

If you take example of MahaBharata where Yudhisthira & Duryodhana played game of gambling where Shakuni was playing from Duryodhana side. Shakuni was master in this game.

When the game started, Shakuni stoked Yudhisthira’s gambling urges by letting him win a few minor victories. At later stage, Shakuni used his skills in the game to good effect, and before Yudhisthira could be persuaded to stop playing, he had already lost all his wealth and kingdom.

So in gambling once you place your money than nothing can be done result will depended on outcome of throwing a dice which is not in your hand.

In above example we can simply say only Yudhisthira was gambling as Shakuni was expert in this game and he was aware of result. Yudhisthira was told by many that you will not able to win this game against Shakuni but Yudhisthira was feeling this is gambling and my luck will allow me to win.

Same thing happen with investor in market when they feel stock market is gambling. They keep on purchasing stock considering that stock market is nothing but gambling and one day he will be fortunate enough to win the game. But that one day never comes.

Please understand stock market is not Gambling or not Luck game. Stock market needs time, patience and some fundamental skills, which is not gambling.

Stock Market Basic Steps:-

In order to understand stock market basic steps let’s take example of thief. Doing theft is art and thief is master in it. He always plans before doing theft. He does not believe in luck. The way thief is working same way people has to follow steps in trading. Thief takes following steps while doing robbery.

Step:- 1 Deciding place where he want to do robbery.

Step:- 2 Doing analysis of the location/house where he want to do robbery. He keeps on observing things like how many persons are living in home what are their activities, timings etc.

Step:-3 Doing risk reward analysis meaning he will estimate that if he tries this robbery what is risk involves and what will be his reward.

Step:-4 Deciding time of Theft.

Step:-5 He goes for robbery. He takes his partner and keeps him outside of house. He tells his partner that if he feels something is wrong just informs me once so that I can run away. He does that thing as he believes that although his analysis is perfect situation may change at any moment.

So nothing is depended on luck in above example. If we relate above steps with stock market trading it will be like:-

Step:- 1 Deciding stock for Investment.

Step:- 2 Doing analysis of stock and observing up/down movement of stock. This may be based on technical analysis or may be with other methods.

Step:- 3 Doing risk reward analysis of stock that if I am purchasing this stock today, what upside momentum is left 100 Rs/-, 500 Rs/- and what will be risk associated if this stock does not work according to my analysis.

Step:-4 Deciding time of purchase meaning deciding price of purchase.

Step:- 5 Always make provision of stop loss. Meaning deciding how much loss you can sustain. Although you are genius in stock market but situation may change at any moment and you cannot predict that so you should make provision for stop loss.

So in real life way thief takes steps for robbery same steps are applicable in stock market. Following these steps will lead to success in stock market. But most of people does not understand this and believes that stock market is casino and investing in stock market is gambling.

Remember Investing in stock market is not gambling. Stock market investment is Business.

Invest in Gold through SIP


gold invest

Gold is shining bright. Year on year it is touching to new benchmark price. This year gold has given around 16 % returns on investment. With current global economic conditions gold is expected to rise further. It is well known fact that whenever a economy encounters big calamity, all investors rush towards gold as a stable investment option.

There are several factors that still support the higher prices of gold at current levels. Indians associates & hedge funds are buying gold like anything. Diwali and Festival season is nearby and demand in gold is about to increase. This increase in demand during the festive reason will push up the price of gold.

Most of expert believes in this and they ask investors to hold on to their gold investments for some more time. You should hold gold and do not book profit now because of the ongoing domestic and global uncertainties gold price may rise.

Maximum holding of gold in portfolio is expected to be 10 %. If an investor has less than 10% exposure in gold, he/she can increase it up to 10% in a staggered manner

Investment through SIP route:-

India is the largest consumer of gold with an annual demand of about 700 tonnes. Experts say that unlike gold coins and bars, for which most jewellers offer only an exchange, gold ETFs are sold at transparent prices across the country. No sales tax, VAT, wealth tax or securities transaction tax is additional advantage of investing in Gold ETF.

As price of gold has reached to peak mostly all investor are in confusion mode weather to invest or not. Although gold has peaked you can invest in gold through the Gold ETF SIP route. SIP route will take care of averaging cost.

There are as many as 25 different gold ETF schemes across 14 different fund houses at present. These products, which track the metal’s prices, provide an opportunity to investors to accumulate gold over a given period of time since they can be purchased in small quantities.

As you can invest in small quantity you should avoid investing lump sum amount in gold today as you cannot time the market.

In case of investing in gold as gold ETF you need demat account if you don’t have demat account you can consider buying gold fund which invest in gold ETFs or you can purchase physical gold by buying gold bars or coins, but you will be spending additional cost like VAT, wealth tax. You have to make arrangement to store this gold in secure place. Apart from this you have to conduct due diligence on the purity of the gold before buying.

Form of investment also depends upon purpose. If parents are investing for the purpose of children’s marriage than its better to purchase gold jwellery directly but if you are planning gold as pure investment for getting good return than it is better to invest in Gold ETF.

Investment in gold is very good from return point of view but gold will not earn you any interest like FD. It does not even offer a dividend like equity instruments.

Some investors are mad behind gold and they invest in gold like anything my advice is you should stick to your asset allocation strategy & you should not place your all money in single asset class.

Warren Buffet’s Top 10 Secrets of Getting Rich

If you are feeling in the dark about your financial situation or future, who better to listen to than the third richest man in the world? So we are here with 10 financial lessons that we can learn from Investment guru Warren Buffett.

warren buffett life

Warren Buffet’s Top 10 Secrets of Getting Rich

Spend wisely 

When your income is limited than your needs also become limited & you will definitely think about your spending and see to it that you spend your money wisely.

But when your income is unlimited than your needs also become unlimited & you will definitely spend your money in a haphazard manner.

Amazingly although Warren Buffett is the richest man in the world he spends money wisely as he believes in simple living high thinking.

“He still lives in the same small house in mid-town Omaha that he bought after he got married 55 years ago. He drives his own car everywhere and does not have a driver or any personal security people around him.”

So spend money wisely and always think about how you can accomplish things economically. As your earnings may not be in your hands spending money is in your hands only.

Top 10 Secrets of Getting Rich

No one cares about your money as much as you do

Many people today relay on financial advisors or so-called trading experts. As nothing is available for free in this world this financial expert always sees their interest while giving you advice to you.

Buffett makes all his investment decisions on his own for his own interest & not the commission-based interest of financial advisors or stock brokers.

Top 10 Secrets of Getting Rich

Do your homework before investing

This is the most important point in managing your finances. Investment without planning or understanding will always lead to disaster.

Warren Buffett says: “Never invest in a business you cannot understand”

Buffett spends 18 hours a day working on investment capital, saying investors should think of themselves as partial owners. Many of us hardly spend 1 hour per day on our financial matters.

Top 10 Secrets of Getting Rich

Overcome your fear of risk

Fear of risk or fear of losing capital always creates negative emotions among us and we end up making wrong financial decisions. One has to acquire knowledge to overcome the fear of risk.

Warren Buffett says: “Risk comes from not knowing what you are doing”.

So if you are not aware of what you are doing where you are investing than your investment is always at stake.

Top 10 Secrets of Getting Rich

Focus on the long-term

Start saving/investing at an early age & continuing your investment will always help in the long run. Buffett believes in the same theory that putting off saving/investing means you will need to save more in less time for the same outcome.

Buffett equates life to snow balls; think of investment in the same way: “The important thing is finding wet snow and really long hill.

Top 10 Secrets of Getting Rich

Invest in Quality Business

If you are purchasing stock of any company you should always go for quality business stocks. That is the reason you should do enough homework before investing in stock.

Buffett says “An investor needs to buy the stock as if he is buying the whole company down the road”.

Top 10 Secrets of Getting Rich

Hunt for Exceptional bargains for solid companies

One has to hunt for solid companies in terms of fundamentals, performance, business process, assets, long terms goals, and more.

One should invest in these solid companies at a reasonable price. Buffett recommends purchasing stock during a crash, when even great company stocks are available at low prices.

Top 10 Secrets of Getting Rich

Make decision to invest based on how well money is being used and managed by the company

The investment decision of most investors is inspired by emotion today. You should always make investment decisions based on facts about how your money is actually will be used by the company.

A company managed by people having profitable mindsets and good business insight always helps.

Top 10 Secrets of Getting Rich

Be patient – Wait until everything is in your favor or interest

Many people become inpatient and sell stock on market crash. Buffett recommends to be patient & to wait until everything is in your favor.

When conditions like a market crash arise you should opt of a buy decision and not sell, in bad times hold on, quality stocks always recover and you won’t have to regret selling prematurely.

Warren Buffett says “I think the worst mistake you can make in stocks is to buy or sell based on current headlines”.

Top 10 Secrets of Getting Rich

Sell losing stocks when market is up; Buy winning stocks during a crash

Buy low sell high is always expected behavior of investors. But most of the investors act in a reverse manner due to emotions. Selling flop stock at its worst always adds loss to your portfolio, similarly purchasing great stock at peak price adversely impacts your profit.

Warren Buffett says “The beauty of stocks is they do sell at silly prices sometimes.. That’s how Charlie (Munger) and I got rich”.

Top 10 Secrets of Getting Rich

Hope these secrets of getting rich by Warren Buffett will help you in managing your finances in a better manner.

Financial Planning Your Basic Need


Although financial planning is basic need today many people yet do not understand anything about financial planning. When we ask for monthly income of people visiting us 100% people answer it promptly but if we ask them how much percent they invest on yearly basis, 90 people out of 100 is unable to answer it.

If we make balance sheet of our life considering average life span of 70 years we start our education life from 3 years and we continue it till 24 year. Once our education life is over we enter in professional life where we start earning money. From 24 years to our retirement age 60 years we try earning maximum money either by doing job or by business. So on and average person spends 35 years of his/her life in earning money.

Half of our life span is dedicated for earning money. We work very hard to earn money but we hardly plan anything for this hard earned money. Most of people spend and invest money randomly without any planning.

Earning more money is not in everyone’s hand but planning of this earned money is in our hand.  How much to percentage we should spend and how much percentage we should invest in which asset class we should decide it wisely.

So utilization of this income (financial resource) for investment using correct financial technique is called as Financial Planning. Financial planning is basic need today.


Yet 70 out 100 persons still spend money without any planning or follow other people blindly when it comes to investments. When they need more money they end up taking personal loans and later stage they find them inside deep debt.

Not only that 75 out of 100 people spend more money than their earning. They are simply not aware that how much money they need for spending every month.

So ultimately you should understand that if earning is not in your hand other two Spending and Planning is in your hand only. If you don’t control E(earning) S(spending) & P(planning) in your life than at the end your position will be like “Khaya Piya Kuch Nahi Glass Toda Bara Anna”.

So if you have not planned anything yet, start planning now before it’s too late.