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What is required to be Successful in Business?

Many people dream of starting their own business but they never do so because they’re afraid of failing. It is known face that 9 out of 10 businesses fail in the first 5 years of starting the business.

So, the question that pops up in everyone’s mind is:-

Business Start

Success in business is a multifaceted endeavor that demands a combination of skills, strategies, and characteristics. From vision and goal setting to effective communication, building a strong team, and embracing innovation, there are several key elements that contribute to achieving success in the business world.

This may be due to a lack of experience, lack of cash, knowledge, or skills required to run the business.

So, let’s discuss in detail what is required to be successful in business.

successful in Business

What is required to be Successful in Business?

#1 The Mission

The most important thing for the business is its mission; many people start a business only to make money. Just to make money is not a strong mission. Money alone does not provide enough fire, drive, or desire to run the business.

One should have a strong and clear mission for the business, as the mission guides the actions of the organization, spells out its overall goal, provides a path, and helps in making decisions. It should provide “the framework or context within which the company’s strategies are formulated.

When a business gets big and it forgets its mission or the mission it was created for is no longer needed, the business begins to die.

#2 Leadership

You must have leadership qualities to run a business. A leader’s roles are a combination of visionary, cheerleader, and boss.

Business Leader

As a visionary, the leader must keep his or her focus on the corporate mission. As a cheerleader, he or she must inspire the team as it works together towards that mission as well as herald the successes along the way. As the boss, he or she must be able to take the tough calls regarding issues that distract the team from achieving the mission. The unique ability to take decisive action while maintaining focus on the ultimate mission is what defines a true leader.

With the right mission, team, and leader you are well on your way to building a strong business.

#3 Team

To succeed, a business must have the proper expertise in key areas. An individual may not have expertise in every area so he or she needs a group of people to formulate a successful business.


Extraordinary team members with a good level of expertise will bring success to business. Choose the best team member to bring electrifying success.

#4 Cash Flow management

Cash flow management is a fundamental and essential skill if a person truly wants to be successful in the business. Cash flow is to a business what blood is to the human body. Nothing can impact a business more dramatically than not being able to make payroll at the end of the month.

Cash Flow

A good cash flow manager reviews his or her cash position daily, looking at cash sources and needs for the next week, month, and quarter. This allows him or her to plan for any large cash need before it becomes a cash crisis.

Effective cash flow management is critical for the success of any business, ensuring steady operations and growth. Leveraging expert accounting for SaaS companies can provide tailored insights into subscription revenue, churn, and recurring billing. This specialized expertise helps optimize cash flow, improve financial planning, and drive long-term profitability.

Business success often relies on smart financial management, and obtaining a free business credit report is key. It helps you monitor your company’s credit health, identify potential issues, and build credibility with lenders and partners.

Financial management is a continuous process many people lose sight of finance management when a business grows or becomes successful. This is a major cause of business failure. Proper finance management (and therefore expense management) is crucial to the ongoing success of any business.

#5 Communication management

One of the most important points for a successful business is communication management. The better you are at communication more and more people you will communicate to, thus increasing your chances of building more customer base.

Good Communicator

Most communication is directed towards external communication, but a business’s internal communication is also vitally important. Some examples of each are:

External Communication

  • Sales
  • Marketing
  • Customer service
  • To investors
  • Public relations

Internal Communication

  • Sharing wins and successes with your entire team
  • Regular meetings with employees
  • Regular communication with advisors
  • Human Resource Policies

Be a good communicator to be a good business man.

#6 People Management

Managing people effectively to release their full potential and enable them to succeed is the most important, and most difficult, job for a businessman. You must lead, motivate, inspire, and encourage them. Sometimes you will have to hire, fire, discipline, or evaluate employees.

Remember For any business, a major capital investment is an investment in people – ‘human capital’.

#7 System management

Every business, whether large or small, needs to have systems in place to enable it to conduct its day-to-day activities. Even a sole proprietor has to wear different hats to conduct his or her business. In essence, the sole proprietor is all systems in one.

For any business to grow, individuals must be accountable for each of the systems and a general owner / director must be in charge of making sure all the systems operate to their highest capacity.

The system required by every business:-

  • Daily office operation
  • Product development
  • Inventory
  • Order processing
  • Billing
  • Accounts
  • Marketing
  • Human Resources

#8 Legal management

In order to be successful in business one must know the legal aspects of the business. It is required to protect your business from legal matters which may happen.

Legal issues may surface in almost every facet of a business so you must know law or you must have experts to help you.

Some of the legal areas where you should focus on are:-

  • Consumer Law
  • Labor Law
  • Tax Law
  • Regulatory Compliance
  • Protecting Intellectual property

#9 Product Management 

The company’s product, which the customer ultimately buys from the business, is also an important aspect of a successful business. It could be a tangible item such as clothes or an intangible item such as consulting services.

Product management is to keep a close eye on the market (customer) and keep on modifying products as per customer needs. So product management is required by companies who need profit & success.

#10 Market

The success of your business depends on the market where you actually sell your product or services. If you are selling products where there is not enough demand (buyer) then you are trying to swim without water. So, market knowledge is equally important for the success of the business.


Success in business requires a holistic approach that encompasses vision, strategy, execution, and continuous improvement. By focusing on key elements such as vision and goal setting, effective communication, building a strong team, and fostering innovation, businesses can achieve sustainable growth and make a positive impact on society.

3 Types of Income – Which One is Best?

Types of Income – Income is money earned through employment, business, or investments. This income can be good income or bad income. For many of us, good income means a good salary or higher income and bad income means less salary or less income. So we divide income based on quantity and decide whether it is good or bad. What you may not know is the types of income and its division into good and bad income. So, let’s explore it.

Types of Income

3 Types of Income – Which One is Best?

There are three different types of income:

1) Earned income: Earned income is you working for money. It is the income that comes in the form of a paycheck (salary). It is also the type of income you ask for more of when you ask for a raise, bonus, overtime, commissions etc.

2) Portfolio income: Portfolio income is generally income from paper assets such as stocks, bonds, and mutual funds.

3) Passive income: Passive income is generally income from businesses or real estate. It can also be royalty income from patents (copyrights) or for use of your intellectual property such as songs, books, or other objects of intellectual value.

Out of these three types, passive incomes and portfolio incomes are good incomes while Earned income is average income.

Why Earned income is average income?

Earned income is worst due to the following reasons:-

1. It is the highest taxed income and it is the income with the fewest controls over how much you pay in taxes and when you pay your taxes.

2. You have to work for it and it takes up your valuable time.

3. There is very little leverage in earned income. The primary way most people increase their earned income is by working harder.

4. There is often no residual value for your work. In other words, you work, get paid, and then have to work again to be paid again.

5. You will always remain a slave.

Most people today dream about high-paying jobs with lots of earned income. Teaching people to spend their lives working for earned income is like teaching someone to be a high-paid slave for a lifetime. Earned income is the income that you work the hardest for and you are allowed to keep the least of.

The trouble with working for earned income is that you have to keep working hard for it. Eventually, a person working for portfolio and passive income will pass the earning potential of earned income because you can work less, earn more, and pay less and less in taxes when you work for portfolio and passive income.

Why Passive income is good income?

  1. For Passive income, one has to work the least.
  2. Passive income is tax least.
  3. You can have better leverage over your income.
  4. You can serve more and more number of people and earn more and more (Sky is limit)
  5. You will be a master & can enjoy financial freedom.

A business owner has more control over taxes, the highest leverage potential, and the most legal tax advantages.

If you want to be rich you have to work for the right kind of income passive income (good income) but most of us join the rat race and work for Earned income (bad income).

70 % Money

This is what we call Earned income which you receive from a paycheck, “70 percent money.” The reason we called it 70 percent money is because no matter how much money you earned, the government always took at least 30 percent of it or more in one way or another by imposing income tax, professional tax, service tax, etc. As most people know, you are taxed when you earn, spend, save, and invest.

So, we wonder why people spend their lives in search of a higher-paying job or a pay raise. We can say, “When you get a raise, so does the government.” Spending your life working hard for 70 percent money was not the financially intelligent thing to do.

15 % Money

Many people today are working for 15 percent money, which is money from capital gains or appreciation of stocks and sometimes real estate.

Tax law for employees:-

If you work for job security, you will earn less and less the more and more you work. That is too high a price to pay for a little bit of security. Today, the best way to earn more and work less is via owning your own business. It continues to be the best loophole in the world. One reason to start your own business is the difference in when you pay your taxes.

Employee Business

Employees and business owners both earn money but the income of the employee is taxed first (TDS) and then he spends what is left, while the business owner, gets a chance to spend earned money first before paying tax.

The tax laws are really bad for the employee.

Working for Good money can make you rich:-

You can work for good money by simply starting a small home-based business, buying a franchise, or joining a network marketing company, you are moving into more tax-advantaged income. You can be rich if you build, buy, or create assets that create positive cash flow.

Try exploring the potential of your free time and you can be rich.

Many of the very rich became rich in their spare time. So, if you have a job because you have financial responsibilities, keep your job but make better use of your spare time. When your friends go to play golf go fishing or watch sports on TV, you can start your part-time business.

Comparison of the Three Income Types

When determining which type of income is best for you, consider the following factors:

Risk Tolerance: How comfortable are you with the level of risk associated with each type of income?

Time Commitment: How much time are you willing to invest in generating and managing your income?

Financial Goals: What are your short-term and long-term financial goals, and which income type aligns best with them?

Skills and Expertise: What skills and expertise do you possess that can be leveraged to maximize your income potential?

Diversification: How important is diversification to your overall financial strategy?

Which income is the Best Income?

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. The best type of income for you depends on your individual circumstances, goals, and preferences. Some people may prefer the stability of earned income, while others may seek the potential for passive income or portfolio growth.

LIC Jeevan Vaibhav Review – Think Twice

LIC Jeevan Vaibhav
Country’s largest insurer Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) has launched a non unit-linked single premium product Jeevan Vaibhav with minimum premium of about 95,000 Rs/-.

LIC’s Jeevan Vaibhav is a close-ended single premium endowment assurance plan which offers guaranteed benefits on death and maturity along with Loyalty Addition, if any, payable on maturity or on death in the last policy year. The plan would be available for a limited period only up to a maximum of 120 days.

Benefits of Jeevan Vaibhav Plan:-

a) Death Benefit:

On death during the policy term, excluding last policy year: Sum Assured shall be payable.

On death during last policy year: Sum Assured along with loyalty addition, if any shall be payable.

b) Maturity Benefit:

On maturity, Sum Assured along with Loyalty Addition, if any, shall be payable.

c) Loyalty Addition:

This policy will be eligible for Loyalty Addition on date of maturity, rates and other terms will be declared by the Corporation.

d) High Sum assurance rebate:

Sum AssuredRebate (Rs.)Amount (Rs.)
Up   to 3, 90,000NilNil
4,   00,000 to 5, 90,0002.00   %o S.A.8000   Rs/- to 11800 Rs/-
6,   00,000 and above3.00 %o S.A.18000 Rs/-

e) Loan facility:

Loan facility will be available under this plan, after completion of one policy year.


The minimum age at entry for the plan is 8 years while the maximum is 65 years. The minimum premium under the policy is Rs 95,210 with no upper limit. Policy term will be 10 years and Maturity amount will be approximately double than premium paying amount.

Review Returns:-

Annualized return and premium amount including service tax is as under

LIC Jeevan Vaibhav ReturnsSo, overall this policy also gives same type of return 6-7.5 % like most of endowment plan. If you think from return prospective it is not advisable to purchase this policy, Mutual funds or even FD for 10 year can give even more return compare to Jeevan Vaibhav plan.

Risk cover:-

Risk cover by Jeevan Vaibhav policy is just two times of premium paid which may not be sufficient considering your income. It is not advisable to purchase this policy for risk cover Term plan is more suitable option for risk cover.

Tax prospective:-

If you look at this policy from tax prospective, it lacks the current Budget modifications. As per current provision to avail deduction under section 80C your premium should 10% of SA. This policy does not fit in this if you opt for Rs.1000000 SA then your premium should be within Rs.100000 which is not possible from this policy.

So if you are planning to purchase this policy from tax saving don’t purchase this plan.

Catch points:-

(1)   This plan is giving you returns between the range 6-7.5 % No Tax benefit under sec 80C.

(2)   Currently when Bank tax saving FDs are giving 9.5-9.75% tax free returns and 80C rebate is also available, I don’t feel LIC Jeevan Vaibhav is a good plan.

(3)   The term for this plan is also fixed for 10 years. If you buy this policy for risk cover you have to again buy another insurance plan after 10 years to cover yourself, at that time it will cost you a fortune.

(4)   With current inflation index this product may not beat inflation.

(5)   As you will be investing all money at single go for 10 years you may lose opportunity to invest in some better financial product may come during this time period.

Over all this policy don’t provide you enough risk cover, return and tax benefit. Think twice before purchasing this policy.

I hope I have empowered you with enough calculations, reasons to invest or reject LIC Jeevan Vaibhav. Now better take informed decision and that too for the betterment of your finances.

If you have any questions related to LIC Jeevan Vaibhav or any other life insurance policy – feel free to add it in comment section.

How to Become Wealthy? – Robert Kiyosaki Cashflow Quadrant

When it comes to wealth, people often struggle & spend their entire lives to become wealthy. Some of them can change the wheel of fortune and become wealthy while others don’t. In this post, we will suggest a proven way to become wealthy.

Many people believe that “Being rich is being wealthy” This is not true; being Rich is about how much money you possess at a specific moment in time.

Being Wealthy is about . . .

  • How much money do you keep?
  • How hard it work for you?
  • How much is left for future generations?

Being Wealthy is about exploding your Passive Income. (How long you can survive without ever having to go to work?).

  • A million-dollar question arises as to why only a few people are wealthy.
  • What do others have to do to become wealthy?

Let’s check out the views of the famous writer “Robert Kiyosaki “on this.

become wealthy

How to Become Wealthy? – Robert Kiyosaki Cashflow Quadrant

What The Wealthy Teach Their Kids About Money That The Poor And Middle Class Don’t.

We are a free country, not necessarily a fair country. We are all free to fail. We’re being taught to be “Good Employees.”  Process flow from the beginning of our childhood is:-

Go to school  –> Get good grades/results  –> Get a good “JOB” –> Work hard –> Maintain good credit

So we can consume lots of stuff. “JOB” for most means “Just Over Broke.”

This is a way to become “Wealthy?  –  NO

It is not your boss’ / employer’s job to make you wealthy or secure. Their job is to give you a paycheck. . . for work you have done & nothing more. You have to decide what you want to do with this money to become wealthy. The first thing you must learn is how to drive this money.

The biggest problem today is money drives most of us and we obey money.

  • Employers/Bosses
  • Landlords
  • Friends /Family

Probably it is because we are unable to drive money or maybe we are not smarter than our money?

If you want to be wealthy you have to be smarter than your money. You have to decide:-

Do you want to work for money? or do You want your money to work for you?

When money works for you, every rupee is your employee & you can decide how to take work from it. You have to manage the rupee so that every rupee works to bring you even more rupees while you’re asleep.

Yes, we are talking about the power of passive income. Passive income is income by Interest, dividends, real estate, rent, royalties, stock market, and annuities.

So it is not important that “What do you do?” but important is “What do you own?”

The key to becoming wealthy:-

  • Make investments that will bring passive income.
  • Know the difference between an ASSET and a LIABILITY, and only buy assets.
  • A True Asset will bring positive cash flow every month.
  • Live below your means, while constantly increasing your means. (Try to increase your active income)
  • Make your PASSIVE INCOME cover your Lifestyle Expenses forever.
  • Buy assets first, luxuries last.
  • If today you are unable to buy something ask yourself “How can I afford it?” This stimulates your creativity.

Sadly, most of us have been taught to read words and books, but not numbers and financial statements. Two key personal and business financial statements we all must be able to read.

  • The Income Statement shows the amount of money coming in and going out.
  • The Balance Sheet shows the balance of what you own and what you owe.

Income Balance

Let’s study the Income statements and balance sheets of the poor, middle-class, and wealthy people. Poor have small incomes and small expenses. Assets are zero and liabilities are zero.

Poor Live
The middle class has a stable income but they buy expenses and liabilities by thinking that they are buying assets. Expenses and liabilities are more and assets are less.

Middle Class Live

Now let’s take a look at how wealthy live. They usually take the income of the poor and middle class and buy assets that produce more income. Their assets produce passive income by which they again invest in assets to become wealthier. So to become wealthy you must invest in assets that are true assets and that will produce income for you.

Wealthy Live

As per the Cash Flow Quadrant In the world, we have four types of people. Employees, Self-Employed, Developers, and Investor look at the following diagram.

Cash Flow

Understanding the Cashflow Quadrant is essential for individuals seeking financial success. It provides clarity on the various paths to wealth and helps individuals identify where they currently stand and where they aspire to be.

The E Quadrant: Employee

Characteristics of the E Quadrant

The E Quadrant comprises individuals who work for others and earn a fixed salary or wage. Employees typically exchange their time and labor for monetary compensation, often with limited control over their income and schedule.

Advantages and Limitations of Being an Employee

While being an Employee offers stability and certain benefits such as health insurance and retirement plans, it also comes with limitations. Employees have less autonomy and are subject to layoffs, salary caps, and the whims of employers.

The S Quadrant: Self-Employed

Characteristics of the S Quadrant

The S Quadrant consists of self-employed individuals who own their businesses or work as freelancers or independent contractors. They have greater control over their work and income compared to employees but often shoulder more responsibilities.

Pros and Cons of Being Self-Employed

Self-employed individuals enjoy autonomy and the potential for higher income, but they also face challenges such as irregular income, long hours, and the need to handle all aspects of their business.

The B Quadrant: Business Owner

Characteristics of the B Quadrant

The B Quadrant is inhabited by business owners who create systems and leverage the efforts of others to generate income. They focus on building scalable businesses that can operate independently of their direct involvement.

Benefits and Challenges of Being a Business Owner

Business owners enjoy the potential for unlimited income and the ability to create wealth through asset accumulation. However, they must navigate risks, manage employees, and adapt to market changes to succeed.

The I Quadrant: Investor

Overview of the I Quadrant

The I Quadrant represents investors who make money by putting their capital to work in various asset classes such as stocks, real estate, and businesses. Investors seek to generate passive income and grow their wealth over time.

Strategies for Becoming a Successful Investor

Successful investors employ strategies such as diversification, risk management, and long-term planning to achieve their financial goals. They continuously educate themselves and make informed decisions based on market trends and opportunities.

Transitioning Between Quadrants

Moving from the E or S Quadrants to the B or I Quadrants

Transitioning between quadrants requires a shift in mindset and approach to income generation. It often involves acquiring new skills, building networks, and taking calculated risks to pursue entrepreneurial ventures or investment opportunities.

Steps to Transition Effectively

Effective transition requires careful planning and execution. Individuals should assess their strengths, interests, and financial goals, and then develop a strategic roadmap to move toward the B or I Quadrants.

Building Wealth Through the Cashflow Quadrant

To build wealth using the Cashflow Quadrant, individuals must focus on leveraging assets and creating passive income streams. This involves investing in income-producing assets such as stocks, bonds, rental properties, and businesses that generate recurring revenue.


In conclusion, becoming wealthy is attainable for those willing to learn, adapt, and take action. By understanding and leveraging the principles of the Cashflow Quadrant, individuals can create multiple income streams, build assets, and achieve financial freedom.


Is it possible to become wealthy without taking risks?

    • While risk-taking is often associated with wealth creation, there are ways to build wealth through conservative strategies such as disciplined saving and long-term investing.

Do I need a high income to become wealthy?

    • High income can accelerate wealth accumulation, but it’s not the sole determinant. Consistent saving, smart investing, and prudent financial management are equally important factors.

How long does it take to become wealthy?

    • The timeline for wealth accumulation varies depending on individual circumstances, goals, and strategies. However, achieving significant wealth typically requires time, patience, and diligent effort.

Can anyone become wealthy, or is it reserved for a select few?

    • Wealth is attainable for anyone willing to educate themselves, take calculated risks, and stay disciplined in their financial habits. It’s not reserved for a select few but rather accessible to those who are committed to their goals.

What role does financial education play in wealth creation?

    • Financial education is critical for making informed decisions about saving, investing, and managing money effectively. By improving financial literacy, individuals can navigate the complexities of wealth creation with confidence and competence.