Making a property card is easy today. You can get your property card by applying online as well as offline. It is important to get your property card as it helps in multiple ways. Real estate is an unorganized sector where a lot of black money is involved.
It is important to bring clarity to property ownership. It is one of the methods to bring clarity to land and property records.
The online system of cards will help in making land and property-related transaction full proof where there is no scope for any fraudulent activities.
What is a Property Card?
A Property Card or Certificate is a smart card that contains all information about your property. A property card is issued by the government of India. The property card acts as proof that you own the mentioned property. It acts as a handy record for the property.
You need to apply at a government office to get your property card. You can apply for this card online as well as offline.
How to Apply for a Property Card Certificate?
The process of applying for a property card online is given below.
Apply Online
- Visit the official website of the Land and Development – Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs – Government of India.
- On the Home Page, Click on the eDharti portal.
- You will be redirected to the eDharti page.
- Click on the “Login” tab.
- It then redirects the online applicant to a new page.
- Click on the “New User” tab.
- You will be prompted with the options “Official Registration” and “Applicant Registration” on the New User Registration Page. Select Application Registration.
- Enter any one of the Document Numbers out of the given options: Aadhaar/PAN/Passport/PION/OCIN
- On the Applicant Registration page, Enter the Name of the Applicant, Date of Birth, and Gender, and enter the Security Code.
- In the Application Registration, Enter the Name of the Father/Husband.
- In the Address Section, Enter State, City, PIN code, House Number & Street.
- Enter your Mobile Number and email Address and Upload the Applicant Photo. Click on the “Next” button.
- After clicking on the “Next” button, it displays the Applicant Details which you have entered before in the personal details.
- In the Property Details Section, Select Land Type, Property Type, Property Sub-Type, Colony, Block Number, Plot Number, Lease Number, and Property Known as.
- In the Security Details Section, enter the security details.
- Then complete the Registration Process which gives the alert – Thank You for Registration.
- Click on the “Acknowledgement”, and the Filled Application Form gets downloaded in PDF Format.
- After submission of this registration form, the system issues the property card.
- To View, Print & Download Property cards online, go to the Official Website of the Dharti Portal.
- A map will open in front of you.
- On the homepage map, you have to enter the address you are looking for. After entering the address, press enter.
- Zoom to the exact location to see the property card.
- On selecting the property you will see various options, such as;
- View property card
- Misinformation
- View geotagged images etc.
Click on the “View Property Card” option from these options Now, the card will open on your screen which contains the details of the property such as the type of land, the status of the land, shareholding details, etc.
To download the file, click “Click here Print” and take a printout.
How to check Property Records and Land Records online in India?
Apply Offline In-Person
- To apply for a Property Certificate in person, the applicant has to visit the nearest office of the Directorate of Town & Country Planning. Please use this link to get contact details: Link or refer to the “Office Location and Contacts” section of this page.
- Visit the office and get an application form for a Property Certificate. Or download it from the following Link to the Application Form and Related Documents
- Complete the application form with appropriate information under the relevant sections. Please refer to the “Required Information” section for more details.
- Once completed, make sure to attach all the documents listed under the “Required Documents” section of this page.
- Pay the nominal fee of ₹1000 and attach a challan for ₹50.
- Submit the completed application form and its attachments to the relevant authority at the office.
- Post submission, the application form will be forwarded for verification.
- Once all the internal processes are over, those who have applied for the Property Card will receive an SMS alert, which informs the applicant about the current status of the Card.
- The applicant can collect the certificate in 2 to 3 weeks after due verification from the nearest office of the Directorate of Town & Country Planning or from the local panchayat office.
Documents Required for Property Certificate
- Application Form for Property Certificate
- Notarized Affidavit (₹10/-)
- Statement of Applicant with one Photograph (to be filled in by applicant)
- VRO Enquiry Report (to be filled in by the Office)
- RI Enquiry Report (to be filled in by the Office)
- Property Certificate (2 Copies) (to be generated by Office)
- Documents Filed
- Challan for ₹50/-
- Sub-Registrar Valuation Form
- ROR 1-B/Adangal/ Registration or Succession Documents
- Ration Card
Property Card Websites
Gujarat Website –
Maharashtra Website –
Mumbai Website –
Final Words
As per me, it is a very good initiative that will surely help in the following ways –
- Reduce/remove fraudulent transactions.
- It is a step towards the digitalization of property records.
- Prove the authenticity of the Property owner.
- The record can be accessed online anywhere anytime.
- A handy property card/smart card will make the life of a property owner easy as it is easy to carry.
- Record keeping also helps in preventing revenue leakage.
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