HomePersonal FinanceEPF Withdrawal without Employer Signature

EPF Withdrawal without Employer Signature

EPF Withdrawal

Do you know that EPF Withdrawal is simplified, now you can withdraw your EPF without employer signature?  If your employer is not ready to sign your EPF withdrawal form, don’t worry. Now you can straight away approach EPF Office and withdraw your EPF. Remember your employer can not control your EPF money.

  • Have you left your job and employer is not ready to sign EPF withdrawal?
  • As you have not severed notice period and company is not giving clearance about EPF.
  • You left your job. Your relations with your employer is spoiled and they are not willing to sign EPF withdrawal.

Whatever is your case, now it is easy to withdraw your EPF without employer signature. Thanks to EPFO for simplifying the lengthy process of withdrawing EPF. EPFO has launched new forms Form-19 (UAN), Form-10-C (UAN), and Form-31 (UAN) for the withdrawal of EPF. These forms are one-page forms require only some minimum information. You will be able to use these forms for withdrawal of EPF if you have completed Form 11 (New).

Also Read – How to change Mobile Number in EPF UAN Account?

Additional conditions to avail this facility is given below –

  • You must have UAN Number Activated.
  • Your Aadhaar card and bank details are seeded as KYC on UAN portal.
  • Your Employer has attested your KYC details using Digital Signature.

New EPF Withdrawal forms can be used for the following purpose –

  • Full and Final Settlement of EPF – New Form 19 (UAN)
  • EPS benefits withdrawal – New Form 10 – C (UAN)
  • Partial Withdrawal of EPF – New Form – 31 (UAN)

How to do EPF withdrawal without Employer Signature?

Full and Final Settlement of EPF

For full and final settlement of EPF, you need to use New Form 19 (UAN).

Step -1

Kindly verify bank account number and Aadhar card number data in UAN portal. To check verification status log on to EPF portal with your UAN number and password.

  • Click on Profile and go to “UPDATE KYC INFORMATION”
  • You will find information about your KYC. You should see verification status “Approved by Employer”.
  • If details are not available you need to complete your KYC.

EPF Withdrawal

Step -2

Fill up the New Form 19 (UAN) by providing information like UAN, Date of leaving, Reason of leaving service, PAN card number and full postal address as shown in form below.

Form 19

Step -3

Submit dully filled form along with cancel cheque copy containing your name, bank account number and IFSC Code to EPFO.

EPS benefit withdrawal

For EPS benefit withdrawal you need to use New Form 10 – C (UAN).

Also Read – E-Nomination Facility EPFO Portal

Step -1

Fill up New Form 10 – C (UAN) by providing information like UAN, Date of Joining, Date of Leaving and full postal address.

Form 10C

Step -2

Submit dully filled form along with cancel cheque copy containing your name, bank account number and IFSC Code to EPFO.

Partial Withdrawal of EPF

For Partial Withdrawal of EPF you need to use Form -31 (UAN).

Step -1

Fill up New Form 31 – (UAN) by providing information like UAN, Name, Purpose of advance, Advance Amount and full postal detail of member.

Form 31

Step -2

Submit dully filled form along with cancel cheque copy containing your name, bank account number and IFSC Code to EPFO.

What if your KYC details are not verified by Employer?

If Your KYC details are not verified by Employer you can make the claim for withdrawal using regular Form 19, 10C and 31. If your employer is not ready to sign on the withdrawal form you can follow the method given below.

Step -1 – Fill up regular from 19, 10C or 31.

Step -2 – Get this form attested with the official seal of competent authority like Magistrate, A Gazetted officer, Post/Sub  post master, MLA, MP or Manager of Bank where your saving bank account is maintained. This will act as your KYC.

 Step -3 – Attach a letter explaining about the reason of not getting a signature from the employer.

Step -4 – Submit the form, cancel cheque along with letter to regional EPF office.

For More information please go through official EPF Circular

Shitanshu Kapadia
Shitanshu Kapadia
Hi, I am Shitanshu founder of moneyexcel.com. I am engaged in blogging & Digital Marketing for 10 years. The purpose of this blog is to share my experience, knowledge and help people in managing money. Please note that the views expressed on this Blog are clarifications meant for reference and guidance of the readers to explore further on the topics. These should not be construed as investment , tax, financial advice or legal opinion. Please consult a qualified financial planner and do your own due diligence before making any investment decision.