HomeMoney & Wealth3 Proven Ways to Earn a High Income - Which one is...

3 Proven Ways to Earn a High Income – Which one is Best?

High Income – Financial Freedom gives you financial confidence. Financial freedom is the dream it is the ultimate status of having enough income so that you can live your life with financial confidence. You can do whatever you want to do. You can buy whatever you want to buy for the rest of your life without having to be employed or dependent on others. One of the ways to achieve financial freedom is via High Income.

There are three different ways to earn a high-income High-Income Job, a High-Income Profession, and High-Income Skills. What’s the difference?

High Income Skills

3 Proven Ways to Earn a High-Income

#1 High-Income Job

A high-income job is company-dependent. The perfect example is climbing up the corporate ladder. You work hard and eventually move up to middle management or executive position. You’re able to make a decent income every month & you can become financially free.

However, there is one catch—what if your boss decides to fire you? Would you be able to take that same income to another company? Possibly, but it’s not guaranteed. 

Would the position and status you had in one company be transferred over to the next? Again, possible—but not guaranteed. What if the company decides to implement “corporate restructuring”? What would you do then? Would your company knowledge be transferable to your job?

When you are at a high-income job, your income is determined by the top bosses of the company. They could demote you, fire you, or promote you, but it’s mostly outside of your control unless you know how to play dirty politics and move ahead in life.

10 High Income Skills that can make you Rich

#2 High-Income Profession

A high-income profession is another way to make a high income and gain financial freedom gradually. However, the high-income profession is industry-dependent. This profession is usually credentials based, meaning the more degrees you have in front of or behind your name, the more you get paid. 

Examples of high-income professions are doctors, lawyers, accountants, realtors, and dentists who study and work hard for six to eight years to get their education and degree. However, the pitfall of having a high-income profession is in its definition—it’s industry-dependent.

In case the industry is facing a downturn you may not make a high income. Let’s say you are realtors and suddenly the market starts going into a downturn due to the economy, what do you do? You’re as good of a Realtor as before, but what changed? Nothing—except the market and the economy. None of which are within your control. 

Not only that most of the professions are location-dependent like doctors, dentists, and relators operating locally. Let’s face it, if you’re a dentist, not many people are going to drive 10 km to see you, no matter how good you are.

So, the third way is important & it is completely in your control that is High-income skills.

#3 High Income Skills

High-Income Skills are limitless. A High-Income Skill gives you the most freedom because what you are worth is only capped by how much value you can bring to the marketplace. 

It is not company-dependent because you can go to another client who will want your service. It is not industry-dependent because a High-Income Skill works across all industries. It’s not location-dependent because a High-Income Skill does not require your physical presence as long as you can deliver value to your customers. With the advancements in technology, it’s easier than ever to work from home, in a coffee shop, or anywhere you’d like. Once you acquire your High-Income Skills, you’ll be able to start living your life with real financial freedom.

So, it is important that you start learning and developing high-income skills if you don’t have any.

Remember- Jobs get you nowhere, profession gets you somewhere, skill gets you everywhere.

If you want to know more about high-income skills or want to learn high-income skills you can reach me at sk@moneyexcel.com

Shitanshu Kapadia
Shitanshu Kapadia
Hi, I am Shitanshu founder of moneyexcel.com. I am engaged in blogging & Digital Marketing for 10 years. The purpose of this blog is to share my experience, knowledge and help people in managing money. Please note that the views expressed on this Blog are clarifications meant for reference and guidance of the readers to explore further on the topics. These should not be construed as investment , tax, financial advice or legal opinion. Please consult a qualified financial planner and do your own due diligence before making any investment decision.