HomeCareer20 Network Marketing Companies 2024 - Popular MLM Companies

20 Network Marketing Companies 2024 – Popular MLM Companies

Network Marketing Companies 2024 – Networking Marketing is a business model or strategy that is used by businesses to increase sale. Network Marketing is adopted by MLM companies to recruit independent distributors on a commission basis. Anyone can become a Network Marketing associate and make money.

Many people think that Network Marketing or MLM is bad. It is a scam or not worth it. However, this is not true. I have come across many successful Network Marketing leaders who are making millions in a year. MLM is one of the fastest ways to make money part-time or full-time. You need to select a legitimate MLM company that offers very good products that people are willing to purchase. Additionally, a company should be ready to offer a good commission. If you have excellent communication and presentation skills and you are willing to earn money part-time, here is a list of 10 Popular Network Marketing Companies that offer excellent products and marketing plans.

Network Marketing

What is Network Marketing?

Network Marketing means creating a network and selling products directly to the consumer. A person doing network marketing is called a Network Marketer or MLM associate.

Once you join MLM company you will be part of a network chain and your task will be –

  • Make a Sale of Product
  • Recruit Network Marketers

If you sell a product you will get a direct commission. Along with selling products, you can recruit someone as a network marketer under you. The person recruited by you can further recruit a person or sell products.

If any associate recruited under you earns a commission on selling products you will also get part of that commission. It is a pyramid architecture where everyone works and everyone earns money. Your income will be dependent on your sell as well as sales made by the team under you.

In simple words, suppose a person ‘X’ recruits person ‘Y’ under him. Now whenever person X sells a product he will earn his commission as well as part of Y’s commission when Y makes a sale. Now, to earn more money, Y will recruit a person Z under him. In this way, a network is built. As marketing is done by the entire network it is known as network marketing.

You can recruit your family members, relatives, friends, or any acquaintance in the network. No special credential or education is required for MLM.’

Also Read – How to be a Successful Leader in MLM Network Marketing?

How to Join a Network Marketing Company? 

It is very easy to join a network marketing company. You can be invited by a friend or stranger to join a network marketing company. Alternatively, you can directly approach the MLM company and start network marketing. Before joining any network marketing company you must look at the following five key things.

  • Age of the company – The MLM company should be operational for at least 5 years and above.
  • Credibility – The company should be trustworthy and legitimate. To check credibility you need to do your survey & research.
  • Products – The company should offer very good products preferably daily use of FMCG products.
  • Compensation Plan – You should check the compensation plan and commission slab offered by the company.
  • Training – The company should provide specialized training or coach to the associate.

20 Network Marketing Companies 2024 – Popular MLM Companies 

#1 Amway 

Amway is one of the most popular and leading network marketing companies. Amway offers multiple health, beauty & personal care products. The sales plan offered by Amway is point value (PV) and Business value (BV) based and easy to understand. Anyone can join Amway and earn a lot of money in part-time.

#2 Vestige

Vestige is a well-known name in the MLM segment. Vestige offers health care, personal care, oral care, agriculture, and food products. The vestige marketing plan is a level-based plan. Your performance bonus increases based on levels.

#3 MI Lifestyle

MI Lifestyle is next in the list of popular MLM companies. MI Lifestyle offers agro care, body care, grocery, health care, and personal care products. Your commission is dependent on group business volume.

#4 Herbal Life

Herbal Life is a global MLM company that develops and sells health and dietary supplements. It is one of the oldest companies operating in multiple countries. The product of herbal life is slightly overpriced. The business plan of Herbal Life is slightly complicated.

#5 Modicare

Modicare is a growing MLM company. Modicare company is based in India. Modicare deals in personal care, home care, and wellness products. Modicare plan works on profit sharing and performance bonus based.

#6 RCM

RCM is India’s largest direct selling MLM Company. RCM has a proven track record and a very good marketing plan. RCM has a vast product range that includes fashion, accessories, stationery, foot ware and household items.

#7 Oriflame

Oriflame is a multilevel marketing cosmetic company. Oriflame MLM company is more suitable for women. Oriflame offers products for skincare, makeup, wellness, etc.

#8 Avon

Avon is the leading UK-based multi-level marketing company. It is among one of the oldest and most trusted MLM companies. Avon offers skincare, haircare, personal care, and fashion products. Avon offers volume discounting and commission-based income.

#9 4Life

4Life is a health and wellness-based MLM company. 4Life offers products related to health. 4Life offers a very good compensation plan for MLM associates.

#10 DXN 

DXN is next in the list of MLM companies. DXN offers a wide product range of food supplements, food, and personal care products. DXN has a good marketing plan based on personal point value and personal sale value.

#11 NHT Global

NHT Global is a US-based MLM company. NHT Global wide range of products related to beauty, wellness, lifestyle, herbal, and skin care. NHT Global has a very good compensation policy for the associates.

#12 Youngevity

Youngevity is a growing MLM company. Youngevity helps you to stay fit and younger. The product range of Youngevity includes herbal products, health supplements, dietary supplements, immunity boosters, etc.

#13 Nu Skin

Nu Skin is a leading US multi-level marketing company operating mainly in the US. Nu Skin sells direct supplements and personal care products. Nu Skin offers good compensation to MLM associates.

#14 Captain Tortue

Captain Tortue is a fashion-based network marketing company. It is UK UK-based company specializing in formal clothing for people of all ages. If you join Captain Tortue you will be called a fashion consultant. Captain Tortue offers unique fashion and style.

#15 Natura 

Natura is one of the best cosmetic company in the world. Natura MLM is best for women. Natura sells cosmetic and personal hygiene products. This MLM company is similar to Oriflame.

#16 Mary Kay 

Mary Kay is the topt network marketing company in the world. The associate joining Mary Kay is known as a beauty consultant. You can earn money for selling products as well as commission from your network beauty consultant.

#17 Beachbody 

Beachbody is a commission-based MLM company. Beachbody deals in weight loss, muscle building & home exercise products. You can join Beachbody as a  distributor and earn a commission on every sale.

#18 Vorwerk 

Vorwerk manufactures household products like kitchen appliancese, water purifiers, cosmetic products and flooring. Vorwerk has small network marketing network with less number of associates.

#19 Jeunesse

Jeunesse is US based health and wellness MLM company. Jeunesse is relatively new MLM company. However, product offered by this company is very good. You can join Jeunesse and earn money from six different ways.

#20 Pampered Chef

Pampered Chef Ltd offers kitchen tools, food products and different recipes for preparing healthy yet savory meals at home. It is one of the best MLM company of USA.

Benefits of MLM Business 

Benefits associated with MLM Business are given below.

  1. It is a part-time business with flexibility in timing. You can work anytime anywhere as MLM associate.
  2. The investment required for MLM business is very low or in some cases NIL. This means no capital is required for starting an MLM business.
  3.  You need not spend any money on the advertisement expense. The entire concept work on direct marketing.
  4. The risk involved in this business is very low. You need to purchase a product only when you receive an order.
  5. You need not maintain any product stock or inventory at your end.
  6. As it is a direct selling business, no special logistic arrangement required for doing this business.
  7. You do not require any staff for doing this business. You can work on your own for selling products or generating new leads.
  8. This business does not require any prior experience or special education for starting this business.
  9. If anyone under you generate sell you will also earn commission income. The commission income increases with the expansion of the network. It is a team business.
  10. MLM or Network Marketing is a very good passive income generation idea where you can work for one time for building network and generate money lifelong.

Final Thoughts 

As per me, network marketing is one of the best business options. There are many successful MLM leaders all over the world making a lot of money via network marketing business. However, it is not easy to be successful in this business, you need to work hard and develop a skill require to become successful MLM leader.


Please note that the list of network marketing company given above is prepared based on my own experience. I am not associated with any of the MLM companies mentioned above. The purpose of this post is to help you know about few most popular MLM companies of 2024.

Shitanshu Kapadia
Shitanshu Kapadia
Hi, I am Shitanshu founder of moneyexcel.com. I am engaged in blogging & Digital Marketing for 10 years. The purpose of this blog is to share my experience, knowledge and help people in managing money. Please note that the views expressed on this Blog are clarifications meant for reference and guidance of the readers to explore further on the topics. These should not be construed as investment , tax, financial advice or legal opinion. Please consult a qualified financial planner and do your own due diligence before making any investment decision.