HomeStock MarketZerodha Varsity Mobile App - Learn Stock Market on Move

Zerodha Varsity Mobile App – Learn Stock Market on Move

Zerodha Varsity Mobile App – Zerodha Online Stock Broking has launched Varsity. Varsity is a Mobile App for learning the stock market on the move. The objective of Zerodha Varsity is to enhance stock market knowledge among end users. It is expected that Zerodha Varsity will attract millennials.

Zerodha Varsity is available on Google Play and App Store. This means Android as well as iOS users can use this platform for learning. Varsity contains multiple chapters. Depending upon your current understanding of the stock market, you can choose to start a course from the beginning or you may jump to a chapter as per your interest.

Zerodha Varsity Mobile App Learn Stock Market

The Key features of the Zerodha Varsity Mobile App are given below.

Zerodha Varsity Mobile App – Features & Usage

Varsity provides high-quality stock market education which is easy to access by everyone without any financial obligations.

It is well structured app. The entire content is divided into various modules. Every module has several chapters and detail discussion is done about every topic. Each main topic is divided into three difficulty levels, with a quiz at the end of each level. You can challenge yourself by taking up the certification exam at the end of every module.

The content given on the app is engaging and several real examples from Indian stock market and illustration are given in every chapter. The app is interactive. If you have some doubt about any topic you can post your query in the comment section. Your query will be answered by the expert as early as possible.

The entire app is responsive. This means you can access it from mobile, tablet or pad form factor will be adjusted automatically. The app covers basic to advance all topics. This means a newbie to advance user this app can be used by anyone. Varsity also provides facility to download chapter as a pdf document which can be read at a later stage offline without internet connection.

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The Modules available at Zerodha Varsity are given below.

Introduction to stock market 

This modules contains 15 chapters covering basic of stock market, IPO, how to invest, How stock market works, trading terminal etc.

Technical analysis 

In Technical analysis module you will learn about various charts, patterns, support and resistance, moving average, indicators. You will get in depth information about patterns and chart in technical analysis module.

Fundamental analysis

Fundamental analysis module contains 16 different chapters containing important information about fundamental analysis profit & loss statement, balance sheet, cash flow statement, financial ratio and equity research.

Future trading

Future and Trading module is spread across 12 chapters. In this module you can learn about important topics such as future and contracts,Futures Trade, Leverage & Payoff, Margin & M2M, Nifty Futures, Shorting and Hedging with Futures etc.

Options theory of professional trading

In this module you can learn about Call/Put Options, Buying & Selling Options, The Options Greeks, Volatility, and Moneyness etc.

Other modules included in this app are Option strategies, Markets and taxation, Currency & commodity trading, Trading psychology and risk management, Trading System, Personal Finance & Innerworth – Mind over Market

Each topics end by comment section where you can post your query and get answers.

The entire app is free you need not to pay any fee for using this app. Users are not required to open any Demat or trading account to use Zerodha Varsity. This app does not require any login. This makes entire learning process easy and convenient.

You can access all these content on website of Zerodha also. The content can be converted in Hindi on the Zerodha Varsity section. You can follow expert opinions shared on the wall to enhance your stock market knowledge.

How to Download and use Varsity on Mobile?

The step by step process to download and use Varsity app is given below.

  1. Visit your smart phone’s app store either at Google Play or App Store.
  2. Search for ‘Zerodha Varsity’ app
  3. Download the app and install it
  4. You can Log in to app using your Kite ID, Gmail & Facebook ID
  5. You can select the desire module set the goal and start learning.

You can track your progress as well as go through video content by Zerodha Educate.

Should you use Varsity for learning Stock Market?

Zerodha Varsity is a very good app for the beginner who wants to learn the stock market. If you have limited knowledge about the stock market, you can use this app to understand a market and learn stock market trading. The vocabulary used in this app is simple, examples are very good and cater to the Indian market scenarios. At few places chart and images are used that gives very good understanding about topic.

I recommend to use this app for learning stock market.

Note – If you are experience or veteran stock market investor you may find content shared by of Varsity very basic.

Zerodha Varsity content is well structured and engaging, but few people may not like as it due to lot of textual contents.

Shitanshu Kapadia
Shitanshu Kapadia
Hi, I am Shitanshu founder of I am engaged in blogging & Digital Marketing for 12 years. The purpose of this blog is to share my experience, knowledge and help people in managing money. Please note that the views expressed on this Blog are clarifications meant for reference and guidance of the readers to explore further on the topics. These should not be construed as investment , tax, financial advice or legal opinion. Please consult a qualified financial planner and do your own due diligence before making any investment decision.