HomePersonal FinanceUnion Budget 2021 - Mobile App Download

Union Budget 2021 – Mobile App Download

Union Budget 2021 to be presented on Feb,1, 2021. This time union budget 2021 would be special in many aspects. It is budget post COVID-19. People are expecting major tax reform and benefits from the budget.

Budget 2021 would be paperless. It would be released on Mobile App. The government has released special budget app called as Union budget app. This app is available for the android as well as iOS operating systems. The entire budget along with documents will be accessed by the public using this application.

This mobile application is developed by National Informatics center under the guidance of the Department of Economic Affairs (DEA).  The name of app s Union Budget 2021 Mobile App.

Union Budget 2021 Mobile App Download

Union Budget 2021 – Mobile App Download

To download Union Budget Mobile App, open Android play store/ iOS app store and search for Union Budget App or click on the following links.

Union Budget Android Download link –


Union Budget iOS Download link –


You can also watch live budget webcast here –


The link for budget app is also available on Union Budget Web Portal –


You will get access to all budget documents related to union budget in this mobile app. The entire process of budget would be paperless. It is best example of digital governance.

The Budget Mobile App give access to 14 Union Budget documents –

  1. Finance Minister’s Budget Speech
  2. Annual Financial Statement (AFS)
  3. Demands for Grants (DG)
  4. Finance Bill
  5. Statements mandated under the FRBM Act:
    i) Macro-Economic Framework Statement
    ii) Medium-term Fiscal Policy cum Fiscal Policy Strategy Statement
  6. Expenditure Budget
  7. Receipt Budget
  8. Expenditure Profile
  9. Budget at a Glance
  10. Memorandum Explaining the Provisions in the Finance Bill
  11. Output Outcome Monitoring Framework
  12. Key Features of Budget
  13. Key to Budget Documents
  14. Implementation of Budget Announcements

The app is simple in design and provide user friendly interface. The information provided in this app can be accessed in Hindi as well as English. A global search option is provided for searching required document.

Multiple features available for PDF documents like downloading, printing, searching, zooming in and out, bidirectional scrolling, table of contents, external links etc.

The primary aim of this initiative is to provide Union Budget information to various stakeholders including general public at the click of a button.

I have downloaded this app. The app interface looks good. It is very good Initiative to save paper and printing cost, plus it’ll make budget documents to common people more accessible than ever.

Shitanshu Kapadia
Shitanshu Kapadia
Hi, I am Shitanshu founder of moneyexcel.com. I am engaged in blogging & Digital Marketing for 12 years. The purpose of this blog is to share my experience, knowledge and help people in managing money. Please note that the views expressed on this Blog are clarifications meant for reference and guidance of the readers to explore further on the topics. These should not be construed as investment , tax, financial advice or legal opinion. Please consult a qualified financial planner and do your own due diligence before making any investment decision.