HomeStock MarketTop 5 Best Consistent Performer Stocks since past 7 years

Top 5 Best Consistent Performer Stocks since past 7 years

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Say you are an investor planning to put some money in stock market. How do you select the best stock for investment? You will collect a lot of information and do a research in order to find the best stock of reputable company with good business potential.

The chances are good that you will select best stock which will come out as winner and you will never regret your decision. But, it may be possible that volatility and correction of market does not allow your stock to perform better and you may lose your money.

Don’t worry I have something special for you. Today I will be sharing details about 5 stocks that consistently beat the market and able to give positive return since past seven years. Not only that these stocks are giving consistently positive returns since 2004. These stocks were corrected only in 2008 during the biggest stock market crash. Sounds interesting right, so without wasting your time let’s try to look at Top 5 Best Consistent Performer Stocks since past 7 years.

Also Read – 7 Consistent Performer Stocks of last 3 Years (2015-2018)

Top 5 Best Consistent Performer Stocks since past 7 years

Supreme Industries

Supreme Industries is one of the biggest plastic processor companies of India. It is one of the fastest growing companies in last 10 years.  New product line, distribution and product network is plus point of this stock. This stock has given consistent positive returns from 2004 to 2014 except 2008. This stock was able to give magnificent return of 237% in 2009. Supreme industries stock is recommend stock with target price of 760 Rs.

Supreme Industries

Note- All these returns are CAGR returns calculated from January to January.

Cera Sanitaryware

Cera Sanitaryware is second best stock consistently giving positive returns since past seven years. In the year 2015 this stock has given 3% return. In 2014, this stock has given a magnificent return of 153%. In 2016, 20% growth target is set by this company. It is expected that this stock will perform well in future also.


Amara Raja Batteries

Amara Raja Batteries is next stock pick giving consistent positive returns since several years. In the current year, this stock was able to give 7% return till date. In 2014, this stock has given a magnificent return of 150%. Apart from 2008 this stock is giving constant positive returns since past 10 years. A Target price for this stock is 1000 Rs.


TTK Prestige

TTK Prestige is the best stock in consumer durable segment. This stock is constantly giving positive returns. In 2009 and 2010 this stock has given more than 200% return. A Balance sheet of this company is very strong and it is expected that this stock will perform better in future.



CRISIL is next consistent performer stock since several years. CRISIL is involved in ranking and research. This year performance of this stock is low however it is expected to improve in future. CRISIL was able to give 57% return in 2014. In Q2 profit of this company has increased by 8%. It is recommended to keep CRISIL in your portfolio.


Over to you

It is very good idea to invest in stocks mentioned above. As these stocks are proven, trustworthy and consistent performer stocks. This stock may give a negative return for year or two but for the long run it is expected that these stock will perform better.

What is your take on stocks mentioned above?  Do share your views in comment section.

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Shitanshu Kapadia
Shitanshu Kapadia
Hi, I am Shitanshu founder of I am engaged in blogging & Digital Marketing for 12 years. The purpose of this blog is to share my experience, knowledge and help people in managing money. Please note that the views expressed on this Blog are clarifications meant for reference and guidance of the readers to explore further on the topics. These should not be construed as investment , tax, financial advice or legal opinion. Please consult a qualified financial planner and do your own due diligence before making any investment decision.