HomeRetirementRetirement Planning in 3 easy steps

Retirement Planning in 3 easy steps

Retirement Planning is an important exercise. However, many people do not take it seriously. This may be due to lack of knowledge, a lake of time or ignorance towards retirement planning.

When I was in college my professor use to tell us one simple thing – Dying early is a big risk, so that living a long life is. (जल्दी मरना जितना बड़ा रिस्क है उतना ही बड़ा रिस्क है लम्बा जीना!) when everyone wants to live a long life why professor said so.

Let’s try to understand this with detail. At the time of independence average life expectancy of Indian was 32 years. This means in the year 1947 expected lifetime of Indian was very less. However, today situation has changed. Life expectancy of Indian is increased. On an average life expectancy is 80 years as of today. This means that after you stop earning at the age of 60 years (retirement) still you will be alive for 20 years (approximately). This 20 years of retired life will be the golden period of your life if you have done proper retirement planning.

Also Read – How to do Successful Retirement Planning?

As you have stopped earning money after 60 years, you will be relying on the wealth accumulated by you. If you have not done proper retirement planning it will be risky for you to live long. I hope now you are able to relate to the statement made by the professor.

So, the question arises of how much retirement corpus is enough for living a comfortable retirement life.

It is a complex task to know your retirement corpus. As it depends on many things such as.

  • Inflation rate
  • Your retirement age
  • Liability amount
  • Source of income after retirement like interest on investment, rental income etc.

This means adequate retirement corpus amount will be different for every individual. However, if we do some calculation we can easily get details about fund required at the age of retirement.

Luckily we have one retirement calculator on Nippon India site. This calculator will help us in calculating retirement corpus.

So, let’s try to find out retirement corpus in three easy steps.

retirement planning steps

Retirement Planning in 3 easy steps

Step -1 Make estimate of your expenses

First, you need to make an estimate of your monthly expenses. You need to include following things in your list.

  • Household expense
  • Entertainment
  • Utility bills
  • Insurance
  • Rent Amount
  • Health Expense

Once you get details about your monthly expenses you need to find out what will be monthly expenses at the time of retirement.

Let’s say your monthly expense is Rs.30000. This means if you retire today you will need Rs.30000 every month to live a comfortable life.

Step -2 Find out what will be a monthly expense at retirement age

Our estimate of monthly expense Rs.30000 is for today. However, let us say you will be retiring after 30 years. So, the question arises what will be an expense at the time of retirement?

In order to know this, you need to apply the inflation rate on the current amount.

Due to inflation amount required after 30 years will be comparatively higher. Let’s say today we spend Rs.300 for watching a movie after 30 years this amount could be Rs.1500.

Historically, the average rate of inflation is 6%. If we assume that the inflation rate will remain 6% for the next 30 years then your future monthly expense after 30 years will be 1.8 Lakh.

This means after 30 years you will need 1.8 Lakh x 12 = 21.6 Lakh yearly.

Also Read – Top 10 Long Term Investment Options in India

Step -3 Calculate retirement corpus based on yearly expense

Now you need to think that if you need yearly 21.6 Lakh after 30 years what would be a magic figure of retirement corpus that will generate yearly interest of 21.6 Lakh.

If we consider that investment done in various financial instruments will fetch 8% return we can easily calculate retirement corpus.
Let’s do simple mathematics.

Simple Interest = Principal*Rate of Interest*Time(years)/100

2168124= (Principal*8*1)/100

So Principal = 27101550 ( 2 Cr 71 Lakh)

Have you calculated this amount earlier? If yes you must have acted on the requirement of the corpus.
If not, a time has come to act upon creating a retirement corpus. The only thing you need to do in order to create retirement corpus is “Investment”.

You need to find out a best possible financial instrument that will help you in generating this corpus.

You can invest in mutual funds, fixed deposit, equity market to generate this corpus.

I hope the information given above will help you in doing your retirement planning.

Do share your views in the comment section.

Shitanshu Kapadia
Shitanshu Kapadia
Hi, I am Shitanshu founder of moneyexcel.com. I am engaged in blogging & Digital Marketing for 12 years. The purpose of this blog is to share my experience, knowledge and help people in managing money. Please note that the views expressed on this Blog are clarifications meant for reference and guidance of the readers to explore further on the topics. These should not be construed as investment , tax, financial advice or legal opinion. Please consult a qualified financial planner and do your own due diligence before making any investment decision.