HomePersonal FinancePortfolio Management Simplified by ETPORTFOLIO

Portfolio Management Simplified by ETPORTFOLIO


Portfolio management is simplified now by new online tool introduced by Economic Times; This tool is called as ETPORTFOLIO. This tool provides facility to manage & track your investment portfolio online.

You can simply go to ETPORTFOLIO site and login using existing google or facebook account or you can create new account for portfolio management. Not only that you can refer to your friend and win iPhone 5S.

Portfolio Management:-

Once you login in to etportfolio you will able to create and manage multiple portfolios. This tool gives facility to manage stocks, mutual funds, ETF, fixed income and other assets at single place. We are herewith step by step process how to use this tool.


On left navigation nearby stocks tab click on Add and you will be asked about Stock name, date of purchase, Quantity and price. Continue adding all your stocks in this tab. Once you are done it is will display current value of stocks.

portfolio management stocks

Mutual Funds:-

Click on add beside MFs and it will prompt you about mutual fund house category and scheme. You will get all options like SIP, SWP, STP & Switch. Once you complete adding your mutual funds details it will give your current mutual fund holding.


To add ETF details click on Add and give information about scheme name, date, exchange details, quantity and price.

Fixed Income:-

ETPORTFOLIO allows you to add fixed income investment instrument also. You can add Fixed deposit, KVP,NSC, Recurring deposit, PPF, Post office saving scheme, RBI & corporate bond & Corporate fixed deposit.

Other Assets:-

In other asset section you will able to add Real estate, Gold and Silver details. Once you are done it will display portfolio summary dashboard. Example is given below:-

portfolio mangement


Advantage of Using ETPORTFOLIO:-

(1)    Easy portfolio management

(2)    Management of multiple portfolio and all assets at Single place

(3)    Dashboard view gives real time view of your networth

(4)    Asset allocation graph on dashboard

(5)    You can create watch list for your stocks

(6)    All Stock specific News & recommendation at Dashboard

(7)    Apart from portfolio management you can calculate Capital Gain tax at single click

(8)    Alert Generation for stock price change or portfolio networth change

(9)    Export portfolio at single click in Excel or PDF format

(10) All this facility is available at Free of Cost

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Do share your views on comment section given below.

Portfolio Management Simplified

Shitanshu Kapadia
Shitanshu Kapadia
Hi, I am Shitanshu founder of moneyexcel.com. I am engaged in blogging & Digital Marketing for 12 years. The purpose of this blog is to share my experience, knowledge and help people in managing money. Please note that the views expressed on this Blog are clarifications meant for reference and guidance of the readers to explore further on the topics. These should not be construed as investment , tax, financial advice or legal opinion. Please consult a qualified financial planner and do your own due diligence before making any investment decision.