Unique Business Ideas – Success of every startup depends upon a unique business idea. Today many young people strive to get a good business idea that will bring success to them. To help them, I am here with 5 New Unique Business Ideas.
These unique business ideas are taken from foreign countries. If you work on these unique business ideas, it will surely bring success to you. So, starting from sharing space to personalize gift here is 5 unique business ideas for 2016 from foreign countries.
5 New Unique Business Ideas from foreign countries
Share the workspace
The first unique business idea is earning money by sharing the space. You can share the workspace and related services for entrepreneurs, freelancers, startups, and small businesses.
This idea is based on renting workspace and earning extra money. Wework is US based company that deals with physically building and sharing the workspace. They lease the workspace based on facility and timing. They have a unique business model which can be replicated in India.
Free Food
The second new unique business idea is related to food. In this idea, you need to do a tie-up with multiple restaurants and office customers looking for healthy and tasty food. You need to place a website on which you will be accepting food orders based on the survey filled by a customer. Along with the food order, you need to deliver free sample food sponsored by the restaurant.
This will act as a win-win business model for everyone. Customers will get food for free. You will get business from customers and restaurants will get publicity. Lunchspread is a startup that offers this type of service at USA.
Bed rest service
This unique business idea is dedicated to all mothers expecting babies. You can help them to enjoy this beautiful phase of life, by providing services starting from pre-delivery to post-delivery. These services include providing personal concierge at home, hospital preparation, baby name registration, baby shower, diaper delivery service, etc.
This is an upcoming concept and growing in the western country. Bed Rest Concierge successfully provides this type of service in the US country.
Premade Kits
Today people are becoming lazy and they are ready to spend money for buying readymade things. You can take advantage of this by selling Premade Kits online. You can make kits for travel, personal care, health, baby, car, home, office etc. This will help people as they don’t miss any products and it will also help you and you can charge a premium to the customer.
This unique business idea can bring success to you. Minimus.biz is already offering this concept to customers.
Personalize Gift Store
You can help people in designing a personalized gift for various occasions. You can open gift store where people will able to purchase a personalized gift. This unique business idea is implemented by Thankster, where they provides a facility to personalize greeting cards.
Which business idea you will adopt from above and why?