HomeSkills & Productivity5 Marketing Skills You Must Learn to Grow Your Business

5 Marketing Skills You Must Learn to Grow Your Business

Marketing Skills – In marketing, there are a lot of skills that take a long time to develop. But once you match those skills, you not only will be able to double, triple, heck even quadruple your results and grow your business. This is true if you’re working for someone else or even as a business owner.

When I started my career in digital marketing, I knew pretty much only a couple of skills. Writing and driving organic traffic from Google.

At least I was very good at those two areas, which helped me grow my businesses pretty quickly while relying on other people to help me in all the other areas that I was weak at.

Over time, I had a chance to work with people who were better than me and experts in those other areas. I learned from them and try to improve. It took me a long time to improve but it worked.

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5 Marketing Skills You Must Learn to Grow Your Business

#1 Copywriting

Copywriting is one of the top skills that you’re always going to use in marketing. You can make use of copywriting AI-based tools that write copy for you, but they’re not as good as a human.

So, you need to get good at writing? Whether is writing paid ads, email sequences, landing page copy, or sales videos, “copy” is really important. As Ogilvy said, “80 cents of the dollar, is spent on the headline.”

Learning copywriting is hard because you’ll need to study and practice a lot until you’re skilled enough to produce real results, but it’s worth it.

#2 Analytical Skills

I believe in god, rest everyone should produce the data. Data is extremely important in business. You can’t emphasize this enough without getting a great understanding of the data you generate in marketing. Trust me, interpreting data in a way that is actionable, clear, and results-oriented, is a very rare skill.

Everyone looks at Google analytics reports and is like, ” oh yeah, we should do X, Y, and Z.” But does doing X, Y, and Z help improve the conversions, the sales, and the revenue?

Just because you think it doesn’t may not, you got to have a good understanding of the data and how to interpret it and figure out what action you need to take to actually get the results that are desired.

#3 Storytelling

Storytelling is an extremely important marketing skill. It’s an age-old marketing technique that’s been used for thousands of years.

People love stories. Just look at you. You watch TV, you watch Netflix. Why? Because they have amazing stories. Learn storytelling. From the emotions, It’s like a rollercoaster, right?

Good stories have ups, and downs, scary moments, the happy moments. That’s how you hook people in.

And try telling stories to your friends over time, just when you’re at dinner or to your wife or your significant other, or your kids, that’ll make you a better storyteller.

And that’s how I learned storytelling. Literally, just start talking about stories. And you don’t have to make up stories. I’m talking about stuff you did in the past.

As you can see what parts of your story cause people to engage and react. That’s the stuff that you need to emphasize more when your storytelling.

#4 Funnels

The fourth skill that is extremely valuable is, “Funnels”. If you don’t know funnel you don’t know anything about marketing. 

Today lot of people don’t know how to create a funnel or optimize funnels.

Ad costs are continually rising. That means over time, you’re going to be spending more money on your ads. If you even look at what happened during COVID, Google Ads skyrocketed in cost. If you look at what happened during the recession in America, Google ads still kept going up.

In other words, Ad costs are rising. So how do you fight that?

Well, you got to have upsells and downsells. That’s the purpose of a funnel. You can check out tools like, “ClickFunnels”, that help you build funnels as well.

But the key is when someone buys from you, how do you get them to buy more? How do you upsell them? Down sell them? Even once they’re a customer, how do you get them to buy from you again? Three months, six months, a year down the road? That’s the funnel.

#5 Good UX

The fifth valuable marketing skill set, that you want to learn is, “Good UX”.

Now I’m not talking about design, I’m talking about user experience.

When someone searches on Google and lands on your page, what are they looking for? Are you giving that to them? If not, you’re going to struggle. Your rankings are going to drop no matter how many backlinks you build or how many words you write in your text.

You need to figure out what users want, understand them, get into their minds, but not in a creepy way, and provide that.

It’s really hard to do. And if you can do that for all the keywords you want to rank for, for all the people that you’re trying to attract; you solve the problems, make it clear, and give them the solution as quickly as possible.

Not just give it to them, but give it to them as quickly as possible.

And ideally in an affordable way. That’s how you’re going to do better in marketing in the long run.

Over to You

I hope the top marketing skills shared above shall help you in growing your business and making more money. For more information and to learn advanced skills in marketing get in touch with us on

Shitanshu Kapadia
Shitanshu Kapadia
Hi, I am Shitanshu founder of I am engaged in blogging & Digital Marketing for 10 years. The purpose of this blog is to share my experience, knowledge and help people in managing money. Please note that the views expressed on this Blog are clarifications meant for reference and guidance of the readers to explore further on the topics. These should not be construed as investment , tax, financial advice or legal opinion. Please consult a qualified financial planner and do your own due diligence before making any investment decision.