HomeMoney & WealthHow to make money via YouTube, Facebook, Twitter

How to make money via YouTube, Facebook, Twitter

Now you can make money via YouTube, Facebook and Twitter also. You must be using YouTube, Facebook and Twitter extensively for fun and entertainment, however you may not be aware that, you can make money via YouTube, Facebook and Twitter.

These websites can be your bread and butter. Here is interesting story (by business insider) of 8-year-old kid earning $1.3 Million per year by posting toy review on Youtube.  Another one is 23-year-old Kris Sanchez making $ 500,000 year by twitting random facts.

make money youtube facebook twitter

Let’s discuss how to make money via Youtube, Facebook and Twitter.

Make Money YouTube Facebook Twitter

Make Money YouTube

Youtube is popular video streaming website. People use this website extensively for watching videos. Youtube now give chance to make money online by participating in youtube partner program.  This partnership program is available in 60 countries.

Before applying for Youtube Partnership program

  • First you need to create youtube channel and upload videos on that.
  • Video content uploaded by you must be original and not violating copy right law.
  • It is recommended to upload HD Quality video.
  • Length of video should be more than 5 min.

How to make money from YouTube channel  

  • Check your eligibility for this program by visiting Monetization tab in your account settings.
  • If your id is in good standing condition (not disabled previously) you will see Enable my account.
  • Click on that and follow the steps to accept YouTube Monetization agreement.

Once you become partner you can submit multiple videos from your channel for making money. In order to make money from video please follow steps given below.

  • Select video from video manager and click on Monetize from Action Menu
  • Confirm or change advertisement format on your video.
  • Your video will go through review process. After successful review advertisements will appear on videos.
  • Now it is time to popularize these videos, you can use many technique for this. E.g Sending link to your friends via email, sharing video link on facebook etc.
  • Earning via yotube depends upon how many number of click you are getting on advertisement appearing on these videos.

Make Money Facebook

Facebook is famous social networking website. You can make money by using facebook website using two ways.

#1 Facebook Instant Article

Facebook offers Instant article program where you can publish your unique stories in the customizable format.

Facebook runs advertisements on these instant articles and pay money to the publisher. In order to get eligible for instant article your facebook page must attract 50000 unique visitor in 28 days.

#2 Facebook Advance User

You can also make money on facebook by becoming facebook advance user.  Once you become facebook advance user you will get paid for every activity performed by you on facebook.

Facebook pays $1 for every single activity performed by advance facebook user. However becoming facebook advance user is challenging.

Facebook does not provide any form for registration as advance facebook user. Facebook observe activity performed by using your id. If you are extreme user of facebook chances are high that you will get an invitation from facebook to become advance facebook user. You can try the following thing to become advance facebook user.

  • Access facebook multiple times in day
  • Keep on doing some activity on facebook
  • Make sure you access facebook using https
  • Apply Strong security setting for your account

Another way of making money using facebook is by promoting your business on facebook by creating business page.

Make Money Twitter

Twitter does not offer direct advertising account or method for earning money, however you can use twitter for affiliate marketing. If you have a large amount of twitter follower you can even get Sponsored tweet for selling products.

Hope you will use above technique to make money from youtube, facebook and twitter.

Do share if you know any other way of making money online!

Shitanshu Kapadia
Shitanshu Kapadia
Hi, I am Shitanshu founder of moneyexcel.com. I am engaged in blogging & Digital Marketing for 12 years. The purpose of this blog is to share my experience, knowledge and help people in managing money. Please note that the views expressed on this Blog are clarifications meant for reference and guidance of the readers to explore further on the topics. These should not be construed as investment , tax, financial advice or legal opinion. Please consult a qualified financial planner and do your own due diligence before making any investment decision.