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Make Money Online – Power of Internet & Social Media

Make Money Online – The Internet and Social Media are so powerful that you can become a billionaire by doing online business. Yes! You can make money online. If someone wanted to sell. They used to go door-to-door and if someone wanted to be an actor, then they used to catch trains to Mumbai. But, the internet has changed everything. Now you can sell anything to anyone using the internet.

YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter are not only social media platforms. These are banks for influencers. You can make several thousand dollars easily per month using social media, blogging, affiliate marketing, and by lot more.

make money online

Make Money Online – Power of Internet & Social Media

Let’s try to understand this by example – @WhatsInside is a youtube channel with 7 Millon followers. The channel started with a school project, where a father had cut a baseball to show it to his child and the same video was posted on YouTube. And now they are making millions of dollars per month from YouTube.

The Internet has changed many things. Intel chairman “Andy Grove” used to say, In the coming years, all companies will become internet-related companies. And the company that will be not connected to the internet, that companies will not survive.

The age of TV is almost coming to an end. People are becoming sensible.

Today, Instead of buying things by seeing TV ads, people see reviews on the Internet and do some research. They are buying the things recommended by their favorite influencer. This means, Today every influencer has become a brand. 

Nowadays you alone can make money online, with the help of social media platforms like YouTube and Instagram. It is not one-time income it is consistent income. 

Before few days I have seen a photo on the internet. The photo says that “Businessman buys a watermelon for $3 and sells them for $4. This means the profit is $1. An entrepreneur buys watermelon for $3 and sells them for $8 by doing some innovation i.e by making watermelon juice in a juice parlor. 


But an infopreneur is one, who buys watermelon for $3, and does research on watermelon. Create content and video about the nutritional value and benefits of watermelon. Make some interesting videos or content by taking out A to Z details of watermelon. Upload it on the Internet and make several hundreds of dollars over a while.

But these all are possible when your purpose and intention are clear.

To build wealth on the internet you need to understand the asymmetric opportunity. 

Two things are involved in any work of the world – “Risk” and “Reward”. And in most cases the relation of both is equal. This means High Risk is equal to a High Reward and Low Risk is equal to a Low Reward.

Which is called “Symmetric Opportunity”.

But in the opportunity where the Reward is high compared to the Risk, that is called Asymmetric Opportunity.

For example, it took a few hours for me to make this article but when it is posted on my blog it generates income whenever people click on the advertisement appearing on my content. 

And this is the biggest benefit of Internet Business. That you can replicate your income. If I talk about theatre artists, then he has to perform every time to earn money. If today he has performed in Delhi, then tomorrow it will in Mumbai, and the day after tomorrow it will in Pune, etc.

But when this artist will be ill or didn’t give his performance due for any reason. Then that day he will not earn money.

But a revolution comes from the internet, that, if you have capabilities then you can make a lot of money online. You need to become a brand and leverage the power of the internet and social media. 

For example, J.K. Rowling wrote Harry Potter only once. But even today when someone bought Books, Toys, or Games of Harry Potter, or visits the theme park of Harry Potter, Then some Royalty i.e little money goes into J.K. Rowling’s pocket.

In short, She had worked only once, She made a pipeline of money by replicating Toys, Games, parks, and Movies.

If someone asks me what work I do. Then I tell that I’m a little Digital Farmer.

I sow seeds of contents whose crops generate revenue year after year.

In Internet Business, Your competition is worldwide, not with the people on the street. So you will have to make a brand by targeting any specific niche.

Think Media founder says “If you try to reach everybody you’ll end up reaching nobody”. People teach dance on the internet, teach cooking, even they teach repairing or tailoring and earn lakhs.

Only you need to be specific in any one field.

Do you like clay? Well, I don’t know. But most people don’t like clay. But Jorgenson liked the clay since childhood. So he used to read about the soil. He used to research in that field. Who buy it? Who sell it? Which quality of soil is good? etc.

He used to make people aware of the Home Gardening Soil by making videos. And soon he made his own brand and big fertilizers and home gardening companies started approaching him. And with the help of brand promotion and affiliate marketing, Jorgenson, instead of working alone, made a million-dollar company.

See, Many people think, They will become rich, When they will study hard, or do a big job, or some big work. But the fact is that What the thing you are working on, if you have a genuine interest, and there is also demand in the industry, Then you can turn soil into gold and become a millionaire.

The chances to become a millionaire for self-employed people are many times more compared to jobs worker.

There was a time when Oil used to be an innovation. That made JD Rockefeller rich. There was a time when Cars used to be an innovation. 

That made Henry Ford rich. But this is the time of the Internet. That made Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and Jeff Bezos rich. 

This was my small try, to tell you that, In the coming time, people will trust the genuine influencer more than the big mega-company. Who also teach instead of only selling products.

And due to that trust and loyalty, People will say “take my money and give me your product”. Whether your interest is in any field. But I think that you are a brand. If you don’t believe it, no problem. But when you will realize then remember me.

Shitanshu Kapadia
Shitanshu Kapadia
Hi, I am Shitanshu founder of moneyexcel.com. I am engaged in blogging & Digital Marketing for 12 years. The purpose of this blog is to share my experience, knowledge and help people in managing money. Please note that the views expressed on this Blog are clarifications meant for reference and guidance of the readers to explore further on the topics. These should not be construed as investment , tax, financial advice or legal opinion. Please consult a qualified financial planner and do your own due diligence before making any investment decision.