HomeInformationmAadhaar Official UIDAI app - Features & Benefits

mAadhaar Official UIDAI app – Features & Benefits

mAdhaar an official mobile app by UIDAI is launched. This will eliminate a need of carrying Aadhaar card in your pocket for verification and availing Aadhaar based services. Mobile app mAdhaar will also be used to keep and share updated information about Aadhaar with any service provider. This step will defiantly boost digital India initiative launched by the government. Let’s take a look at mAadhaar App features and benefits in detail.

What is mAadhaar?

mAadhaar is an innovative mobile application developed by Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) to provide an interface to Aadhaar Number Holders to carry their demographic information viz. Name, Date of Birth, Gender & Address along with photograph as linked with their Aadhaar Number in smart phones.

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mAadhaar Official UIDAI app – Features & Benefits

  1. Aadhaar Number Holder profile download – You can download your Aadhaar number information including demographic information anytime anywhere.
  2. Biometric locking/unlocking – This app comes with an inherent feature of biometric authentication. You can lock or unlock data with biometric. The data will remains locked till the Aadhaar Holder chose to unlock it or disable the locking system.
  3. TOTP generation – In order to make app more secure time based onetime password is used instead of traditional SMS based OTP.
  4. Update of profile – You can also give a request for Aadhaar profile data update using this app. Updated information will be shown only after review and approval by UIDAI.
  5. Sharing of QR code and eKYC data by Aadhaar Number holder – You can share QR code and password protected eKYC data to any service provider. A service provider will be able to get accurate information about Aadhaar card holder using this app.


In order to use this app, it is mandatory to link your Aadhaar card with a mobile number. In case your mobile number is not registered with Aadhaar visit the nearest Enrolment Centre/Mobile Update End Point.

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How to install and use mAadhaar App?

You can download mAadaar App from Google Play. This app is available only for android users. Once you install this app on your mobile follow steps given below to download your Aadhaar Profile.

  • The app will ask to create password before importing your Aadhaar profile to mobile device.
  • Once you set password, you need to Enter Aadhaar Number.
  • After entering Aadhaar number you need to scan QR code given on your Aadhaar card.
  • Next step is to enter OTP generated for your Aadhaar card number.
  • After verification, you will be able to see your profile.

Benefits of mAadhaar App –

  • User can use mobile as Aadhaar card. This will eliminate need of carrying Aadhaar card physically.
  • It will be used as official eKYC document by service providers in future.
  • It will be interface to update Aadhaar data.

I have tried to download and check the app. However, I found that application requires improvement. It takes a lot of time for verification and update of profile. In my case, QR code scanning is not taking place properly and a majority of functions are found to be non-working or under test mode.

The concept of mAadhaar is another step towards digital India.

Do share your views and experience in the comment section.

Shitanshu Kapadia
Shitanshu Kapadia
Hi, I am Shitanshu founder of moneyexcel.com. I am engaged in blogging & Digital Marketing for 12 years. The purpose of this blog is to share my experience, knowledge and help people in managing money. Please note that the views expressed on this Blog are clarifications meant for reference and guidance of the readers to explore further on the topics. These should not be construed as investment , tax, financial advice or legal opinion. Please consult a qualified financial planner and do your own due diligence before making any investment decision.