HomePersonal FinanceLife InsuranceLIC Claim Online & Offline - Complete Guide

LIC Claim Online & Offline – Complete Guide

LIC Claim Online & Offline – Yes! Now you can file LIC Claim Online as well as Offline. LIC has released the facility for filing a claim online via e-mail. Maintaining social distance and avoid visiting a crowded place is becoming our part of life. It is mainly due to the Corona Virus Outbreak. To arrest this issue LIC has come up with an online claim filing facility. LIC customers can use this e-mail facility for the following purposes.

  • Filing a Maturity Claim & Survival Dues
  • Policy Revival on Laps
  • NEFT Mandates
  • Aadhaar Seeding

You can submit the document via e-mail. This means you can avoid physical visit to LIC branch and make use of this online facility for submitting documents. This facility is available up to 31st July, 2020. However, LIC is in process of launching this facility over the portal.

This means no more dependency on LIC Agent or development officer for filing claim. You can do LIC claim filing using e-mail with a click of a button.

If you are wondering how to make use of LIC Online & Offline claim facility here is complete guide.

LIC Claim Online Offline


LIC Claim Online – How to Use? – Complete Guide

The process of filing LIC Claims online via Email is given below. You can submit maturity claims and survival benefit using this method.

The policyholder can send the claim requirement on e-mail address. The email should contain a scanned copy of the policy document. The attachment should not be more than 5 MB. The e-mail is required to be sent to the e-mail address – claims.bo<Branch Code>@licindia.com where branch code is serving branch.

You can get detail about serving branch code from policy documents or premium receipts. Suppose your branch code is 886 the e-mail is required to be sent to claims.bo886@licindia.com 

The attachment should be in JPG or PDF format. If the attachment size is exceeding 5 MB, you can send more than one email. The e-mail id given here should be used for filing claims and not for any other purpose.

The subject line of the email should be a policy number. The policyholder needs to maintain his/her mobile number in the email.

The claim like this is permitted only for policies satisfying following conditions.

  1. Policies are Inforce
  2. Policies being serviced in the Branch Office where it has been issued
  3. Policies not assigned
  4. Policies where there is no Loan outstanding
  5. Where Duplicate Policy has not been issued
  6. Where Policy is not issued under Keyman Insurance, Employer Employee Scheme or MWP Act.
  7. In case of Survival Benefit Claim, the Gross SB amount shall be upto 5 Lacs.
  8. In case of Maturity Claim, the Sum Assured of the Policy shall be upto 5 Lacs.

The following documents are required to attach to the policy.

  1. Policy Bond 1st and last page
  2. Discharge Form duly filled and witnessed
  3. Form Number 3510 declaration regarding Non assignment
  4. Wherever NEFT is not there, then NEFT Mandate form along with the cancelled cheque
  5. KYC documents, ie ID Proof and address proof along with PAN card.

For survival benefit policyholder is required to submit a policy document later if the gross survival benefit amount is above 2 Lakhs. For maturity claim where extended cover is available, you need to submit a policy document later with endorsement along with discharge form.

For all other maturity claims treat the policy document as cancelled and submit to the branch office later with the discharge form.

You need not to submit NEFT mandate form if your NEFT details are already registered with LIC Branch office. 

Also Read – LIC Agent Commission – How much commission LIC agent gets?

LIC Claims Offline -How to File? 

Maturity Claim

The facility of filing LIC claim offline is very easy. On the maturity of claim you will receive discharge form at the registered address.

Alternatively, you can download discharge form – FORM 3825 from LIC website. You need to submit the discharge form along with original policy documents. You can submit all the document physically at branch office as well as at premium points.

You are required to submit following documents for maturity claim.

  • Original LIC Policy Document
  • ID Proof
  • Age Proof
  • Cancelled cheque or policy holder bank passbook Xerox
  • NEFT Mandate Form
  • Assignment / Reassignment (if any)

Once these documents are received at branch office claim amount will be paid directly to the policy holder’s account.

Death Claim to Nominee

In case of death of the policy holder, nominee can submit the claim along with required documents. The nominee should intimate about the death of policyholder to the servicing branch.

Following documents are required to be submitted by nominee for death claim.

  • Claim Form ‘A’ in Form No. 3783, if the policy has run for 3 years or more from the date or risk, or else Claim Form No. 3783A may be used.
  • The original policy document
  • Death Certificate issued by district level authorities or local municipality.

I hope now you have got complete understanding about How to file LIC Claim Online and Offline.

If you have any query about filing LIC claim, post it in the comment section given below.

Shitanshu Kapadia
Shitanshu Kapadia
Hi, I am Shitanshu founder of moneyexcel.com. I am engaged in blogging & Digital Marketing for 12 years. The purpose of this blog is to share my experience, knowledge and help people in managing money. Please note that the views expressed on this Blog are clarifications meant for reference and guidance of the readers to explore further on the topics. These should not be construed as investment , tax, financial advice or legal opinion. Please consult a qualified financial planner and do your own due diligence before making any investment decision.