HomeSkills & Productivity5 Key Learning from Apple Marketing Strategy | Innovation Marketing

5 Key Learning from Apple Marketing Strategy | Innovation Marketing

Apple’s Marketing Strategy is innovative and incredible. You can get grow your business and become successful by using Apple’s Marketing Strategy.

You must be thinking that what is Apple’s Marketing Strategy. Apple’s marketing strategy means innovation and marketing of innovation. In this skilled economy, you can get massive success with innovation and innovative marketing. Your chances of getting success in products or services are high if you adopt innovative marketing. 

Every one of us is a fan of the Apple Brand. Apple iPhone and iPad are still among highest selling products in the world. Apple means Logic behind innovation. Innovation in design, Innovation in features, Innovation in packaging, and Innovation in marketing. 

Today, I will share 5 Key Learning from Apple Marketing Strategy | Innovation Marketing. I have got this learning after carefully studying apple products and marketing strategies.  I am 100% sure that these learnings will help you in growing your business.

apple marketing

 5 Key Learning from Apple Marketing Strategy

#1 Avoid Price War Focus on Unique Value Proposition 

Apple is a brand that always avoids price wars and believes in the value proposition. Apple’s brand has no competition. No competition means no price war. Apple’s strategy says that price war and dropping price leads to a “race to bottom”.

Apple product means true value. Apple product is full of unique features. The design of every Apple product is elegant and beautiful. The packaging of the product is unique. It’s a marketing strategy that gets juice through social media and is very much a competitive advantage for Apple and its market share.

Apple charges higher prices as they offer unique value and features. Some features of Apple products are – 

  • Better Security & Privacy
  • Unique High Pixel Camera
  • Safari Web Browser for a Unique browsing experience 
  • iTunes store for iOS app
  • Intuitive Touch Screen 

Learning from this is – Whether you’re selling products or services, the key to making this strategy work for you is to make sure that you justify that higher price to capture your market share.

#2 Design a Better Customer Experience 

Apple is not selling products. It is selling a unique customer experience. Apple has created a customer experience that goes far beyond the limit. 

The “Apple customer experience” includes elements from every aspect of the purchasing process – comparing different product versions, trying out products in the retail store, actually buying the item, receiving it, unboxing it, and setting it up.

If we only take the example of the Apple store – visiting the Apple store is a unique experience in itself. Every Apple store is uniquely designed with warm lighting, mesmerizing color scheme, and a unique layout making it a unique customer experience. 

iPad Apple Store

Learning from this is – You need to think about how you can design a unique customer experience for your product or services. In simple words deliver more value to the customer. Think of customer delight and not customer satisfaction.

#3 Know your audience and talk to them in their language

Apple’s marketing strategy is unique. From website to product features everywhere you will see marketing.

Let me explain with examples. 

Just visit the Apple website. Visiting Apple’s website is a wonderful experience. On the website, you will find every message that connects with the audience. For example – 

  • iPad is Loveable, Drawable, and Magical
  • iPad Pro is Supercharged by M2
  • iPhone 14 Pro is Pro Beyond
  • iPhone 14 is Bigger and Better
  • Apple Watch Ultra is Adventure Awaits
  • Apple Watch Series 8 is A Healthy Lead Ahead
  • iPod is not a music player it is marketed as -it lets you store hours of music in your pocket.
  • iMac is not just a computer – it helps make your computing experience exciting and pleasurable.
  • iPhone is not just a smartphone – it lets you put the power of an Apple computer in your phone.

For example, if your major audience is Millenials you can make use of a mobile app or chatbot on your website. Whereas if your audience is old people you can connect them via phone to customer care and serve them differently.

Learning from all the above examples is – It is extremely important to know your audience and use marketing language & tools which connect with the customer.

#4 Deal with Emoitions 

Customer emotions play an important role when buying any product or service. I even shared with you this in 3 powerful sales secrete “People buy with emotion and they justify with logic.”  

Apple product sales and marketing means emotion. 

Take a look at the iPad’s first commercial which was featured during the 82nd Annual Academy Awards on Sunday, March 7, 2010. The ad was showing people relaxing in the living room with the new gadget iPad. They looked happy and comfortable using the new iPad.

They weren’t talking about display dimensions or processing power. They were just enjoying their iPads.

Those ads, are Apple marketing strategy to connect with customers with emotion and pass on the message that the iPad makes your life easy and gives you a lot of ease and enjoyment. They want to connect with the customer’s heart and not mind.

Learning from above is – Speak to customers with emotion. Know their pain area and talk about improving their present situation and sales would be more.

#5 Build Loyal Fan Following

Apple marketing strategy clearly shows one thing that you need to build a loyal fan following for your product or services.

Over the years, Apple has built one of the most hardcore fan bases for any brand, anywhere in the world.

Any product launch of Apple is a crazy launch. You will find hundreds of fan followers, photographers, journalists, security staff, police, and curious onlookers crowd during the product launch. Here is a photograph showing the product launch.

Apple has created a brand personality and culture that’s cool, fun, and friendly. Apple’s marketing strategies include making customers want to belong to that community. Their market share shows just how successful they have been.

Now, think of Ad campaign which was created by Apple. “Think Different” it was used from 1997 to 2002. 

Think Different Posters were black and white and only featured people that are thinkers. Only one thing was promoted – Think Different and Apple believes in that. Ad narration of Think Different was also unique. 

Here’s to the crazy ones.

The misfits.

The rebels.

The troublemakers.

The round pegs in the square holes.

The ones who see things differently.

They’re not fond of rules.

And they have no respect for the status quo.

You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them.

About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them.

Because they change things.

They push the human race forward.

While some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius.

Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.

© 1997 Apple Computer, Inc.

From this ad campaign – Apple wanted to prove that they are different, they are unique. This ad created a massive impact in building fan following of Apple products.

Learning here is – Even small brands can build a community of devoted users and customers. You just need to be clear on your brand values and personality and create a core brand message that connects with people deeply.

Over to You 

I am 100% sure that If you make use of Apple’s Marketing Strategy and key learning shared here your chances of getting massive business success are very high.

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Shitanshu Kapadia
Shitanshu Kapadia
Hi, I am Shitanshu founder of I am engaged in blogging & Digital Marketing for 12 years. The purpose of this blog is to share my experience, knowledge and help people in managing money. Please note that the views expressed on this Blog are clarifications meant for reference and guidance of the readers to explore further on the topics. These should not be construed as investment , tax, financial advice or legal opinion. Please consult a qualified financial planner and do your own due diligence before making any investment decision.