HomeCareer10 Tips to be successful in a Job Interview

10 Tips to be successful in a Job Interview

Finding a good job in and earning a handsome salary is a dream seen by many young individuals. It is known fact that you need to clear the job interview for getting a job. However, research reveals that more than 70% people feel anxiety, fear, and competition while facing job interview. Here are tips and tricks that will reduce your anxiety and help you to be successful in Job Interview.

Job Interview Tips

10 Tips to be successful in Job Interview

(1) Take extra care while making CV

The aim of making CV is to show your potential employer that you are the best person for the job. Your CV is the first thing which interviewer see. It should leave a very good impression to the interviewer.

Take extra care while making CV. If the interviewer does not like your CV or he/she find a silly mistake in your CV, then it can adversely impact your selection. So, make sure to be cautious when preparing the CV. You can always reach out to professionals, like CV Experts or similar other specialists that can help you curate the the CV as per your tastes.

In a majority of companies first cut short listing is done based on the CV. So, if your CV is not good you may not get shortlisting for the interview. A few tips about making a good CV are given below.

  • Your CV should look like a professional.
  • Don’t use big paragraphs. Use bullet points. It is easy for the Interviewer to read bullet points.
  • Describe your skill and job experience properly.
  • Your CV should be free from spelling mistakes.
  • Highlight the points which are relevant for the job.
  • Ask experts to carry out proofreading of your Resume.

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(2) Give importance to theoretical knowledge while preparing for the job interview

You should give importance to theoretical knowledge while preparing for the job interview. I know many incidents where people with good practical knowledge do not succeed in a job interview, as they are lacking in theoretical knowledge.

If I talk about myself I spend 60% of my interview preparation time in improving my theoretical knowledge. It gives a boost to my confidence and increases my chance of getting successful in the Job interview.

Don’t take interview casually. It is a competition where you need to prove yourself that you are the most eligible person for the job.

(3) Place yourself in the place of employer

I advise you to think like interviewer whenever you are preparing for the job interview. Place yourself in the place of the employer. Think what qualities job interviewer will be searching in the ideal candidate.
In addition to that understand skill requirement for the job position and showcase the same while you appear for the job interview. You can also hide the qualities that are not required the job.

For example: If you are going to appear for the marketing job, you should highlight your traveling hobby and if a job is for the operations you should not highlight this hobby. You should modify your CV as per job requirement. Make your CV more effective for the job.

Similarly, if you place yourself in the place of job interviewer you will come to know many things which will be helpful for cracking job interview.

(4) Make a list of frequently asked questions for the Job Interview

The majority of questions in job interviews are common. So, I advise you to make a list of frequently asked questions for the job interview and prepare for the same.

Here is a list of some most common questions asked during the job interview.

  • Tell me about yourself
  • Walk me through your CV
  • Tell us about your current job profile, what is your role?
  • Why you want to change your job?
  • Why do you want to join this company?
  • What is your strength/ weakness?
  • Why should we select you?
  • Why did you choose this specialization?
  • Why your marks are very low in XYZ exam?
  • What has been your biggest achievement till date?
  • What is your ambition in life?

In addition to that make a list of few common question related to your industry and be ready with answers.

I am not saying that you by learn by heart answers of all these questions. However, you should mentally prepare what to answer in case these questions are asked in the interview.

For example – If someone ask that, what are your strength? You will defiantly answer him/her by mentioning your strength. However, it may so happen that you will forget to mention one of your important strength. If you are well prepared it will never happen.

(5) Visualize and run job interview process in mind

Before giving any interview I visualize job interview process 2-3 times in the mind. This improves my confidence level and also helps me in facing job interview.

Starting from what to wear in the interview, what to carry, how to make a gesture, how to introduce myself I try to visualize everything. I find this technique very useful.

(6) Carryout mock drill about Job Interview

If you don’t have experience of giving job interview, it is advisable to carry out mock drill of the job interview. You can request your friend or senior to help you in conducting this mock drill. Take this activity very seriously it will defiantly make a difference and help you in bringing success for the job interview. If no one is available you can give an interview by sitting in front of the mirror.

Usually, interviewers look for common qualities like confidence, subject knowledge, suitability, and ability to work in the team while taking an interview. Make sure while practicing you express all these qualities.

(7) Give importance to nonverbal communication

In addition to verbal communication, you should give importance to nonverbal communication. Multiple things come in nonverbal communication like your body language, tone, the way you sit, eye contact, your dressing sense everything matters.

You should take care of following –

  • You should reach the interview venue on time.
  • You should wear a decent formal pair while appearing for the job interview.
  • Your voice should not be dull. Enthusiasm and confidence are required for the job interview.
  • Friendly gesture and smile is important for the job interview.
  • You should research about the company. Gather as much information as possible.

(8) Don’t give any contradictory answer in the job interview.

The interviewer can ask any question to check your honesty. You should answer all questions carefully and honestly. You should not give any contradictory answer in the job interview.

For Example – If you have already said that this is your dream company, an interviewer might ask you in more detail about services or product offered by the company. Now if you don’t have basic knowledge about your dream company it is but obvious that you are not an honest candidate.

Also Read – Online Jobs for Students – Easy without Investment

(9) Select Job Interview language based on your comfort level

If you are expert in English and Hindi language you can skip this step. However, if you are not good at English this point could be an important point for you.

The majority of job interviews are taken in English. However, at few places where verbal communication is less important interviewer may prefer other local languages. If you are not comfortable in English you should approach interviewer and express your concern.

(10) Overcome the fear of Rejection

You should overcome the fear of rejection in the Job. Remember even the best candidate face the rejection in the Job interview. Don’t give up. Your effort will defiantly see the success.

Video – How to Crack a Job Interview?

Final thoughts –

Friends, I hope that Job interview tips given here will help you in improving your success rate for the interview.

I will be waiting for your feedback and job interview-related questions.

Shitanshu Kapadia
Shitanshu Kapadia
Hi, I am Shitanshu founder of moneyexcel.com. I am engaged in blogging & Digital Marketing for 12 years. The purpose of this blog is to share my experience, knowledge and help people in managing money. Please note that the views expressed on this Blog are clarifications meant for reference and guidance of the readers to explore further on the topics. These should not be construed as investment , tax, financial advice or legal opinion. Please consult a qualified financial planner and do your own due diligence before making any investment decision.