HomeCareerHow to Quit Job? - 5 Proven Tips & Steps

How to Quit Job? – 5 Proven Tips & Steps

Are you living paycheck to paycheck right now? Maybe you’re working in a job right now but you’re not making enough money. Or maybe you are looking for a job you’re looking to enter the workforce or maybe you are in transition.

You’re working a job but you’re looking for something better. Now there’s nothing wrong with having a job. A lot of people think I’m anti-jobs or something. 

I’m not anti-jobs, but what I am anti is anti-happiness. Anti not living up to your potential. You see, you have to understand something here. When people ask me the question, oh Shitanshu I’ve got no money.

Like I’m broke, what should I do? What’s the first piece of advice I get them? You go get a freaking job. 

Get some money coming in, get some income coming in. Sometimes you gotta do what it takes just to make a living, right? Just to get some money coming in, to pay the bills. Nothing wrong with that.

But you see, we all enter the rat race. Since a very young age, at a very young age, we have been programmed by society go to school, get good grades get a nice, safe secure job, right?

Work 40 years and then maybe retire. The remaining time that you have on this planet Earth, right?

Retire somewhere warm and then that’s it, that’s your life.

So at a very young age, we have been taught the only way to make any money to generate income is from a job.

We were not taught any other ways to generate income. Now I’m not asking you to quit your job tomorrow and say, hey go start a surfboard rental business or something like that or go travel the world.

That’s not what I’m saying. But what I am saying is, maybe you’re working at a job and you’re looking for something better.

Leaving the job that you have, nothing wrong with that. More money right, more benefits. If it’ll make you happier, go for it.

But my question to you is, what’s your long-term goal? What’s that long-term vision for yourself, right? And the decision that you’re making now will create long-term happiness?

That’s my question for you. I’m not asking you to quit your job tomorrow.

What I want to do is to help you to stop living the fear of the idea of quitting and stop living paycheck to paycheck.

how to quit job

How to Quit Job? – 5 Proven Tips & Steps

#1 Job Security 

Tip number one, job security is an illusion. If I was to ask 100 people to share with me in one single word, what do they want out of a job?

What do they want in terms of a job with benefits and vacation pay, or a retirement plan?

Chances are they will say this one word, security. Now my question to you is, does job security still exist?

Just because you work for a big company does that mean you are secure, right? Does it mean that you’re all well taken care of?  

You know someone who’s worked for a big company and they worked hard all their lives, right? And thinking that they could retire comfortably and then what happens?

They get laid off, or the company goes bankrupt or something happens, right? Regulations and policy and suddenly they lose their security.

They still get thrown out on the street, right? Or you think if you’re working for the government think about the government, oh yeah then I’m absolutely sure, is secure.

Is it truly secure? 

Think about that, right?

If you have no security working for a big corporation if there’s no guarantee even if you’re working for a government, that will give you security, then what do you do? 

You see job security, is an illusion. Just because you work hard just because you stick with one company just because the company’s going well today no one can predict 5,10,20 years, what happens?

You can see industries getting disrupted by technologies.

What exists today may not exist tomorrow. I don’t even care if it is Fortune 500 company also.

I don’t care if it’s a billion-dollar company. They could go bankrupt just like this and then from then on, all the work that you’ve done all the security that you’re supposed to have you’ve accumulated, all that it’s gone.

#2 Work to Learn Don’t Just Work to Earn

Tip number two, work to learn don’t just work to earn, right?

After you graduate, don’t just pick a job that pays you the most amount of money, right? Maybe pays you a few thousand more per hour a couple of lakhs more per month, right?

Don’t be so shortsighted, think long-term. Pick an industry that you have an interest in. Pick an industry that maybe you wanna learn more of and where you can see yourself, you can stay within the industry for two, three, or five years, right?

I strongly believe who you work for is way more important than what you do.

Who you work for. Just imagine if you can go back in time, right? You could work for Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, and Steve Jobs. Just as they were about to take off, right?

They had just grown, just imagine if you worked for them. How much would you learn for the right position?

So work to develop a skill set and work to acquire your knowledge, right? Work to be better. Then when you transition out of the job all those skill sets, no one can take away from you.

The knowledge, the industry knowledge that you have no one can take that away and you can take that to the next level.

#3 Think of your Job as temporary not permanent

Tip number three, and that is to think of your job as temporary not permanent.

Now, if job security is an illusion you don’t wanna buy into that and think okay, you know what, I’m gonna work at this job for 20,30 years, right?

I strongly believe that the credential economy is dead.

Means, I have a degree, then I’m good for the job economy, right?

We have a job I can work at for 20-30 years in the same industry, no.

How many career shifts that you’ve had in your career, right?

How many job changes, or maybe you studied one subject and then you spent a lot of years in that subject and then you shift to something else?

Something completely different, right? We all have gone through that, right? You have to reinvent yourself from time to time.

So think of a job as temporary. You’re there to learn, to acquire knowledge to develop skill sets to meet people, to develop connections but knowing that that is temporary, right?

It’s not permanent. You want to leverage that as a stepping stone as a transition, to go to that next career or transitioning that into entrepreneurship or something else, right?

I believe if it’s not a job economy Skill economy, skill economy, right?

You look at people who now drive Uber. It’s a skill set, that’s not a very, very valuable skill but it’s still a skill set.

They’re doing different things to bring money in that’s what’s going on in this society.

It is a skilled economy, it is no longer a job economy. Because the job that you’re working for right now may not exist but the skill that you have, you can transfer that.

You can take that to different industries. That’s what you want to do.

#4 Put Money aside as you Earn More Money

Tip Number four, and is to put money aside as you earn more money. 

Have you heard of Parkinson’s Law? What it says is this.

No matter how much money people earn they tend to spend the entire amount and a little more besides.

It is one of the most important laws when it comes to money and wealth accumulation.

You notice, think back to when you were getting started. How much were you making back then? to how much money you’re making now?

Maybe you’re now making more money than before but also notice, what happens to your expense, right? 

Your expenses, your overhead, your lifestyle. So what happens is, most people as they make more and more money from their jobs, right?

They try to keep up with the Joneses. You’ve heard of that term, keeping up with the Joneses.

So they make more money, and income increases but also, the expenses increase, right?

It goes like this, the problem is and then there’s how people get into debt the problem is if you spend all the money that you make right now you’re not putting aside some money you’re always living in fear.

Oh what if I lose my job, what if I get downsized? What if the company fires me? What happens if I don’t get that promotion? 

You’re always living in fear. And when you’re living in fear, you cannot make a decision coming from a place of abundance ’cause you’re afraid, right?

You’re afraid to quit you’re afraid to think outside the box because you’re tied to that job security.

You’re so afraid to lose that next paycheck. If you don’t have that next paycheck coming in you’re like, you’re freaked out.

So put some money aside as you earn more money.

#5 Create your own Job Security 

Number five, create your own job security. Now, what do I mean by that?

One of the concepts that I teach is the concept of financial confidence.

Not financial freedom, ’cause a lot of people talk about financial freedom.

I don’t believe in that. I believe financial freedom is actually also an illusion just like job security.

Because just because you’re free today doesn’t mean you’re free tomorrow.

However, when you have financial confidence meaning you have the confidence you have the skill set to generate money and generate income. What happens is you feel secure that you’re not depending on the economy you’re not depending on a job, or a manager, or a boss.

You’re not even depending on your investments to provide for you.

You make your money. You have the skill set to go out there go out to the marketplace and be able to generate income on demand.

That’s what I am talking about.

 You need to develop true, financial confidence to quit your job and stop living paycheck to paycheck.

For more information get in touch with me at sk@moneyexcel.com.

Shitanshu Kapadia
Shitanshu Kapadia
Hi, I am Shitanshu founder of moneyexcel.com. I am engaged in blogging & Digital Marketing for 12 years. The purpose of this blog is to share my experience, knowledge and help people in managing money. Please note that the views expressed on this Blog are clarifications meant for reference and guidance of the readers to explore further on the topics. These should not be construed as investment , tax, financial advice or legal opinion. Please consult a qualified financial planner and do your own due diligence before making any investment decision.