HomeCredit CardsHow to Make UPI Payments Using Credit Card?

How to Make UPI Payments Using Credit Card?

Now you can make UPI Payments easily using your credit card. Welcome, tech-savvy amigos! Ever found yourself in a pickle at the cash counter with no cash? Fear not, because in this digital age, making payments has become as easy as pie! Today, we’re diving deep into the magical world of UPI payments using that trusty plastic friend of yours – the credit card. Buckle up as we unravel the secrets of seamlessly blending UPI and credit cards for a transactional symphony that’ll make your wallet do the happy dance!

credit card UPI Payment

How Does UPI Payment Using Credit Card Work?

So, you’re itching to know the nitty-gritty of making UPI payments with your credit card, huh? Let’s break it down like we’re talking over a cup of coffee!

Linking Your Credit Card with UPI:

    • Open your UPI-enabled app. It could be Google Pay, PhonePe, or any other app that supports UPI transactions.
    • Navigate to the ‘Add Bank Account’ section.
    • Choose your bank and select the option to add a credit card.
    • Enter the required details – card number, expiry date, CVV, and voilà! Your credit card is now linked with your UPI account.

Setting Up a UPI ID:

    • If you don’t have a UPI ID, it’s about time you get one. Think of it as your virtual address for receiving money.
    • Go to the ‘Profile’ section in your UPI app.
    • Find the ‘Create UPI ID’ option and follow the prompts to create your unique identifier. It’s like choosing your superhero name – make it memorable!

Making the Transaction:

    • Now that your credit card and UPI are in sync, it’s showtime!
    • Select the ‘Send Money’ option and enter the recipient’s UPI ID.
    • Punch in the amount you want to transfer. Flexibility is the key here – whether it’s a small debt or a big-ticket purchase, your credit card has your back.
    • Confirm the transaction with your UPI PIN, and whoosh! The money is on its way.

Benefits of Using UPI for Transactions

The following are the benefits of using UPI for transactions:

  • Instant Money Transfer: UPI helps in transferring money instantly, which can be done anytime. You do not need to wait for banking hours in order to transfer money. 
  • Multiple Bank Account Integration: UPI helps in linking multiple bank accounts into a single UPI ID which means you will be able to transfer money from any of the bank accounts linked which makes it a convenient solution to manage multiple bank accounts.
  • Contactless: Contactless payments have started gaining traction. If you are paying with a credit card, you still need to touch the swiping machine. However, when you link your credit card to UPI, you can use the money to pay without any contact number. For this, you need to scan a QR code, validate the payment, and complete the contactless payment process.
  • Rewards: As UPI is more accessible, people prefer using it. Once you have linked your credit card with UPI, its frequent use will help in collecting more reward points to avail discounts and rewards.

Common Roadblocks: Troubleshooting the Tech Hiccups

Even the smoothest rides have a speed bump or two. Here’s a quick guide on troubleshooting common issues when combining UPI and credit cards.

Card Not Linked?  

    • Double-check the card details you entered. A small typo could be the culprit.
    • Ensure your credit card is UPI-enabled. Some old-school cards might not have hopped on the UPI bandwagon yet.

Transaction Declined?  

    • Check your credit card’s available limit. Sometimes, your shopping spree might have left you short on funds.
    • Verify that your UPI ID is correct. A misplaced digit can throw the whole system off balance.

Slow Network?  

    • If your internet is acting up, try switching to a more reliable network. No one wants a transaction hanging in the digital limbo.


Q: Can I use any credit card for UPI transactions?

A: Ideally, yes! Most banks are catching up with the UPI trend, but it’s wise to check if your credit card is UPI-compatible. If it is, you’re good to go!

Q: Is there a limit on UPI transactions with credit cards?

A: The sky’s the limit, my friend! Well, almost. Your credit card limit becomes your UPI transaction cap. So, spend wisely!

Q: What if the recipient doesn’t have a UPI ID?

A: No worries! Most UPI apps allow you to send money using the recipient’s bank account details directly. Just select the ‘Bank Account’ option instead of UPI ID.

Q: Are UPI transactions with credit cards safe?

A: Absolutely! UPI employs robust security measures, and your credit card details are as snug as a bug in a digital rug. Just remember to keep your UPI PIN a secret ninja move.

Tips and Tricks: Mastering the Art

Now that you’re a UPI credit card maestro, let’s sprinkle some fairy dust on your digital transactions!

  • Stay Updated:
    • Keep your UPI app and credit card details updated. Security patches and updates are like superhero suits – they keep you invincible.
  • Check Transaction History:
    • Regularly review your UPI transaction history. It’s like flipping through your digital diary, ensuring every entry is spot-on.
  • Share the UPI Love:
    • Spread the word! Let your friends and family in on the UPI secret. Soon, you’ll be the digital payment guru they turn to for advice.

Conclusion: UPI + Credit Card = Digital Harmony

And there you have it, folks! Making UPI payments using your credit card is the new-age symphony we’ve all been waiting for. It’s fast, it’s secure, and it’s the hip way to navigate the digital landscape.

So, the next time you’re out for dinner, and the bill arrives like an unexpected plot twist, whip out that credit card, fire up your UPI app, and make it rain digital currency! Because in this brave new world, the only currency that truly matters is the one that flows through the magical realms of UPI and credit cards.

Happy swiping, tapping, and digital high-fiving! How to Make UPI Payments Using Credit Card just became your new superpower!

Shitanshu Kapadia
Shitanshu Kapadia
Hi, I am Shitanshu founder of moneyexcel.com. I am engaged in blogging & Digital Marketing for 10 years. The purpose of this blog is to share my experience, knowledge and help people in managing money. Please note that the views expressed on this Blog are clarifications meant for reference and guidance of the readers to explore further on the topics. These should not be construed as investment , tax, financial advice or legal opinion. Please consult a qualified financial planner and do your own due diligence before making any investment decision.