HomePersonal FinanceFinancial PlanningFinancial Freedom & Financial Confidence - Big Difference

Financial Freedom & Financial Confidence – Big Difference

Do you know the difference between financial confidence versus financial freedom?

You see I used to believe in this – That financial freedom is what I wanted.

Right? Cause I have read so many books that talk about –

“Oh, you want to be financially free? Hey, do you want to be financially free?

Then do all these things.

Now the definition of financial freedom might change. Sometimes some people might say that always when your passive income exceeds your personal expense. Then you no longer have to work for money, then you are free. Or you have a portfolio of investments or a large sum of money then you are financially free.

Now today I am gonna go deep. Let me debunk that for you, this is what I have learned the hard way.

This is coming from experience, writing from experience to you right now.

Here is what I believe in – first of all let’s look at the two words Financial, Freedom.

financial confidence or financial freedom

Financial Freedom 

Let’s just look at the word freedom first.

“How do you define freedom you”?

Some people may say that well, freedom of speech, that I can say whatever I want.

Well, do you have that right now?

Some people might say that it’s freedom of mobility.

That I can go wherever I want.

Do you have that right now?

You see if you are in India or you are in most of the countries in the world. Unless you are in some other country. Chances are you have quite a bit of freedom in your life.

You are kind of already free.

But yeah most people set this goal and say that “hey I need to make a certain amount of money.

I need a certain amount of money coming in. Then I will be free.

That’s not what I am talking about because when you talk to most people.

When and if I sit down with them I sit down with you and I ask them go ahead and define financial freedom for me.

Chances are they will say something along these lines – 

“where you can do whatever you want, wherever you want, with whomever you want for as long as you want. Without having to worry about money.”

Chances are that’s what they will say. That’s what I used to believe, but here is also what I have learned.

Just because you are free today it doesn’t mean you are free tomorrow.

Now if you have made any kind of investments that are producing income for you. You know exactly what I am talking about – The stock market, mutual funds, crypto, fixed deposit, etc.

When the investments are doing well you feel like you are the king or queen of the world.

Things are going so well, you feel good, you got money coming in, and the money is rolling in.

You are doing good you are free. But suddenly when your investments don’t do well or your businesses don’t do well; Suddenly you are less free.

So here is what I have learned –

Just because you are free today it does not mean you are free tomorrow.

So back then when I had multiple of these like mini sites on the internet.

I was selling digital products. I was running it on google Adwords. I had money coming in so fast and I was thinking to myself, “Oh wow this is so good I’ve got money coming in. I am free!”

I have way more passive income coming in than my expense, good.

Until guess what?

Changes in google, algorithm changes.

Now suddenly my ad cost skyrockets.

Before it was profitable, now every sale that I make, every digital product

is now losing money.

I was free and then suddenly now I am less free.

Because any changes within my business and changes are happening faster than ever, in our human history because of technology.

So you see, do you see how financial freedom is an illusion? It doesn’t exist.

So you are striving for something that doesn’t exist.

So what you have to realize is, number one you are already free.

You can go wherever you want.

You can drive, you can take a plane, you can do whatever you want, you can say whatever you want.

A lot of people say stupid shit on the internet.

Yes, you have the freedom you are already free.

Unless you are in prison or something like that.

But you are technically free you don’t need to strive for it.

I believe a better way to look at this is not “do whatever you want however you want.” It’s not having to do something when you don’t want to do it.

When you get to a point where you know what I am not going to do that;

I am not gonna be there, I am not gonna meet with this person, I’m not gonna take on that project.

That is a much, much more powerful concept.

So, shitanshu If I should not aim for Financial Freedom what should I aim for?  

Instead of aiming for financial freedom here is what I think you should aim for.

You need to aim for Financial Confidence.

Financial Confidence

Financial confidence, now financial confidence is a completely different concept.

Because it has nothing to do with what happens externally.

It has to do with you internally what’s going on within you.

Meaning that you have confidence. You now have the confidence that that you can make money –

  • Regardless of what happens to your business.
  • Regardless of what happens to your investments. 
  • Regardless of what happens in the economy.

You are not waiting, you are not hoping an investment will provide for you.

Or a business will provide for you.

You are not-If they do awesome but knowing that you have the confidence if knock on wood; You lose everything tomorrow.

You have the confidence that you can make it back, you can bounce back. In fact, you believe that it took you the first time maybe this much time maybe ten years to attain this level of success. 

The second time around you can do it in a much shorter period of time.

You see that’s financial confidence.

When you are financially confident that’s true freedom. Because you know I could go anywhere, I could go into any city, as long as it is a capitalist society.

I could make it. I could go into any industry.

I could make it because you have the skills.

You have confidence, you know what you are capable of.

See that’s what gives you peace of mind.

That you could go anywhere and make it happen.

That you can produce results, and deliver value in the marketplace.

That’s what I am talking about that’s true freedom.

Not the freedom, not the freedom that most people talk about which is an illusion.

Financial confidence is what gives you freedom.

For more information get in touch with me at sk@moneyexcel.com.

Shitanshu Kapadia
Shitanshu Kapadia
Hi, I am Shitanshu founder of moneyexcel.com. I am engaged in blogging & Digital Marketing for 12 years. The purpose of this blog is to share my experience, knowledge and help people in managing money. Please note that the views expressed on this Blog are clarifications meant for reference and guidance of the readers to explore further on the topics. These should not be construed as investment , tax, financial advice or legal opinion. Please consult a qualified financial planner and do your own due diligence before making any investment decision.