HomeBusiness Ideas15 Business Promotion Ideas at Low Cost

15 Business Promotion Ideas at Low Cost

business promotion

A Business Promotion always helps in growing your business. If you are a small business owner and looking for low-cost marketing ideas, here is something interesting for you. In this post, I will share 15 Business Promotion Ideas with low cost.

It is essential for a small business owner to promote their business. This is mainly due to the unavailability of money or due to stiff market competition. Whatever be the case one thing is sure that effective marketing always helps in reaching targeted customers. So, let’s take a look at 15 low-cost business promotion ideas for startup and small business owners.

Also Read – 90 Business Ideas with Low Investment

#15 Business Promotion Ideas at Low Cost

Create a Website

First low-cost business promotion idea is creating own website. Nowadays a website is must if you are serious about making money from the business. You need to publish product information including costing and contact information on the website. A website is one of the best ways to promote your business.

Create a Facebook page

Second low-cost business promotion idea is creating a Facebook page. Facebook is one of the best ways to do business marketing. Almost every business owner creates a Facebook page for doing social marketing on the internet.

Start Blogging

Starting a blog is another best way to share your product and services online. However, sharing a fresh content about the product shall be a challenging affair. You can take help from an expert for creating and maintaining a blog.

SMS marketing

One of the oldest low-cost business promotion ideas is SMS marking. In SMS marketing you need to create a list of potential customer and send messages. You can take SMS service from SMS service provider online.

Making a Call

Another old method for getting a new customer or keeping a relationship with the old customer is making a call. In this method, you need to call the prospective customer. To make it effective it is advisable to make suitable sales speech for your product and services.

Business Directory Listing

One of the best ways to do online promotion is by listing your business in online business directories or Yellow Pages. Tuffclassfied is one of the best free online business directories which can help you to reach potential customers. You can also list your website to JustDial.

E-mail Marketing

You can also think of doing e-mail marketing for business promotion. In this idea, you need to have e-mail id of customers. You need to make a very good e-mail containing marketing material about your product or services.

Promotional Event

Making a promotional event is one of the best ways to promote your business. In this method, you need to organize an event. It is advisable to arrange such event nearby shopping mall or in a highly populated area. You’ll get more response if there’s food or freebies involved.

Build a referral network

Referral marketing is another best way to do promotion of your product and services. In order to start a referral network first, you need to establish a relationship with professionals and other business. You need to offer a good referral benefit to get successful.

Social tools

You can also promote your business by using various social tools. Try to use maximum social tools including a Twitter, podcast, Youtube Channel etc. You have to be active at all social networking website to get more traffic and customers.

Customer Loyalty Program

Another business marketing idea is to start a customer loyalty program. A loyalty program may give a customer free merchandise, rewards, coupons, or even advance released products. It is important to encourage future purchases and referrals.

Company Logo T-shirt

Next idea is to print a business logo on the t-shirt and distributing to loyal customers at free of cost. Your customer will be happy to wear them. This idea is suitable if you want to grow your business locally.

Business Offers and Discounts

Extending a discount on the product is another way of marketing business. Once you announce discount you need to contact customer via various medium described above.

Whatsapp Marketing

If you have local business for selling product and services you can use Whatsapp Marketing as a tool to increase your local customer base. You need to create WhatsApp group and start sending a message related to your product and promotional events. It is one of the best business promotion idea.

Newspaper Cutout and Hoardings

One of the most popular low cost business promotion idea is providing advertisement in Newspaper as a cutout. You can also think of placing hoarding at public places. But, you need to spend money in order to place hoardings.

I hope promotion ideas discussed above will be helpful to you in growing your business.

Do share with us other marketing and promotion method use by you for promoting your business.

Shitanshu Kapadia
Shitanshu Kapadia
Hi, I am Shitanshu founder of moneyexcel.com. I am engaged in blogging & Digital Marketing for 10 years. The purpose of this blog is to share my experience, knowledge and help people in managing money. Please note that the views expressed on this Blog are clarifications meant for reference and guidance of the readers to explore further on the topics. These should not be construed as investment , tax, financial advice or legal opinion. Please consult a qualified financial planner and do your own due diligence before making any investment decision.