HomeIndia10 Business Management Lessons from Narendra Modi for Entrepreneurs

10 Business Management Lessons from Narendra Modi for Entrepreneurs

 Narendra Modi

The Lok Sabha Election 2019 results are out and our beloved leader Shri Narendra Modi is again elected at Prime Minister of India. From small town poor boy to Prime Minister of India, the story of Narendra Modi is very inspiring.

No words are enough to describe Modiji, his rising from ordinary background to the highest elected post in India for two times itself speak about his extraordinary skill and ability. Narendra Modi is a visionary leader, great patriot, a man of developing India and inspiration to all of us. He is the one from whom we can learn a lot of things.

Here are 10 Business Management lessons from Narendra Modi and Lok Sabha Election 2019 for every businessman.

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10 Business Management Lessons from Narendra Modi

#1 Converting Every Adversity into Opportunity

Narendra Modi knows how to turn every adversity into opportunity. There are many examples. The recent example is Pulwama Attack by terrorist in Feb 2019. In this attack, 40 Indian Soldiers were killed. It was one of the biggest identified threat to the Nation as well as BJP government. He converted that threat into opportunity by Balakot Surgical Strike on terror camps inside Pakistan.

In business also, you will come across many adversities such as business competition, working capital crunch, fall in market demand etc. You should learn skill how you can covert that threat to opportunity.

#2 Build Brand value and Face Value

Modi has built BJP brand. Prime Minister Narendra Modi means new brand of the BJP. Every voter has given vote in favour of BJP due to MODI. Modi has created brand value as well as face value. Modi is projected as chowkidar with 56-inch chest in this election. BJP is successful in creating the Modi Brand and winning election.

In business also, brand value and face value plays a crucial role. Businessmen should focus on creating a business brand. The brand value helps in increasing business.

#3 Performance Matters – Work hard and Market your achievements

Another lesson is performance matters. Narendra Modi government has shown very good performance in the last five years. Demonitization, GST, handling Terrorism, Beti Bachao, Make in India, DBT, Startup India are few achievements of BJP government. Modi was able to perform as well as market his achievements to the people.

Every business demands performance. You need to work hard to establish your business and work hard to promote your business and products.

#4 Focus on the weak areas

Another important lesson to learn from Lok Sabha Election and Modi is focus on the weak area. This time focus area was West Bengal. The propaganda adopted was to criticize rivals by mollifying Muslims with funding for clerics and religious schools that turning state to a replica of neighboring Bangladesh. This strategy worked well, and BJP got additional seats in West Bengal.

The learning here is one should find out weak areas and focus on how to address them by applying appropriate strategies.

#5 Understand customers demand and deliver it without demand

Understand Customer Demand and Deliver it without Demand. Modi Government has worked on this formula and deliver the results. They were able to sense pulse of people and able to deliver the results such as Demonitization, Direct Benefit Transfer, GST, Beti Bachao and lot more.

So, learning is businessmen should understand customer demand and deliver the product. One such example is touch screen smart phone by Apple. Steve Job use to say similar thing “A lot of time people don’t know what they want until you show it to them.”

#6 Have a Strong Team

Narendra Modi has formulated strong team of leaders and of BJP workers. This team was working day and night to improve BJP image and increased the vote bank. Modi and Amit Shah were aware that they required strong team to win the election.

Similarly, to become a successful entrepreneur, you will need a strong team of people. You should remember famous saying by Henning Holck Larsen (L&T Founder) – Machine must be there, products must be there but most importantly, people must be there.  

#7 Spending on Marketing with Right Channels

Spending on Marketing with the right channel is another important lesson to learn. Narendra Modi is the king of communication. He used the power of social media and television media to market himself and BJP. Even they have used social media to destroy the image of Rahul Gandhi.

In business also, you need to spend money on the right marketing channel. You can grow your business by spending money on the right marketing channels.

#8 Network with People

Network with people is another leadership quality of Narendra Modi. This time to win election Modi has addressed 142 rallies. In addition to that, he has started a unique program Mann Ki Baat. In this program, he addresses the people of the nation on Radio and DD news. These initiatives have helped him in connecting with people.

In business also networking with people is important. 90% of business and its growth is dependent on your human relations with people. You can expand your business if you have good networking skills.

#9 Analyzing Competitor and Deciding the right strategy

Analyzing competition and deciding the right strategy is another important quality that is visible in Narendra Modi and BJP Team. This time in the election national security and nationalism were used by BJP team, whereas Congress has again played politics of allegation.

In business, you need to analyze the competition and adopt the relevant strategy to beat the competition.

#10 Keep an Expert Implementer like Amit Shah

The last business management lesson you can learn from Prime Minister Narendra Modi is you should keep an expert thinker and implementer like Amit Shah. Your business can grow multifold if you take help of expert thinker and implementer.

Over to you –

I hope above business management lessons from a great leader and relentless personality Shri Narendra Modi will help you in growing your business.

Shitanshu Kapadia
Shitanshu Kapadia
Hi, I am Shitanshu founder of moneyexcel.com. I am engaged in blogging & Digital Marketing for 12 years. The purpose of this blog is to share my experience, knowledge and help people in managing money. Please note that the views expressed on this Blog are clarifications meant for reference and guidance of the readers to explore further on the topics. These should not be construed as investment , tax, financial advice or legal opinion. Please consult a qualified financial planner and do your own due diligence before making any investment decision.