HomeBusiness IdeasAdvice to Young People & Entrepreneurs from Jack Ma

Advice to Young People & Entrepreneurs from Jack Ma

Jack Ma, 57, founder of Alibaba and 26th richest man in the world with net worth to $37.1 Billon. He is self-made entrepreneur cum billionaire from china. He turned the idea of generating money from the internet into reality. He is giving a brief advice to young people and entrepreneur on how to become successful in business and life.

Advice Young People JackMa

Advice to Young People & Entrepreneurs  

Before you are 20 years old –

He says “Be a good student focus on your studies. Make enough mistakes. Don’t worry any mistake is an income and a wonderful revenue for you. Before taking up entrepreneurship get a little experience …

Between 20-30 years of age –

Jack Ma said “Before 30 years follow somebody, prefer to be a part of a small company over big company. You can learn more in a small company. At big companies you learn processing, you are part of big machine. At a small company you learn about passion and dreams, which is important to become an entrepreneur. Not only that you will learn how to do lot of thing at a same time.”

To become entrepreneur “It is not important that which company you go for, but it is important that which boss you follow. You should select a boss who teaches you differently.”

Between 30-40 years of age –

He says “Between 30-years of age you have to think very clearly that you are working for yourself if you really want to be an entrepreneur.” This is the decade that let you know which field is best for you.

Between 40-50 years of age –

By this time, you are aware of your strengths. This is the time of utilizing your strengths. “You have to do all these things that you are good at. Don’t try to leap jumps in new areas. It is too late. You may become successful but the rate of dying is too big.”

Between 50-60 years of age –

“If you are 50-60 years old work for young people, because young people can do better than you, so rely on them; invest on them, making sure that they are good.” said Jack Ma. It is time to make young people ready for entrepreneurship.

Over 60 years –

If you are 60 years old it is time to stay away from work. He said “Relax and enjoy yourself on the beach in the sunshine.” In short enjoy your retirement.

Do share your views on this motivational and inspirational video talk given by Jack Ma!

Shitanshu Kapadia
Shitanshu Kapadia
Hi, I am Shitanshu founder of moneyexcel.com. I am engaged in blogging & Digital Marketing for 12 years. The purpose of this blog is to share my experience, knowledge and help people in managing money. Please note that the views expressed on this Blog are clarifications meant for reference and guidance of the readers to explore further on the topics. These should not be construed as investment , tax, financial advice or legal opinion. Please consult a qualified financial planner and do your own due diligence before making any investment decision.