HomeInformationHow to Download Aadhaar Update History from UIDAI website?

How to Download Aadhaar Update History from UIDAI website?

You can now easily access Aadhaar Update History for download. UIDAI has introduced a new feature for downloading Aadhaar update details. At times, we modify our Aadhaar information such as address, mobile number, or other demographic data. To view the alterations made on your Aadhaar card, you can obtain Aadhaar Update history from the UIDAI site.

The Aadhaar Update history is helpful in many ways. Firstly when you apply for various services such as passport, visa and other sundry jobs you can use this facility to ascertain residence history for the past few years. Secondly, it also helps you to verify that if any unauthorized update has taken place or if someone has wrongly updated your Aadhaar.

It will also give you residence proof along with history. Suppose currently you are staying in Surat and after a few years you moved to Mumbai. You have an updated card with a Mumbai address, then with the help of downloading the Aadhaar update history, you can give proof that you were earlier living in another city.

Apart from this, if you have changed your name due to any specific reason you will be able to get proof online in update history.

Also Read – How to check Aadhaar Authentication History?

This is a very good step to empower people. It will also eliminate a need for maintaining a physical copy of address proof. You can download history anytime online and use it for various services.

The update history shows date-wise update details made in address, name, and other demographic details. You can even see the addition and deletion of mobile or email. Here is step by step process to download the Aadhaar Update History from the UIDAI website.

How to Download Aadhaar Update History from UIDAI website?

Step 1

Visit UIDAI portal on the home page you will find the language selection. On selection of language you would be redirected to the page. In the top menu, you will find a link called “Aadhaar Update History”. Click on this link to download the history.

Step 2

On clicking this link you will be taken to a new page where you need to login using your Aadhaar number and captcha code. After entering Aadhaar and Captcha details click on “Send OTP” button. You will get OTP (one-time password) on your registered mobile number. The OTP is valid for 30 minutes. Enter the OTP and click on the submit button for validation.

Step 4

Upon successful login you will be able to see the service tab dashboard. One of the services on this dashboard is Aadhaar Update History.

Aadhar Update History Download

Step 3

On clicking Aadhaar update history you will be able to see all historical Aadhaar updates done by you at a single place. It will also show the date on which the modification was carried out. The update history screen looks like below.

download aadhaar update history

If your Aadhaar is seeded with an e-mail address, UIDAI will send an e-mail indicating update history is downloaded. It is an additional security feature to know who has viewed or downloaded updates.

Also Read – How to Lock Unlock Aadhaar Card Online?

Benefits of downloading Aadhaar Update History

The benefits of downloading the Update history are given below.

  1. Address History online which can be viewed as and when required with a click of the button.
  2. Along with address history, you will be able to see other demographic change detail.
  3. You can use this history as a proof for various services including passport, visa etc.
  4. You can verify if anyone has modified information wrongly or not.

Hope you will find this information useful. If you have any query about downloading Aadhaar Update History please post it in the comment section.

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Shitanshu Kapadia
Shitanshu Kapadia
Hi, I am Shitanshu founder of moneyexcel.com. I am engaged in blogging & Digital Marketing for 12 years. The purpose of this blog is to share my experience, knowledge and help people in managing money. Please note that the views expressed on this Blog are clarifications meant for reference and guidance of the readers to explore further on the topics. These should not be construed as investment , tax, financial advice or legal opinion. Please consult a qualified financial planner and do your own due diligence before making any investment decision.