HomeMoney & Wealth5 Ways to Make Money on YouTube with a small channel

5 Ways to Make Money on YouTube with a small channel

Recently, my friend told me that he got a YouTube payment and the amount is $2354 this month. He was sharing with me that it is less this time compared to what he is getting. 

We were discussing with each other that on social media there are many well-known, famous YouTubers with a hundred thousand subscribers.

  • Half a million subscribers.
  • A million subscribers.
  • Five million subscribers.

And they are making money like anything anyone comes across to me says wow, you know, it is very good to make money on YouTube but to do that – 

  • You need a lot of views.
  • You need tens of millions of views and millions of subscribers.

Let me tell you this, it is simply not true.

Today I’m gonna prove to you how you can make decent money, even big money, with a small channel.

  • Now maybe you are just getting started. 
  • Maybe you only have a few hundred subscribers on your YouTube channel.

Maybe a few thousand, maybe tens of thousands. It doesn’t matter.

What do you need to do?

YouTube Money

5 Ways to Make Money on YouTube with a Small Channel 

#1 You could sell services on YouTube

One of my friends is using YouTube to sell his services. He is not trying to use YouTube to generate money directly, like say, through ad sense like that.

No, he runs a business. 

He is using YouTube as a lead generation platform. 

So when people watch his videos on YouTube, and if someone wants to purchase a property or someone who wants to list a property, he would then get them on the phone and offer his service.

So offering services, is a great way to make big money with a small channel.

So if you are a service provider, meaning you’re a consultant, you are a coach, you are an expert, maybe you are a real estate agent, maybe you’re a mortgage broker, you’re an insurance agent, you’re providing a service in your local area, in your city.

YouTube is a very very powerful way to get your message out there.

To promote your name, to get your name out there. To create some value in the marketplace and educate your potential clients.

You let them consume your content and when they are ready to do business, you’ll be the first one that pops into their mind, that top-of-mind awareness, and say yes, you’re the one I want to do business with.

So number one, use YouTube as a lead generation service platform for your existing business.

#2 Making Money with Events on YouTube  

You can do events on YouTube and make money. I know many YouTubers with small fan followings also make money using events on YouTube. 

YouTube is a place, where they meet with their fans and the fans get to meet with their favorite YouTuber.

Take photos, selfies, maybe even sign something here and there, merchandise. It’s a very very good way because then you can meet with your fans even with a small fan base you can sell tickets to meet with you, right? Or a live event. 

So you can use that to generate revenue with Event. You don’t need a lot of people. You don’t need a lot of fans, or a lot of subscribers, to generate a significant amount of income.

Does that make sense?

#3 Offering digital products on YouTube

You can launch a digital course on YouTube and make money. I’m talking about digital programs or any kind of online training program.

I have hosted webinar recordings in a protected way on YouTube and made money out of it.  

Now the online training space is a multi multi-billion dollar industry.

So you don’t need a huge channel with a lot of subscribers.

If you have the right topic, you can offer your online courses.

And you can sell that for a hundred dollars, two hundred dollars, five hundred dollars, even up to thousands of dollars.

You don’t need a lot of sales to make a decent amount of money.

Recently, I’ve had the opportunity to talk to a YouTuber who only has a YouTube channel with around a thousand subscribers, less than a thousand subscribers, who generate over a million dollars from his YouTube channel.

But Shitanshu, I don’t have digital courses.

I don’t know how to create digital courses.

Guess what?

You can also make money as an affiliate. 

#4 YouTube Affiliate Income 

You can promote other people’s digital courses. 

People who are creators, people who are experts, who offer these types of courses.

As an affiliate, you can promote their courses and then get a commission.

For example, if they’re selling a course that is a thousand dollars and you can help them promote their courses when someone watches your video, maybe you do a reveal video of some kind, right?

They click on the link, and they go ahead and go to the website

and purchase that course, you can get a 10%, 20%, or even up to 30% commission.

That is a pretty good deal, wouldn’t you say? You don’t need to make a lot of sales to make a decent amount of income.

#5 YouTube Consultant 

If you have a solid foundation in knowing how YouTube works, there are so many businesses out there that want to launch a YouTube channel

or they have a YouTube channel but they’re struggling to grow it, what you could do is to become a YouTube consultant.

To help other people. To help them grow their YouTube channel

and then you can charge them a fee, a management fee.

It kind of acts as a digital agency but for YouTube. Imagine a company paying you a thousand dollars, two thousand, or even three thousand dollars a month to just help them manage their channels.

Well, how many of these clients do you need? In some cases, one of these clients would be enough money to replace the job that you have right now or it would give you some, you know, supplement income, right?

With what you do, it pays for your car, pays for your house mortgage, and pays for your rent.

It’s a very very powerful model.

So, taking your YouTube skill, and your YouTube knowledge, and helping companies generate more leads, helping them make more sales, and helping grow their YouTube channel, that’s a fantastic way to make money.

Shitanshu Kapadia
Shitanshu Kapadia
Hi, I am Shitanshu founder of moneyexcel.com. I am engaged in blogging & Digital Marketing for 10 years. The purpose of this blog is to share my experience, knowledge and help people in managing money. Please note that the views expressed on this Blog are clarifications meant for reference and guidance of the readers to explore further on the topics. These should not be construed as investment , tax, financial advice or legal opinion. Please consult a qualified financial planner and do your own due diligence before making any investment decision.