HomePersonal Finance35 Top money saving tips for 2023

35 Top money saving tips for 2023

money saving tips

Saving money is need today because Penny Saved Is Penny Earned. In 2021 Energy, food and fuel prices was the top issues of common man. In 2022 situation is likely to remain same.

Instead of worrying about inflation we should start making our efforts in saving more money.

Top money saving tips for 2022 are:-

  1. Avoid impulsive buying to save on your shopping bill.
  2. Make a list before going on shopping and stick to list
  3. Know your need and buy in bulk with store.
  4. Always look for discount offer, sale or coupon while making purchase.
  5. Compare price before buying any product
  6. Save money by buying cloths / electronic items in off season
  7. Program your air condition for auto cutoff
  8. Unplug & switch off your appliance if not in use
  9. Cut cost of utility bill by adopting energy saving appliance and lighting fixtures.
  10. Maximize air flow and lighting arrangement in your house to save electricity bill.
  11. Pay your bill online to save fuel cost and time.
  12. Avoid unnecessary travel and use of vehicle.
  13. Try to Increase fuel efficiency of your vehicle.
  14. To save on water bill try to reuse water or use rainwater.
  15. Make effort to dry clean clothes at home.
  16. Start saving automatically by deducting some money from account directly and depositing on other account.
  17. Make your own gift instead of buying from store.
  18. If you receive gift and if you are not going to use it re gift it to save money
  19. Invite friends and relatives at home for party instead of going out.
  20. Avoid visiting hotel quite often
  21. Don’t spend big money on entertainment
  22. Take good care of your health to save on medical expense.
  23. Give up bad habit like cigarettes, alcohol etc.
  24. Avoid excessive usage of credit card.
  25.  Cancel unused club membership
  26. Get rid of unread magazine subscription
  27. Think of repaying home loan
  28. Check for reliability and fuel efficiency while buying new vehicle.
  29. If possible go for carpool to save money.
  30. Use public transportation instead of own vehicle
  31. Try to repair stuff  instead of simply replacing it
  32. Reduce your mobile bill by removing unwanted services
  33. Cut down your vacation travel spending
  34. You can think of reading newspaper online instead of physical copy
  35. Cancel cable channel subscription if you don’t watch 

Hope this money saving tips will help you to save more money in 2022!

Top money saving tips for 2022

Shitanshu Kapadia
Shitanshu Kapadia
Hi, I am Shitanshu founder of moneyexcel.com. I am engaged in blogging & Digital Marketing for 12 years. The purpose of this blog is to share my experience, knowledge and help people in managing money. Please note that the views expressed on this Blog are clarifications meant for reference and guidance of the readers to explore further on the topics. These should not be construed as investment , tax, financial advice or legal opinion. Please consult a qualified financial planner and do your own due diligence before making any investment decision.