HomeMoney & WealthHow to Make Money via YouTube? - Complete Guide

How to Make Money via YouTube? – Complete Guide

Do you want to make a lot of money using YouTube? If Yes! You are at the right place. In this post, I will share complete information about making money using YouTube. YouTube is the 2nd biggest search engine after Google. YouTube is generating billions of views every single day. Every minute, more than 300 Hours of videos are uploaded on YouTube. All these make YouTube the most powerful platform for making money. There are a lot of YouTubers making thousands of dollars every month using YouTube. You can also make a lot of money via YouTube, provided you select the right category and upload unique videos consistently. Here are steps that can help you in earning money via YouTube.

Also Read – 7 Ideas to Make Money Online in India for beginner

5 Steps to make money from YouTube

Step 1 – Create Your YouTube Channel

The first step is creating your own YouTube Channel. It is very easy to create a channel, you just need to follow the steps given below to set up your own YouTube Channel.

  • Log in to your Gmail account, if you don’t have one create it. After login visit youtube.com
  • Click on the drop-down menu present just on the left side of the YouTube logo
  • Go to the My Channels option from that menu
  • Once you click on My Channel you can see an option to ‘Set up your channel on YouTube’
  • Now, you need to provide your personal information for the creation of a channel

make money youtube

Step 2 – Selecting a Niche

The next step is selecting a niche or category. You should select a Niche based on your area of interest. Here are a few recommended category options that can help you to go Viral on YouTube.

  • Gaming
  • Personal Finance
  • Food & Cooking
  • Yoga, Exercise or Training
  • Technical Reviews
  • Travel & Fashion
  • Comedy

The above categories are popular and have a lot of audiences all over the world. You can easily gain a lot of popularity and subscribers in the mentioned category. You have to consistently post unique and informative videos on the channel.

Step 3 – Create Unique Informative and Viral Videos

In this step, you need to create unique and informative videos. You can use either handy cam, HD camcorder, or mobile for creating videos. If you are not good at acting or shooting videos, you can use software such as VideoScribe, or Camtasia for creating whiteboard animation or screen capture videos.

Make sure to keep an eye on your competitor to know what type of videos they are creating and which videos are going viral. You can use a similar type of video on your channel.

You need to be consistent. Make sure to create high-quality videos with unique content. It is recommended to follow a schedule for posting videos. You can also declare that schedule to your audience. Post at least two to three videos per week.

Step 4 – Increase your Subscribers

The next step is to grow your subscriber count. You can increase your subscriber count easily. Here are a few tips for increasing your YouTube Channel Subscriber count.

  • Create customized and appealing thumbnails for every video. You can embed video views or unique photographs on thumbnails.
  • You should create a compelling title for your videos. Most of people see thumbnails and titles for viewing videos.
  • You should describe the content of your video in the meta description. Use keywords for tagging. It will help in ranking your videos in search.

Step 5 – Apply for AdSense

The final step for making money via YouTube is applying for AdSense which is also known as a YouTube Channel Partner Program. Your channel must meet the monetization criteria set by YouTube. Your channel needs at least 4000 watch hours in the past 12 months and 1000 subscribers.

In order to apply for AdSense, you need to visit YouTube Dashboard. In the dashboard click on ‘Status and Features’, and you will see various tabs. Click on the Enable button under Monetization. Click on the Start button and follow the on-screen instructions. Once your account is approved you will get an email from Google about approval.

YouTube Monetization

Now you can monetize your videos by opening your Video Manager and clicking on the “$” sign next to the video that you want to monetize. Check the “Monetize with Ads” box. You should have a bank account and you must be 18 years of age to apply for the above program.

How do people make money via YouTube?

YouTubers use multiple methods to make money via YouTube. The few most popular methods are given below.

YouTube Advertising

The first method of monetization is using the AdSense advertisement program. You can use multiple ad formats on YouTube videos to earn money. These formats are display ads, overlay ads, skippable video ads, bumper ads, sponsored cards, etc. You can select ad formats for your videos.

YouTube Red

YouTube Red is a paid subscription program. In YouTube Red members pay a recurring fee for watching videos without Ads. The amount paid by YouTube Red is calculated based on the time members spend watching videos.

YouTube Merchandising

You can also use YouTube Merchandising to make money. You can endorse a specific product or brand and make videos. You can earn a lot of money.

Affiliate Marketing

Another idea of making money via YouTube is Affiliate Marketing. In this method, you need to add an affiliate link to the video description. You can earn commission income using affiliate marketing.

Paid Videos

Once your channel gets popular you can get an offer for the paid video. In this method, you need to make a video for a product or brand and post it on your channel. You will get paid on a per video basis.

Summing Up 

There are multiple YouTubers in India that makes thousands of dollars every month. A few examples are Geeky Ranjit, Technical Guruji, BB Ki Vines, etc.

In short, YouTube is an evergreen platform that helps people to make a lot of money. Apart from making money it also helps in branding and gaining popularity as a YouTuber. If you are serious about making online money you can consider YouTube Monetization.

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Shitanshu Kapadia
Shitanshu Kapadia
Hi, I am Shitanshu founder of moneyexcel.com. I am engaged in blogging & Digital Marketing for 12 years. The purpose of this blog is to share my experience, knowledge and help people in managing money. Please note that the views expressed on this Blog are clarifications meant for reference and guidance of the readers to explore further on the topics. These should not be construed as investment , tax, financial advice or legal opinion. Please consult a qualified financial planner and do your own due diligence before making any investment decision.