HomePersonal FinanceDownload Masked Aadhaar - Key Features & Benefits

Download Masked Aadhaar – Key Features & Benefits

masked Aadhaar

UIDAI has recently introduced Masked Aadhaar. Masked Aadhaar is a new feature introduced to safeguard Aadhaar information. This feature will allow end-users to share e-Aadhaar with security as first 8-digits of Aadhaar number will be masked. It is digitally signed e-Aadhaar which can be used for regular eAadhaar transactions. So, Aadhaar is now available in two formats.

  • Regular Aadhaar
  • Masked Aadhaar

It was important to apply additional security to e-Aadhaar. Earlier e-Aadhaar was shared without security. Only security was biometric transaction security. Now, this additional feature will surely help users to maintain privacy and confidentiality of Aadhaar information while doing Financial transactions. Let’s take a look at key features benefits and method to Download Masked Aadhaar.

Also Read – How to generate Aadhaar Virtual ID?

What is Masked Aadhaar?

Masked Aadhaar is a new option, which allows you to mask your Aadhaar number in your downloaded Aadhaar. This means your masked e-aadhaar will show only last 4 digits of your Aadhaar number instead of 12 digits. However, demographic information, photograph, and the QR code will be still shown.

You can download the Masked Aadhaar from the UIDAI website (https://eaadhaar.uidai.gov.in/#/). The new facility of downloading Aadhaar will allows you to select between regular addhaar and masked aadhaar.

Key Features & Benefits of Masked Aadhaar

Key Features and Benefits of Masked Aadhaar is given below.

  • It is secured digital version of the Aadhaar card.
  • You will be able to share this card without fear as first 8 digit of Aadhaar is masked.
  • Only QR code and demographic information will be available. A transaction can take place via scanning QR code.
  • It will help individuals to use it as a proof of ID without disclosing their Aadhaar Number.
  • It is signed by UIDAI digital signature. As per aadhaar rules, eAadhaar is valid proof and equivalent to a physical copy of Aadhaar.

Download Masked Aadhaar

A step by step process to download Masked Aadhaar is given below.

  • First, visit uidai.gov.in website.
  • Now under the ‘Aadhaar Online Services’ section click on the “Download Aadhaar” link.
  • Now select between Aadhaar, VID or Enrolment ID.

masked aadhaar option

  • Select Masked Aadhaar as your preference.
  • Enter requested information including Full Name and Pincode. Enter security code and click on Request OTP.
  • Enter OTP received on a registered mobile number to download Masked e-Aadhaar.

Downloaded e-Aadhaar is password protected, the first four digit of e-Aadhaar password is first four letter of your name followed by birth year.

Now you can take printout of this Masked Aadhaar. This can be used to do offline verification document.

Make sure to verify a digital signature given on the e-Aadhaar. In order to verify the signature right click on the signature property and click on “Validate Signature”. After validation, it will show a signature valid.

Please note that the downloaded card also shows download and generation date of the card.

Unique Points about Masked Aadhaar Card

  • Masked e-Aadhaar is digitally signed secured document. It contains as much demographic info as you want, with five options. Apart from name and address other demographics such as gender, date of birth, mobile, email and photo are optional.
  • It contains QR code with a photograph which is much more reliable than other forms of ID.
  • It enables both QR code and paperless eKYC where no submission of biometrics and authentication via UIDAI server is required. This will address the fear of data tracking and collection.
  • Other ID documents like passport, PAN card or driving license do not have such facility of QR code and privacy protection.
  • QR code eliminates the risk of forgery, fraud, and photoshop of eAadhaar.

In short, it is a very good step taken by the government to protect privacy and Aadhaar Number leakage.

Shitanshu Kapadia
Shitanshu Kapadia
Hi, I am Shitanshu founder of moneyexcel.com. I am engaged in blogging & Digital Marketing for 12 years. The purpose of this blog is to share my experience, knowledge and help people in managing money. Please note that the views expressed on this Blog are clarifications meant for reference and guidance of the readers to explore further on the topics. These should not be construed as investment , tax, financial advice or legal opinion. Please consult a qualified financial planner and do your own due diligence before making any investment decision.