HomeMutual FundsMutual Fund Portfolio Analysis using Power BI

Mutual Fund Portfolio Analysis using Power BI

Mutual Fund Portfolio Analysis is one of the prime requirement for the investor. To fulfill this demand there are several readymade tools available in the market. Most of them are online, paid or available with limited features. Today I will introduce you with a powerful tool that will empower you to conduct your own mutual fund portfolio tracking and analysis. It is free and easy to use tool. The name of the tool is Microsoft Power BI. Microsoft Power BI is a business intelligence and analytics tool that provides interactive visualization for decision making. Power Bi is available with various versions. For Mutual Fund Portfolio Analysis and Tracking, you will need Power BI Desktop. Power BI Desktop Free version can be downloaded from Microsoft site – https://powerbi.microsoft.com/en-us/pricing/

Once you download and install this tool, follow the steps given below to create your own dashboard and report for Mutual Fund Portfolio Analysis.

Also Read – How to use Power BI for Stock Market Analysis?

 Mutual Fund Portfolio Analysis using Power BI

The first step towards developing Mutual Fund Dashboard is providing data source of the portfolio. To provide data source you need to click on a button “Get Data” given in the top navigation bar. You will be prompted to provide a data source. You can provide data source as a website, SQL database, Excel file or any other compatible data source.

For simplicity and ease of understanding, we will use Excel as a data source input. I have use readymade excel file downloaded from my Demat Account. You can use a similar method or you may utilize excel file template used in this example.

The excel file contains various column such as Name of Mutual Fund Scheme, Last recorded NAV, Total Cost of Investment, Unrealized Profit/Loss etc.

You need to provide Excel file location after clicking on Get Data. Power BI will fetch data from all columns and you will be able to see various fields.

mutual fund portfolio

Total Mutual Fund Investment

The first visualization is Total Mutual Fund Investment. This visualization helps you in knowing total investment amount. For the creation of visualization “Total Mutual Fund Investment” click on “Table” under Visualization and select column where you have a total investment value of Mutual Fund. In my case it is Cost. After you get total value select “Card” visualization for proper visibility.  You can change the value in thousand, million and even billion. You can select font size and type. You can also apply the border.

Current Mutual Fund Value

To create visualization “Current Mutual Fund Value” click on “Table” under Visualization and select column where you have current NAV of Mutual Fund. In my case, it is Total value at NAV. After you get total value at NAV select “Card” visualization. For easy identification, you can provide text label.

Unrealized Profit or Loss

Unrealized Profit or Loss is next visualization. This visualization helps you in knowing profit or loss value of entire mutual fund portfolio or individual funds. To create this, first, click on “Table” visualization and select column where you have unrealized profit or loss. In my case, it is Unrealized Profit/Loss. After you get total value click on “Card” visualization.

Fund wise analysis

To know fund wise details in your mutual fund portfolio select “Table” visualization and select multiple column cost, scheme, and unrealized profit/loss. Once value gets reflected you can select “Line and Stacked Column Chart”. This will give you fund a wise analysis of your mutual fund portfolio. You can select a respective mutual fund to visualize Total MF investment, current value and unrealized profit and loss in that fund. You can also apply a scheme wise filter. I have also given the facility to visualize % profit and loss.


Power BI is a powerful tool that can be used for Mutual Fund Portfolio Analysis and Tracking. In the above example, excel based data source is used. You can also use an online website for getting real-time data updates.

If you find difficulty in generating your own dashboard, you can download PBIX file and EXCEL file given here. Provide your mutual fund data in excel file and press Refresh Button your portfolio will reflect on the screen.

Shitanshu Kapadia
Shitanshu Kapadia
Hi, I am Shitanshu founder of moneyexcel.com. I am engaged in blogging & Digital Marketing for 12 years. The purpose of this blog is to share my experience, knowledge and help people in managing money. Please note that the views expressed on this Blog are clarifications meant for reference and guidance of the readers to explore further on the topics. These should not be construed as investment , tax, financial advice or legal opinion. Please consult a qualified financial planner and do your own due diligence before making any investment decision.