HomeMoney & Wealth80 Best Tips to Save Money

80 Best Tips to Save Money

Save Money

How to save money – It’s the first week of month and you must have got your paycheck. You must be happy as you will be able to spend money on shopping, restaurants, movies and all other stuff. But as the days goes this happiness turns in to sadness due to unavailability of money. Don’t worry you are not alone there are many friends like you who suffer badly at the end of month due to bad spending habits and mismanagement. In order to help you here are 100 Best useful tips to save money. Obviously, not all tips will be applicable to everyone. Just go through list and find out best saving tips applicable to you.

80 Best Tips to Save Money


  1. Pay yourself First – You should adopt strategy to pay yourself first. Invest first before spending money.
  2. Keep Track of Spending – You should keep track of money you are spending.
  3. Establish budget – Establish budget based on your spending and stick to it.
  4. Follow 10 Second Rule – Think for 10 second before spending money. This will help you to save lot of money.
  5. No spend day – Keep one day as No spend day to save few bucks.
  6. Start piggy bank – Start your own small piggy bank and start putting money in it.
  7. Do Price Comparison – You should do price comparison before buying any products.
  8. Learn Time Management – Time is money, hence you should learn time management.
  9. Follow Simple Living High Thinking – Follow warren buffet strategy of simple living and high thinking.
  10. Set reminder for bill payment – Set visual reminder for bill and debt payment. This is to avoid late fee and penalties.

Banking & Insurance

  1. Switch Bank Account- You should shift your bank account to the bank where  more interest is paid. Kotak bank is paying 6%. RBL pays 7.1% highest interest rate on saving bank account.
  2. Negotiate rate with credit card company or Bank– You should negotiate well with credit card company to save money.
  3. Switch to Term Life Insurance – Term Life insurance is better option instead of insurance policy paying long term low return.
  4. Switch your Home Loan – You should switch to home loan with less interest burden.
  5. Make Repayment of Home Loan – Repayment of home loan is best option to save lot of money.
  6. Minimize usage of ATM card – Multiple ATM transaction per month cost you money. You should minimize use of ATM card for withdrawal.
  7. Switch to low cost credit card – Compare credit card option and switch to best credit card option.

Food and Fitness

  1. Limit Junk Food – You should avoid junk food like Pizza, burger or hot dog, it is not good for health. If you limit junk food you can save money.
  2. Keep yourself Fit – You need to maintain good health by doing exercise or yoga. Good health will give you financial benefit in terms of reducing medical bills.
  3. Give up Alcohol – You should give up alcohol it is bad for health and for pocket.
  4. Reduce taking soda – You should avoid excessive usage of soda along with alcohol to save money.
  5. Avoid eating outside – You should avoid eating outside. This can save more money.
  6. Don’t take mineral water at hotel – You should avoid taking mineral water bottle at hotel. If possible take water from home.
  7. Make Pizza at Home – Instead of buying pizza from hotel make pizza at hotel
  8. Eat Less Non veg – You should avoid Non Veg Food make habit of eating veg food.
  9. Drink More water – You should drink more water. More water intake is good for health. Because of more water you will eat less and stay fit.
  10. Quit Smoking – You should quit smoking. Smoking will kill you physically and financially.
  11. Generic Medicine – Ask doctor to prescribe generic low cost medicine to save more money.
  12. Find low cost medical store – Find out low cost medical store offering discount to save money.
  13. Make your own beer or wine – Sounds funny but effective. You can think of making your own beer or wine.


  1. Buy used car – If you are planning to buy new car you should think of buying used car.
  2. Car Pool – Make use of car pooling this will save lot of money.
  3. Air Pressure of Car – Make sure air pressure of your car tire is proper this will ensure high average.
  4. Clean Air Filter – You should clean air filter of your car regularly. This will help to improve average of your car.
  5. Maintain Fuel efficiency of Car – You should maintain fuel efficiency of your car to reduce expense.
  6. Select Best alternative route – Instead of crowded traffic route you should select best alternative route to save on fuel and time.
  7. Use Public Transport –Instead of using private vehicle you can use public transport facility.
  8. Convert your car in CNG – You can think of converting your card in low cost CNG fuel.
  9. Cab Service – Compare Cab service before opting. This can save you money.
  10. Check Airline for low fares – Search for online low cost airline.
  11. Live Near to workplace – Live nearby workplace to save fuel cost and time.


  1. Use Whatsapp – Use Whatsapp calling instead of ISD calling.
  2. Use prepaid phone – Instead of going for post paid mobile connection. Limit yourself to prepaid SIM.
  3. Avoid Extra Mobile / Data Services – You should avoid extra data pack or value added service on your mobile.
  4. Use email – Communicate via e-mail and not by phone to save on communication expense.


  1. Shop at Thrift store – Start making shopping at ordinary store and not branded store.
  2. Buy good quality green appliance – You should buy five star green appliance. This will save lot of revenue expense.
  3. Buy goods in large quantity – You should start buying items in large quantity from whole sale store to save money.
  4. Buy Refurbish products – Instead of buying original product think of purchasing refurbish products.
  5. Avoid Imported Goods – Instead of buying imported goods go for local made goods.
  6. Delete credit card number from website – You should delete credit card details from website this will help you to save unnecessary buying.
  7. List making before purchase – You should make proper list before making any purchase.
  8. E-shopping – You should prefer online e-shopping. This will save lot of money.
  9. Purchase handmade gift and greetings – Handmade gift or greetings are less costly and can save you more money.
  10. Coupons can save money – You can find out good discount coupon or offer for online purchase. This can save lot of money.
  11. Avoid going to Mall – You should avoid going to mall unless it is necessary. Impulsive buying is bad for your pocket.
  12. Don’t buy branded cloths – Instead of buying branded cloths. Try to purchase normal clothing to save money.


  1. LED Bulbs – Use CFL and LED bulbs wherever possible this can save lot of money.
  2. Learn how to fix furniture – You should learn how to fix furniture on your own.
  3. Turn of lights – You should turn off light and appliance which is not in use.
  4. Repair vs buying new – You should opt for repairing instead of buying new things.
  5. Unwanted magazine – Stop unwanted magazine subscription to save more money.
  6. Buy Water Filter – Instead of buying mineral water bottle every month you should switch to water filter.
  7. Borrow from Library – Borrow book from library instead of purchasing new books.
  8. Use Thermostat – You should use thermostat at home. AC should be at auto cutoff limit with 25 degree temperature.
  9. Turn off unused appliance- To save electricity you should turn off unused appliance.
  10. Rent out unused space of your home – If you are living in big house you can rent unused space of your home.
  11. Buy Smaller house – You can opt for buying smaller house instead of buying bigger house.
  12. Do Regular car and home maintenance – You should regularly do car and home maintenance.
  13. Cut down vacation spending – You should cut down vacation spending to save more money.
  14. Start Garden – You can start your own garden at your home. You can farm useful things at home to save money.
  15. Turn off Television – You should stop watching television. This will lead to lot of financial benefit. It will lower your electric bill not only that you will be less expose to impulsive buying by watching TV ads.


  1. Discount and Holiday offers – Start looking for discount offer or holiday offers.
  2. Cash Back Offers – Look for Cash back offers to save more money.
  3. Free Reward Program – Look and subscribe for Free Reward programs.


  1. Invite friends instead of going out – You should do hangover at home instead of going out.
  2. Don’t spend more money on kids entertainment – Avoid spending lot of money on the entertainment of kids at malls.
  3. Avoid visiting cinema often – You should avoid going for movie often to save money.
  4. Cancel unused club membership – You should cancel unused club membership to save money.
  5. Swap Books online internet library – You should swap book, music and DVD online at internet library to save money.

Over to you –

What is your preferred way to save money?

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80 Best Tips to Save Money

Shitanshu Kapadia
Shitanshu Kapadia
Hi, I am Shitanshu founder of moneyexcel.com. I am engaged in blogging & Digital Marketing for 12 years. The purpose of this blog is to share my experience, knowledge and help people in managing money. Please note that the views expressed on this Blog are clarifications meant for reference and guidance of the readers to explore further on the topics. These should not be construed as investment , tax, financial advice or legal opinion. Please consult a qualified financial planner and do your own due diligence before making any investment decision.