HomeMoney & Wealth10 Passive Income Ideas & ways to make extra money

10 Passive Income Ideas & ways to make extra money

passive income

Passive Income Ideas – Passive income means additional source of income received on regular basis, without any efforts or with little efforts. Today we see many young and dynamic people are interested in creating passive income but they don’t know where to start from. In this article I will be discussing about 10 passive income generation ideas. These ideas will defiantly help you to make extra money.

In this list, I have only included practical and proven ideas. I have tried many of these ideas and I was able to generate good amount of passive income from this ideas.

10 Passive Income Ideas

1 Create a Blog

One of the easiest ways to generate passive income is by creating blog in your area of interest. Make sure content published by you on the blog is original and useful to people. You should be regular in publishing article on this blog. Once you get good traffic on your blog, you can apply for advertising program like google adsense and generate good amount of income from advertising.

2 Real Estate Rent

Second idea of generating passive income is very easy. You can generate regular passive income from renting real estate property. If you have more than two properties, you can let out these properties and earn regular rental income. Make sure to complete all legal formalities like preparing rent agreement and police verification before giving property on rent.

3 Become Vendor of Flipkart or Snapdeal and sell your product online

Third idea of generating passive income is by becoming vendor of Flipkart or Snapdeal. These sites work on profit share or commission basis. If you want to expand your business online this is best way. In order to become vendor you need to register your business on portal.

4 Buy Car and Give it on Rent

Success of online car cab booking companies like OLA, UBER is known to everyone. In order to increase their reach they often hire car on rent. You can tie up with these companies and give your car on rent.  This is very good idea for generation of passive income.

5 Advertisement Hording on Building or Apartment

If you are living in main road with proper visibility, you can place banner or hording on terrace and rent that place to advertisement agency. If you are holding right of terrace money will come to you else it will be income to apartment. You need to take appropriate permission before giving this place on rent.

6 Network Marketing

You can generate a good amount of passive income by using network marketing. Remember this idea will work only if you are very good at networking. Make sure you select good network marketing company.

7 Create Software App or Game

If you are expert in field of Information technology this idea is for you. You can create software for specific requirement and sell that software online. You can even create app or game for smart phone and earn good amount of money from advertisement and sale.

8 Start Small Part Time Business

You can convert your hobbies in to business. If you are good at photography you can become part-time photographer and generate good passive income. If you are good in teaching you can start your own tuition class.

9 Interest Income

This is very simple yet effective idea of generating passive income. Don’t keep any money ideal. Invest extra money in investment instrument like fixed deposit, PPF or Sukanya Samriddhi Scheme and build extra interest income.

10 Dividend Income

Dividend income is perhaps best passive income as per me. People like Rakesh Jhunjhunwala or Warran Buffet is generating huge income from dividend. If you have good knowledge about share market you can generate passive income of dividend from stock market.

Which Passive income idea is working for you? Do share in comment section.

Shitanshu Kapadia
Shitanshu Kapadia
Hi, I am Shitanshu founder of moneyexcel.com. I am engaged in blogging & Digital Marketing for 12 years. The purpose of this blog is to share my experience, knowledge and help people in managing money. Please note that the views expressed on this Blog are clarifications meant for reference and guidance of the readers to explore further on the topics. These should not be construed as investment , tax, financial advice or legal opinion. Please consult a qualified financial planner and do your own due diligence before making any investment decision.