HomeBusiness Ideas10 Zero Investment Business Ideas with High Profit

10 Zero Investment Business Ideas with High Profit

Zero Investment Business Ideas with High Profit – Starting up own business is a dream seen by many. However, only few can pursue it. The shortage of money is the main reason for not starting a business. If you want to start a new business, but worried about investment. Don’t worry! Here are 10 Zero Investment Business Ideas.

Well, you must have heard a famous quote – “There is no free lunch in the world” similarly there are no business ideas that can be started with zero investment. If there were any I would have been the first to start one. But yes there are business ideas that can be started with low investment or low money. I consider them as zero investment business ideas. You will require few resources, skill and low investment to start this business.

Here is a list of 10 Zero Investment business ideas with high profit. The list includes both online and offline business ideas.

Zero Investment Business Ideas

10 Zero Investment Business Ideas

#1 Network Marketing

Network Marketing is the most popular and preferred zero Investment business idea. In a network marketing business, you need to sell products or services of network marketing company. You will be paid commission income for sell as well as for making new members. You can generate regular monthly income by doing network marketing. There are multiple network marketing MLM companies available in the market. You need to select the best MLM Company and join the marketing team.

#2 Insurance Agency

Insurance Agency is next in the list of Zero Investment Business Ideas. You need to take agencies from insurance companies. You can take the agency of life insurance as well as general insurance. You need to sell insurance policies. You will get commission income on the sell of every policy. You require marketing and communication skills to start an insurance agency.

#3 Real Estate Agency

Real Estate is one of the best Zero investment business options as per me. Demand for real estate will never die. Millennial switching jobs due to higher salary are always looking for rental accommodation. Thus the demand of real estate agent will never end. In real estate agency, you need to tie up with owner of property as well as prospects who is planning to buy or rent property. You will get commission from owner as well as tenant or buyer.

#4 Labor Contractor

Labors are required in every field starting from construction to factories. If you have a good hold on the manpower you can become labor contractor. It is an unorganized sector with higher attrition rate. There are many factories and construction sites where the requirement of labor is very high. They are willing to pay money to contractor for unskilled labor. This makes labor contractor a very good zero investment business idea.

#5 Cleaning Service Business

A cleaning service business is next in the list. Due to a busy schedule and lack of domestic helpers, people opt for cleaning services. Cleaning services are required at home, offices and at the public places. Thus cleaning business is an evergreen business option. In this business, you need to provide labor (cleaner) as per requirement. You need to invest money for cleaning equipment such as brooms, mops, vacuum cleaner as per requirement.

#6 YouTube Channel

Starting a YouTube channel is Zero Investment Online Business Idea. It is an idea of creativity where you can monetize videos. To start YouTube channel first decide a topic on which you will be making videos. You can shoot live videos or make scribe videos using the software. You require good knowledge of audiovisual equipment and computer to start this business. Once your channel becomes popular you can go for YouTube Channel partner or paid channel concept for earning money.

#7 Blogger

Becoming a blogger is one of my favorites online business ideas. Blogger is a person who shares his knowledge on the topic by writing articles. Blogger as a profession sounds to be unusual, but bloggers make a lot of money online. You need to know about a specific topic to become a blogger. Make a website and start publishing articles. Once your blogs become popular and generate traffic, you can earn money via paid posts or via advertisements.

#8 Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is becoming a popular online business option nowadays. The prime reasons are zero investment and lucrative commission income.  Most of the company offers an affiliate marketing program to grow their business. Amazon, Flipkart, Snapdeal are some examples.

You can start affiliate marketing via Facebook, WhatsApp or via blogs. You need to share affiliate links by writing product reviews. You can earn commission income via Affiliate marketing.

#9 Online Education

Online Education has become a very good business option. If you have skills and teaching experience you can jump in the online education industry.  Many Engineering & MBA students are looking for online education options.

You can use tools such as Skype For Business, Google Hangout, Zoom for doing online teaching. Alternatively, you can build your YouTube Channel or website where you can offer an hourly package for teaching.

#10 Freelancer

A freelancer is a person that bids fixed cost project online and deliver based on the timeline. There are a lot of freelancers who are earning thousands of dollars every month with zero investment. You just require skills and time to complete the project or work assigned. The work could be related to IT or non-IT. If you have the expertise you can become a freelancer. A freelancer usually works online for making money.

Over to you –

I hope the above list of 10 Zero Investment Business Ideas with High Profit helps you in establishing your own business.

I have tried my level best to list down all possible zero investment business. If I have missed any business option and you want to see them here please post it in the comment section.

Shitanshu Kapadia
Shitanshu Kapadia
Hi, I am Shitanshu founder of moneyexcel.com. I am engaged in blogging & Digital Marketing for 12 years. The purpose of this blog is to share my experience, knowledge and help people in managing money. Please note that the views expressed on this Blog are clarifications meant for reference and guidance of the readers to explore further on the topics. These should not be construed as investment , tax, financial advice or legal opinion. Please consult a qualified financial planner and do your own due diligence before making any investment decision.