HomeCareer10 Pain Areas of Rat Race Circle - Job

10 Pain Areas of Rat Race Circle – Job

If you are doing a job you are in a rat race circle. The rat race circle is endless. Rat race means – 

  • Competitive Struggle
  • Difficulty moving ahead in life
  • Unnecessary Pain
  • Unpleasant life 
  • Attempt to earn a reward for the Hard work done by you
  • Limited Income 

Many people may disagree with me as they are satisfied with their job. They are happy with minimum progress and importantly with the boss. 

But, I was not. When I was doing the job I identified 10 different pain areas of Rat Race Circle – Job. Today I am going to share it with you.

Before sharing these pain areas, let me share with you Hexa Income Framework. As per my Hexa Income Framework – we have 6 types of people in life – Employees, Self Employees, businessmen, Entrepreneurs, infopreneurs & investors.

hexa income framework - shitanshu

Believe me or not being an employee is the worst place to be in. If you are an employee you need to start moving from employee to businessman, businessman to entrepreneur, and entrepreneur to infopreneur. 

To take this leap first thing you need to do is start something part-time where you have passion. If you start something of your passion your chance of getting success is very high. I have a 3P+3P =6P system that can help you to come out from the rat race circle. If you are interested to learn more from me you can join my webinar. 

Book your Spot by Clicking on the Link given here. 

A person doing a Job is in Rat Race Circle and it is the worst place to be at. Here are 10 Pain areas of Rat Race Circle. 

rat  race job

10 Pain Areas of Rat Race Circle – Job

#1 No Time

The problem with the job is the long working hours. Irrespective of your wish you have to accept long working hours –

  • To increase show your performance.
  • To please your boss.
  • To complete the pending work.
  • To do something extra to get a promotion.

This means you will have less time for your family and friends. You will never live a balanced life. This is the first pain area of Job.

#2 No/Limited Money 

The second pain area is – No or Limited Money. You must agree with me that No money is the pain today. Inflation is growing but your salary is not. Your expenses are growing but your salary is somewhat stagnant. 

No or limited money is one of the biggest pain areas of Rat Race Circle – Job.

#3 Living Beyond Income 

The next pain area is living beyond your income. Most of the people doing the job are managing the show somehow. In other words, they are constantly working on the expense circle and not the income circle. 

Living beyond income will always gives stress to financial life, personal life, and relationships. 

#4 Lot of Stress

Stress is an inevitable part of job people. I have personally experienced a lot of stress in my job. 

  • Stress about the deadline of a project
  • Stress about completing the target
  • Stress about apprisal 
  • Stress about the growing expense 
  • Stress about facing the boss 

Stress like this adversely affects your life and your health. It may invite some uncurable diseases like high blood pressure. I am witness to it. My work life use to give me a lot of stress and I got diseases of high blood pressure. 

#5 Long Work Hours

Long working hours are part and parcel of people who are in a Job. You have to work hard and show your performance in your job. To complete pending work or target it is natural that you need to work for long hours. 

Many times even the boss asked you to work for long working hours. Working for long hours is a pain area for many job people.

rat race circle job

#6 No Work-Life Balance

Another pain for a rat race circle job is No work-life balance. As it is long working hours your work-life balance goes for the toss. You can not spend more time with your family and it leads to multiple issues. In most cases, leaves are limited and one needs to explain to the boss about taking leaves also. This is one of the biggest pain areas for the job.

#7 Spoiled Relationship

The side effect or pain area of job people is spoiled relationships. As it is long working hours you can not spend time with your family and better half. This leads to a spoiled relationship. It is one of the biggest pain area of the job – rat race circle.

#8 Credit Card Debt & Loans

Debt is the biggest pain area for job people. Limited income leads to various types of debts and loans. You end up buying things on a credit card or you may end up taking up loans. These loans and credit cards lead you to a vicious circle of debt and you will always remain under pressure. 

#9 Limited Choices

Job means limit. You have a limit in everything and more importantly, you have a limit in choices. The main reason for limited choices is limited money. Money always gives choices and you will get more money only by doing business or by investing money. 

#10 No Fulfillment in Life

The last pain area that I could discover in the rat race circle is no fulfillment in life. You are working only for money, you are not living your passion. You are following the instructions of your boss and doing – do as directed job. This is the biggest pain area I could see in the rat race circle job.

If you are also facing pain like the above – It’s time to come out from the rat race circle. The first thing you need to do to leave the rat race circle is to learn high-income skills. High-income skills can help you to make a lot of money online as well as offline.

Shitanshu Kapadia
Shitanshu Kapadia
Hi, I am Shitanshu founder of moneyexcel.com. I am engaged in blogging & Digital Marketing for 12 years. The purpose of this blog is to share my experience, knowledge and help people in managing money. Please note that the views expressed on this Blog are clarifications meant for reference and guidance of the readers to explore further on the topics. These should not be construed as investment , tax, financial advice or legal opinion. Please consult a qualified financial planner and do your own due diligence before making any investment decision.